It wouldn't be that blatant. People forget that during Jim Crow, the laws never baldly stated "Black people are not allowed to vote."
Damn fine article in The Bulwark THE FAILED ATTEMPT TO ASSASSINATE former president Donald Trump is a horror show. One person is dead, two are critically injured, and a terrible blow has been struck against American democracy. It cannot be stressed enough: Violence should have no place in American political life. But one cannot let the matter rest there. Following the old maxim of never letting a crisis go to waste, it took only minutes for Trump’s allies and supporters to turn the bloody episode into a battering ram against Democrats and the media. After lengthy counter-examples of Trump's attempts to incite violence or basically dehumanize his opposition, and they are legion and will likely grow over the next few days, the author concludes: “Almost any criticism of Trump,” writes the journalist Edward Luce, “is already being spun by MAGA as an incitement to assassinate him. This is an Orwellian attempt to silence what remains of the effort to stop him from regaining power.” Luce is exactly right. A climate of violence and fear has indeed been fostered in the United States over the last decade—but its primary source has been Trump himself. Echoing the language of the Nazis, Trump has called his opponents “vermin” and said that immigration is “poisoning the blood” of the country. It is a grim irony that, even as Trump’s supporters bemoan supposedly inflammatory rhetoric, Trump—and the country as a whole—have become its victims. And it is an additional, terrible irony that, Trump having narrowly survived this attempt on his life, may very well succeed in turning it to his advantage.
It's amazing how the Bulwark has emerged as the last redoubt of conservatism. Who would have thunk it.
When presented with two options: criminal mastermind or bungling incompetence, it is ALWAYS the latter.
I know I joked about it upthread too but I am really troubled by how much conspiracy thinking and disbelief of fact is out there. We've known forever that the right was basically mainlining conspiracy theory but I didn't realize how far the left had fallen into it as well, both online and IRL. Truth has officially been annihilated
While Trump wasn’t killed, another guy was and a couple of people seriously injured. It would have been awful to continue on.
He would if he could. The man was playing golf a day later. Even Tony Soprano's different outlook lasted longer than Trump's.
Not getting vaxxed. Spec Ops 1: Hey, I found a patsy. He's a good one. Spec Ops 2:Hmmm. He's registered already. As a Republican. Spec Ops 1: Shit. I missed that. Wait. What if we make him give some money to Democratic causes? That should throw off the scent. Spec Ops 2:Yes!!! That's it. Do it. No one will be the wiser. Proceed...
Is there any more reporting on the $15 progressive GOTV donation being from a different Thomas Crooks? I’m not seeing that up on the lame stream media yet. Just the one tweet posted upthread.
I wouldn't be surprised if there are a number of guys around the country who have come to political events with ill intent. But, when they saw there was no viable way to take a shot, they went home. In this case, the USSS made a mistake and this guy took advantage of it.
Interesting little article here on Crooks. I'm also a bit in disbelief about the concept of a rifle club in high school. I have led such a vastly different life to some of these more rural kids in the US.
I am not racist but I vote for racists is not the flex you think it is. In fact it would be better if the opposite is true as you alone cannot enact laws that discriminate..... the morons you vote for can and will do that I said racist but that was to make my point across better
But nowhere near as inspiring as the messages of love from a lot of the Trump-supporting church-going Christians.
??Plenty of urban schools had them back in my day. As common as car clubs, chess clubs, math clubs...
I don't have a problem with rifle clubs. Target shooting is a challenging activity, and in a controlled, structured environment such clubs likely would undercut the appeal of the darker aspects of modern gun culture.
I went to high school in a rural area and a lot of people hunted. I don't think there was a rifle club per se at my HS, but there were gun safety classes and all that, with the particular emphasis on safety.
1812856168265462263 is not a valid tweet id This guy was able to get on a roof where someone in the crowd could take a photo of him and still get 4-8 shots off. Wears glasses but isn't using a scope. Snipers on the roof were looking at him but didn't stop Trump from speaking. Someone needs to be fired.