Quakes find selves up against the wall VICTORY TODAY IS CRUCIAL IF S.J. IS TO LOCK UP PIVOTAL HOME FIELD http://www.bayarea.com/mld/bayarea/sports/soccer/mls/san_jose_earthquakes/4023884.htm "On larger playing surfaces at other stadiums, [the Earthquakes'] below-average team speed is exposed." Do the Earthquakes have a below-average team speed?
No, that should have read: "On larger playing surfaces at other stadiums, [the Earthquakes'] below-average offense and significantly below-average second-string defense are exposed."
the bright side is that the Merc got off their football-shaped a$$es and actually wrote an article about the Quakes on matchday.....
"It's like a curse." You know what, It's all in the head. If you say it's a curse, then you won't play well!