The B Team.

Discussion in 'Real Madrid' started by Highway Penguin, Nov 7, 2004.

  1. Highway Penguin

    Highway Penguin New Member

    Nov 7, 2004
    The States
    Well I enjoy reading about the B team, and learning new things about them, so I decided to start a thread about them. ;)

    If you haven't noticed this is my first post on the site. I've been quite active on other boards including PESinsight, and Soccer Fan. I love Real, it is just a shame I don't get to see many games.

    Real almost made it to second division, but they needed another team to loose and they didn't so they are stuck in the 3rd for another season, and they are doing quite well.
  2. illuminatus

    illuminatus New Member

    Mar 29, 2004
    Maybe you can start by sharing the info you already have with us, and maybe keeping us posted on the results. Who are the stars? Are players like Jurado, Javi Garcia, Diego Leon getting good opportunities?
  3. elmadridesta

    elmadridesta New Member

    Nov 3, 2004
    ivan perez jaunfran aberloa diego lopez (meijia) Solado Ruben de la red
  4. Gonzalo

    Gonzalo New Member

    May 15, 2000
    London (UK)
    Real Madrid B play in Group I of the 2nd Division B (in effect, the 3rd Division). Marca has the latest results and standings at

    There's also some news on the lower divisions as a whole in

    Real B is currently in top position in their group although they lost their last game against the 2nd placed team, Universidad Las Palmas.
  5. Highway Penguin

    Highway Penguin New Member

    Nov 7, 2004
    The States
    I know that Soldado is one of their best players. Surely he'll be up on the A team soon. After a striker leaves. Arbeloa is gonna be quite good in a few years. I think that our youth team are quite good. De la Red and Arbeloa both got jersey's a few weeks ago. They are starting along with a bunch of other B team guys in the Copa Del Rey.

    As you all probably know their keeper is the A team's third keeper.
    JuanFran is suppose to be the next Figo for us.
    I'll find some more info. ;)

    Last games line up-
    Diego López; Palencia, Ángelo, Robles, Paredes; Javi García, Trashorras (De la Red, 66’); Juanfran, Barral, Álex Pérez (Adrían Martín, 77’); y Soldado.

    Lots of talent coming up.
  6. gazzad_5

    gazzad_5 Member

    Jan 19, 2004
    its great being able to see these players in the copa del rey, lets hope we get another chance next match
  7. Gonzalo

    Gonzalo New Member

    May 15, 2000
    London (UK)
    According to the official website, the starting eleven will be:
    • Keeper: César.
    • Defenders: Arbeloa, Helguera, Mejía, Raúl Bravo.
    • Midfielders: Javi García, Celades, Borja, Solari.
    • Forwards: Morientes, Owen.
    The full list of 18 who will travel to Tenerife is:

    • Keepers: Casillas, César.
    • Defenders: Arbeloa, Palencia, Helguera, Mejía, Raúl Bravo.
    • Midfielders: Celades, Borja, Solari, Javi García, Juanfran, De la Red, Álex Pérez, Adrián Martín.
    • Forwards: Soldado, Owen, Morientes
  8. gazzad_5

    gazzad_5 Member

    Jan 19, 2004
    why is owen playing, he is not the one in need of a goal to restore his confidence, ronnie is, ronnie should be playing, or soldado, why is it owen gets played in these games i wonder? he is a first team asset now, we rely on him for goals, if were resting raul, figo ronnie, zizou, surely st mike come under that category too
  9. Highway Penguin

    Highway Penguin New Member

    Nov 7, 2004
    The States
    I think that Owen should play first team football, and let Moro and Soldado play the Copa Del Rey, after all Moro needs some confidence, and Soldado could prove himself.

    Solari scored correct?
    Or was it Javi Garcia?

    Line up-
    César; Arbeloa, Helguera, Mejía, Raúl Bravo; Borja (De la Red 49´), Celades, Javi García (Juanfran 69´), Celades; Morientes (Soldado 52´) y Owen.

    Anyways, Riki, ex-Real B player, has been scoring for Getafe. Another lost talent. Damn.

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