Thank God Laporta was not able to get Beckham: The F.C. Barcelona Elections thread

Discussion in 'Barcelona' started by jcvf90, Oct 6, 2009.

  1. jcvf90

    jcvf90 Member

    Dec 12, 2006
    Boca Raton, FL
  2. os_mutante

    os_mutante Moderator
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    Aug 8, 2003
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    I predict lots and lots of drama.

    This might be a good place to talk about "Barcagate," as it looks like a story that won't be going away soon.

    Here's an article about Joan, Sandro, Barcagate, and the "vicious circle."

  3. Hendrixforpope

    Hendrixforpope Member+

    Dec 15, 2007
    FC Barcelona
  4. jcvf90

    jcvf90 Member

    Dec 12, 2006
    Boca Raton, FL
    You would rather we be owned by some foreigner, who has no idea of what the club stands for, who just wants a toy to play with. I'd rather go trough politics than that. ;)
  5. Hendrixforpope

    Hendrixforpope Member+

    Dec 15, 2007
    FC Barcelona
    I prefer 'our' system, but politics in general = :rolleyes:
  6. unclesox

    unclesox BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 8, 2003
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  7. El Guero Sin Fe

    Sep 27, 2006
    San Francisco
    FC Barcelona
  8. os_mutante

    os_mutante Moderator
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    Aug 8, 2003
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    I'm trying to wrap my head around these elections on a slow Friday afternoon at work, I have two questions:

    1) When are the candidacies announced (or have they already been) and when is the actual election?
    2) What the heck does Joan Laporta do after his term is up?
  9. El Guero Sin Fe

    Sep 27, 2006
    San Francisco
    FC Barcelona
    I think Laporta is a lawyer in Real Life. So I imagine he'll go back to work. Unless he runs for some kind of public office, as has been speculated.
  10. Gilmango

    Gilmango Member+

    Jul 20, 2006
    San Francisco, CA
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    First, thanks for the link to Pep's knew blog on the elections (see earlier in this thread).

    Other speculation on Laporta is that he wants to effectively maintain some control of Barca by having one of his board lieutenants elected. He most definitely does not want Sandro Rosell elected after their very public split.

    Supposedly Rosell was spied on in 2005 after leaving the club, and the board members who were more recently spied on are thought to be potential Rosell supporters or potential candidates in their own right who might welcome Rosell back to the club. Either way there is a ton of ambition and ego involved.
  11. os_mutante

    os_mutante Moderator
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    Why the hell does Laporta care so much about Sandro coming back into the fold? It can't be just pure ego, is he really scared that someone could have a more successful run than him?

    I bet Sandro either welched on a bet or hit on his woman. ;):D
  12. unclesox

    unclesox BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 8, 2003
    209, California
    FC Barcelona
    Looks like there's been a break in the ranks as Jaume Ferrer - listed on the club's website as "Vice president with responsabitity for buildings and property and director with responsability for handball", and who has been part of Laporta's team since their 2003 election win - has publicly announced his intention to run for president.
    It was expected that Laporta's supporters would back the current First Vice-president Alfons Godall when he eventually submits his candidacy, but Ferrer's announcement has seemingly thrown a wrench into everyone's plans.
    Here's a link to the story from the website that was posted above.
  13. os_mutante

    os_mutante Moderator
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  14. jcvf90

    jcvf90 Member

    Dec 12, 2006
    Boca Raton, FL
    The gunners are nique sponsored.

    is another candidate it seems. At first I thought it was gonna be Rosell vs. the continuity candidate. But Soriano and this guy could take alot of votes from either.
    I just hope it ends with Pep staying and Cesc coming back (if we can't get Cesc, I can settle for Pep staying ;) )
  15. os_mutante

    os_mutante Moderator
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    Aug 8, 2003
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    Sorry, I meant that Nike would like him to be at another Nike-sponsored club when he leaves. Crynaldo is sponsored by Nike but LPB is sponsored by adidas and there's been friction. (Probably nothing that more hair gel couldn't fix.)

    Has Pep said anything about Cesc besides that he would welcome him back? If he came out and said that getting back Cesc would really make him want to stay, that can swing tons of votes to whomever can get it to happen.
  16. inswinger

    inswinger Moderator
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    May 17, 2001
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    I'm kinda pulling for a repeat of Laporta's bait-n-switch: BECKHAMBECKHAMBECKHAMBECKHAMBECKHAMBECKHAMBECKHAMBECKHAMBECKHAM-whoops-DINHO!
  17. Greddy

    Greddy Member

    Jun 24, 2003
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    FYI, Sandro Rosell has set up a twitter account (@sandrorosell).

    He's going to be doing a Q&A there, though as I understand it, you have to ask the questions on his Facebook page to receive answers via Twitter. Rosell 2.0 indeed. :D

    P.S. I'm totally following him.
  18. PhiloBarca

    PhiloBarca Member

    Oct 5, 2008
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    Do we have any socios on this forum who are voting?
  19. os_mutante

    os_mutante Moderator
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    Aug 8, 2003
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    Maybe lanu, but haven't seen him in a minute.

    Recent poll of socios:

    Who do you plan to vote for in the elections on 13 June?

    Sandro Rosell 33%
    Ferran Soriano 11%
    Alfons Godall 7%
    Jaume Ferrer 4%
    Jaume Llauradó 2%

    Don't know 36%
    Won't vote 4%
    Other candidates 3%

    total votes: 1000
    date poll: 4 to 6 february 2010
    poll method: telephone interviews with club members who have the right to vote, 95% certainty
  20. Capt.Tsubasa

    Capt.Tsubasa Member

    Nov 20, 2007
    FC Sankt Pauli

  21. unclesox

    unclesox BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 8, 2003
    209, California
    FC Barcelona
    Whoever wins the election, does anyone feel that the shirt will be soiled with a sponsor's logo once the Unicef deal ends in 2011? Have any of the candidates mentioned this issue? I'm guessing not as it could be viewed by some (ie MARCA, ASs) as dissing Unicef.
  22. jfcule

    jfcule Moderator
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    Aug 4, 2005
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    I like that the team has helped raise awareness and gave some money for UNICEF. But, I'd be extremely happy if the shirt was left "clean" this time around. We clearly don't need a shirt sponsor, since we've done fine without one and even paying UNICEF.
  23. os_mutante

    os_mutante Moderator
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    I said it back when the UNICEF first went on the shirt: it's a softening blow for an inevitable, real corporate sponsor.

    Honestly, if it happens, I'm fine with it. Times change, the economy changes, Barcelona has to stay current. I just hope it's a sponsor I can respect (ahem, *not online gambling sites*)
  24. PhiloBarca

    PhiloBarca Member

    Oct 5, 2008
    Austin, Texas
    FC Barcelona
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    United States
    I wouldn't mind a compromise in which we just make the Nike swish a little bit bigger and get some more cash from them.
  25. jfcule

    jfcule Moderator
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    Aug 4, 2005
    FC Barcelona
    I want to be go back to being the only big club with a clean shirt :D

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