First Coach is fired this season. Fully surprising it is Gladbach's Ewald Lienen. He replaced Hans Meier early this year to avoid relegation and succeeded with that. Gladbach didn't have a good start (15th before the Sunday games) and this was his fate. Probably the fear to open their 52.000 capacity arena in 2.Bundesliga next year heated the debate that wasn't even a topic in the public unlike e.g. Gerets, Stevens and Jara. The successor is already appointed: it is Bundesliga coaching rookie Holger Fach, former Bundesliga player in Gladbach, Düsseldorf and Leverkusen. Fach was amateur coach in Mönchengladbach until 23 days ago - then he signed in D3 with Essen. He led them out of their crisis and back to the extended top group and no four weeks later he left the club to try his luck two levels higher.