If you are opposed to this, then the terrorists have already won. Or you're gay. Or female. Or Alan Alda.
Personally, I would not be opposed if ChivaGirls was composed entirely of hot 26-year-old foreign chicks.
That is a fantastic idea. Think they'll look like some of those latin american soccer cheerleader/strippers? It will make people take notice of the team if they follow that mold...
Maybe they saw the Crewzers and figured "better safe than sorry," or whatever the equivalent expression in Spanish is.
Wait, anyone have an archived copy of that page? It looks like they took away the height and weight requirements...
How about "Hot latin girls in skimpy clothing dancing while the team they represent is getting beat badly" girls.
Nice one. I guess Mr.Vergara realized that outside of the first home game, he won't be packing them in at the HDC like the Galaxy does. On a serious note, I realize how pathetic this really is, having cheerleaders be the main focus of the game . . . But then again, the Rapids have cheerleaders, and it beats having to watch Colorado play on their half of the field the entire game. Go Chivas Girls!!