will I get any support to create a non soccer related forum about suramerican things (politics, food and latin Music)? comments?
I definetly support this. If Mexico has one, then why not us? I'd make a great mod for that forum if it ever happened too, i can talk about anything NSR for hours
I'm up for this... But it has to have a section for Reggaeton lol. If you need any help PM me. I bet I can talk more about Hispanic culture than you, Doble. Well maybe just Puerto Rican shit. PS: I am not Nuyorican. (JLo, BigPun, etc.)
Yea, awesome, we were talking about this on another thread some time ago. I didn't know this thread had been started...talk about South American issues, stuff from the different countries, I'm sure Garcia will add his usual slide show....I hope this idea goes thru...
Just don't talk about Venezuelan politics, the conversation gets violent really quick. There are venezuelans that would wish death on their mothers if they showed support for the president. I rather not talk about it. But here's some videos showing what kind of people the Venezuelan opposition is. Enjoy! http://www.antiescualidos.com/Cine/ Why do some people support Chavez? Here's an article that might help you understand. http://www.rebelion.org/venezuela/ojocritico061102.htm
Sounds great. There are so many issues, some fun and others serious, that are not soccer related that need a closer look. People come for the futbol talk and will stay for the overall experience.
The idea sounds great. I would love to share my lovely christmas recipes with everyone. You all would go crazy if you tasted the Colombian dishes that I make. Besides, lets not forget about the party we threw a few weeks ago...I still have bad memories. It was highly rated and we had 100+ replies.
did that thread get erased? it was a classic "Sudamerica Party" thread, it should have been kept around as an example of how to throw a party..."sudamerica style." you cook? wow Nacional, that sounds like fun...help me out here..how many cups of cheese do you use for Buñuelos? I use hard cheese, what cheese do you use? how about some Tamales? man why does it alway come down to food?.... oh hey Dan, do you have the # of that Venezuelan beauty, I would like a private showing of that bikini she has on...
Preguntas NSR 1- Podria realizarse una trilogia de "Cien años de Soledad" al estilo "El Señor de los anillos?" 2- Alguien leyo: "Yo, El Supremo"? Cual es tu opinion?
lets do it please PM the super-MOD of your preference to make it going! I can wait to hear the culinary advice from atlnacional!
Re: Preguntas NSR muy buena esa idea...en estos momentos estoy leyendo por 2da vez a "DUNE" una serie de seis libros al estilo "EL Señor de los anillos," -Arthur C. Clarke dice esto sobre "DUNE" "I know nothing comparable to it except Lord of the Rings." se los recomiendo, esta en íngles claro... No tiene que ser Sudamericanos para postear en el "NSR," sería para toda habla hispana... bueno los dejo, cuando empieza esta Chiva???
Re: Re: Preguntas NSR Si yo tambien les recomiendo la serie de libros de Dune, aun que no encuentro que sea igual de buena que la serie de Lord of the Rings.
Re: Re: Re: Preguntas NSR bueno, eso es lo que dice Arthur C. Clarke.., todos dos son muy buenos en mi opinion....
nope guys...please email one of the mods of this forum to get the wheels turning towards the NSR suramericano para hablar de libros y tradiciones navideñas, etc
Saltenyaaaaaaaaaaaassssss yummmm. Alright cmon lets go lets get this thing started by the first of January. We've got so much to talk about in this new forum I cant wait.