So... We're Putting Our Dog Down This Afternoon.

Discussion in 'Parenting & Family' started by Val1, May 19, 2014.

  1. Val1

    Val1 Member+

    Mar 12, 2004
    MD's Eastern Shore
    Arsenal FC

    Raven is 16 and we've had her for 12 years. She started slowing down about a year ago, her hind legs started giving her problems 4 months ago, two weeks ago she stopped eating (for all intents and purposes) and as of Thursday, she could no longer stand. We made the decision it was time on Friday and the vet is coming to our house in about three hours. I've had a mental clock in my head, counting down the hours all weekend, and now that the moment is Oh-so-close, it feels like a fvcking execution. Oh, I know it is time. But I almost want to get stuck at work and miss the deed.

    About a year ago, we discussed with our daughter where we would bury Raven. She never spent any time in the backyard, she's a Rottweiler - Beagle mix and we discovered early on that she could clear a 6' fence. So we never fenced the back yard, and she was a runner. We always assumed we would cremate her. But on Friday, Mary mentioned burying her in the front flower bed, right under the bay window that was her favorite perch. And damn, that seemed right. So yesterday afternoon, I dug her grave. There is absolutely nothing that can prepare you, or me at least, for digging a grave for a loved one. One of the very hardest things I have ever had to do.

    I know lots of people who consider their dog or cat to be more than that, more than just a member of the family, but equate them with their kids. I have kids, and while I love Raven, she is not my child. But as the inevitability of her passing has settle down on my family, I cannot imagine a sadder time. Today really sucks.

    Farewell Raven. Raven1.jpeg District 1 Easton-20140519-00041.jpg
  2. bigredfutbol

    bigredfutbol Moderator
    Staff Member

    Sep 5, 2000
    Woodbridge, VA
    DC United
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    So sorry. It's never easy.
  3. Auriaprottu

    Auriaprottu Member+

    Atlanta Damn United
    Apr 1, 2002
    The back of the bus
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    Sorry for your loss, Val1. They just aren't supposed to live as long as we do. That probably doesn't help much, but your Raven has had a long life and I'm sure a great one.
  4. Mengão86

    Mengão86 Moderator
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    Nov 16, 2005
    Maryland, RJ/ES/PE
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    I can sympathize. Sorry for your loss. RIP Raven.
  5. msilverstein47

    msilverstein47 Member+

    Jan 11, 1999
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    United States
    Val, you have my sympathy. Gotta say that my 1996 decision to put down my Sandy was horrible but I wanted my face to be the very last face that she saw on the way out of this world...
  6. chad

    chad Member+

    Jun 24, 1999
    Manhattan Beach
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    So sorry for your loss.

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