Off All The Indignities! (WB Screws Up?) Anyone able to tell me how come one minute I'm watching halftime of the Revs and DC, only the next to see a re-run of Taxi? What the ***************?
Where is my Revs Game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I go upstairs for a seconbd and I come back and the show Taxi is on my TV. Same channel just no revs anymore. What the hell happened? Anyone know?
I was just hitting refresh a bunch of times waiting for this thread....THIS SUCKS!!!! Anyone know the number to call to see if they can correct this?
Your're not crazy. Right at half time, right when they were supposed to do a interview with Joe. On our digital cable, the games has been blacked out since the beginning. I had to find a tv and a antenna, just to get the first half. Its bad enough that the Revs are playing great this season, but then you can't even watch the game. Can anything else go wrong???
What is going on?!?!?!?!? Anyone have a number that I can call? Is there anything we can do? I am outraged! This had been an entertaining game. I am not happy.
They lost the signal and are trying to get it back. Call (617) 265-5656 and push #3 and you get the newsroom.
Bunch of ************ing amatuers. You have a problem, put the ************ing "technical difficulties" message up rather than doing a diservice to the viewership. ************ing figures. The Magpie
Nice job getting things organized Magpie so quickly Magpie. I had a feeling numerous threads would pop-up.
I can just hear some WB56 employee making some wise-@$$ remark about nobody noticing the difference anyway....
They must have got a decent # of calls because all the news mailboxs were full so I punched in a random name and got a hold of some guy who knew exactly why I was calling. He said they lost the signal and it would be back on shortly.
This isn't the first time wb56 f'd up. About a month ago they missed most of the first 1/2 of a match because they accidently threw an infomercial on instead. I just emailed them at, feel free to do the same.
speaking of broadcasts, I would really love to listen to the Revs game off of their web-site but what in the world do I click on to listen to it?!?!
They haven't been doing the internet broadcasts this season. WEEI used to stream the games at the start of the season, but they stopped. I asked the Revs about the internet broadcasts and was told that they would start following the move into the new offices, they have been moved in since May though so who knows the reason now.
If you look at the Rev's homepage,, it says, "Listen live on WRKO or on So where is it at, since the game's already over?