Shock Jocks have gone too far this time

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Events' started by Ludahai, Aug 23, 2002.

  1. Jacen McCullough

    Nov 23, 1998
    Is the radio station morally responsable? Certainly. Legally culpable? I doubt it. All these people are clamoring for the complete shut down of this station over one over the line stunt, and I don't think the transgression was so extreme to warrant such an action.

    As to the church and how it "hasn't changed much in the last 2000 years," all I have to say is bullcrap. There was a time where latin was the language of the church, a time when you could get forgiveness of sins by purchasing indulgences. There was a time when meat was NOT eaten on fridays and on and on and on. All of this Catholic dogmais created by the men who run the church, not the Bible. On that end, the Bible is used to justify more crap against mankind than anything throughout history. Asking the church to lighten up a bit in mass, allow women into positions of authority and to stop molesting the Altar boys doesn't seem like alot to ask.

  2. Ludahai

    Ludahai New Member

    Jun 22, 2001
    Taichung, Taiwan
    Blasphemy may not be a crime, but trespassing is a crime. And even if you don't believe that they are any more than a few wafers, there are millions of Catholics in America who believe otherwise!
  3. Ludahai

    Ludahai New Member

    Jun 22, 2001
    Taichung, Taiwan

    God didn't write the Bible, man did. However, proof of God is all around us, if you would only take a moment and look at it.

    In terms of inquisitions and such, yes, the Church has change quite a lot. It isn't nearly as dictatorial as it once was. However, the basic faith has changed very little if at all. The basic statement of faith, the Nicene Creed, has remained unchanged for over 1600 years, and is said at every Sunday mass all around the world.

    Personally, I like fish. It more healthy than other meats. Many Catholics still eat fish on Friday's, though to be honest, I only keep meatless Friday's during Lent (where I eat fish).

    If you don't like the Catholic Church, fine that is your right. I don't like most of the Protestant sects. They are generally closed minded, and they made numerous changes to the Holy Scriptures. However, I respect them and their rights to worship as they choose. My wife is a Buddhist, and I respect hers as well. Please respect those who believe and practice the Catholic faith by not supporting the desecration of our places or worship.
  4. Jacen McCullough

    Nov 23, 1998

    You're grasping at straws now. Trespassing? At a church? IF the church asked the radio station to leave and they did not, it would be trespassing. Again, the people doing the funknasty are a different situation. As to the millions of Catholics in America and their wafers, I respect the right of people to believe whatever they want in religion. But they had best re-read the 1st amendment. The same bit of law that allows people to believe what they want, also guarantees people the right to disagree, and not be prosecuted for blasphemy.

  5. Ludahai

    Ludahai New Member

    Jun 22, 2001
    Taichung, Taiwan
    Of course, trespassing. Just because the public has access to a place, doesn't mean that they can do anything they want in it. Yes, they can certainly be prosecuted for trespassing.

    I am not suggesting that they be prosecuted for blasphemy. Trespassing is fine with me, as well as commting leud acts in a public place. Remember, the first amendment also protects religion and places of workship.
  6. Alberto

    Alberto Member+

    Feb 28, 2000
    Northern, New Jersey
    New York Red Bulls
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    Like Ludahai said the faith is contained in the Nicene Creed. That remains unchanged. You keep bringing up the dogma that has seen minor changes and you named all of them. That represents pretty minor changes over 2000 years. For the sake of your faith, you need to stop dwelling on the negative. I too became disillusioned and said the same things you said at your age. I assume you are in your early to mid 20's. Faith has to do with your personal communion with God, not a priest. He is there to facilitate and help you understand about the Faith. I agree there are many priests that go through the motions. That does not mean that I throw my Faith away, because of the failings of the Catholic Church or it's priests. In the end it's your relationship to God and your family that matters. Everything else is inconsequential.

    Stop using the failings of the Church to rationalize your crisis of Faith.
  7. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
    VB, VA
    DC United
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    United States
    You're wrong. They've been fined before.
  8. Smiley321

    Smiley321 Member

    Apr 21, 2002
    Concord, Ca
    Actually, I respect the Catholic church. But people who tell me that they've got things all figured out will get a hostile reception from me. Especially Mormons who come to my door.

    I've got good friends who are "born-agains", they tell me that the Catholic church is evil, I can't even remember the silly arguments but it has to do with the pope. You'll be happy to know that I give them abuse for that, too.
  9. Freestyle2000

    Freestyle2000 Moderator

    Feb 6, 2000
    DC United
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    O&A are legally culpable, barring any behind the scenes waivers we don't know about. The couple was accompanied by at least one producer (the guy who phoned back in) that is a paid employee of the show. End of story.

    Now, if the couple signed a bunch of legalese releases, then it gets interesting.

    As for the arguments pro- and anti-Catholic, all I'll say is that I'm totally behind Fred on this one: If this had happened in a mosque or a temple or a synagogue, you'd have 100s of organizations picketing the station's studios. Catholicism (and, at times, Christianity in general) is one of the accepted groups to bash in culture today. That's not to say the church hasn't done some things to bring that on itself, but sometimes the bashers go overboard.

    RS (confirmed Episcopalian - we're Catholic, but we like women and birth control :))
  10. Ludahai

    Ludahai New Member

    Jun 22, 2001
    Taichung, Taiwan

    I didn't say what we have all the answers. However, we do believe we have the right general direction. Only God Himself has all of the answers.

    Those Fundies are scary. They are some of the most closed minded people anyside of Mecca.
  11. Bill Archer

    Bill Archer BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 19, 2002
    Washington, NC
    Columbus Crew
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    United States
    And since when is being a "fundamentalist" a bad thing?

    It seems to me that the "fundamentals" of Christianity are love, charity and compassion.

    Now if there are some people out there who try to impose their way of life on others and call themselves Christians or Liberals or Rastafarians or Democrats or Homosexuals or whatever, only the very narrowest of minds point to them and condemn a entire class of people.

    Or better yet, come up with terms like "fundies" to try and further categorize and dehumanize them. Kind of like "kike" or "nigger" or "mick" or "spic".

    Some people refer to this as bigotry.
  12. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
    VB, VA
    DC United
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    United States
    Logic error.

    A person chooses a set of beliefs that we, in society, have come to define as "fundamentalist." (Both those who do and do not believe these things have agreed on the word use.)

    A person is born into the other categories. (Or, in the case of the Jewish slur, the category is so broadly defined as to, in essence, preclude considering as being a choice.)
  13. Dan Loney

    Dan Loney BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 10, 2000
    Los Angeles Sol
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    The Catholic Church, unchanged in 2000 years? Dream on, heretics.

    The Greek Orthodox Church - celebrating two millennia of letting their priests sleep with the opposite sex if they want to

    I'm missing the problem here. The people responsible have either been arrested or fired. Isn't that what's supposed to happen? No need to trot out the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.
  14. dcaddick

    dcaddick New Member

    Jul 10, 2001
    On the Bandwagon
    This is a great thread. Bill Archer, great takes.

    Shock Jock radio is old. It will continue to get worse, and people will continue to get dumber.

    Be strong. Buy a CD or an 8 track.

    In the same context...
    Bashing the Catholic Church is old. It will always continue to get worse, and people will continue to get dumber.

    Be strong. Igonre it. Or Join in. Whatever, the Church is going nowhere.
  15. Bill Archer

    Bill Archer BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 19, 2002
    Washington, NC
    Columbus Crew
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    United States

    ...and the number of the counting, it shall be three. You shalt not count to two, neither shall it be four. But three is the number that thou shalt count, for it is pleasing to me....

    Actually, there used to be an organization in the US that was very much opposed to the influence of the Roman Catholic Church. Rallies, marches, speeches, demonstrations.

    In fact, as I recall, it was VERY big down around Atlanta where old Linus hangs out.

    The Klan I think they called it.
  16. Eric B

    Eric B Member

    Feb 21, 2000
    the LBC
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    Fred, how do you scratch your nose when you're nailed to that cross like that?
  17. Ludahai

    Ludahai New Member

    Jun 22, 2001
    Taichung, Taiwan

    I wasn't referring to all non-Catholic Christians. I was referring to those that fit the modern description of fundamentalists. I am not referring to mainstream Protestant denominations.

    Are you done messing around with the Bible then Martin Luther?

    I've heard of that.
  18. Ludahai

    Ludahai New Member

    Jun 22, 2001
    Taichung, Taiwan
    And as a Catholic, I am against everything the Klan stands for, though to be honest, when I lived in Metro Atlanta, I never ONCE saw the Klan, heard of a rally in the area or heard of any significant support for the Klan. I used to (meaning I NO LONGER live in the Atlanta area, or even in the US for that matter) live in an area of Atlanta with a growing Catholic population in the most affluant area of the Metro area.
  19. Ludahai

    Ludahai New Member

    Jun 22, 2001
    Taichung, Taiwan
    Don't you just love how some people just can't seem to debate an issue without personal attacks? Isn't that a violation of the rules of this forum by the way?
  20. Bill Archer

    Bill Archer BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 19, 2002
    Washington, NC
    Columbus Crew
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    United States
    No, no, none of them Klansmen down in Georgia, nossir. Spend a lot of time out among the people pal, or did you just hang around Asian girls?

    Just out of curiosity, would you mind sharing your insight with us and give us this "modern description"?
  21. dcaddick

    dcaddick New Member

    Jul 10, 2001
    On the Bandwagon
    I can help with that....

    Modern Fundamentalists=

    Noun. Crazy person.

    Modern Stereotype=

    Adjective. See above.
  22. nicodemus

    nicodemus Member+

    Sep 3, 2001
    Cidade Mágica
    PAOK Saloniki
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    United States
    We have a winner. Tell him what he's won Johnny.
  23. wu-tang beez

    wu-tang beez New Member

    Apr 19, 2002
    Irving, TX
    I had all intentions of saying that I heard the syndicated show on my local dial, but then I started reading some of the other ignorant banter about the Klan and differences b/w the religions & it spoiled my mood. Well, all except seeing Sogreasy return to his venom-filled, witty and sarcastic form saved me. ;)
    Sure the Catholic Church has remained largely conservative in its approach in confronting new developments, but it has adjusted slowly to improve its service. For example, Mass is now read in the native tongue of the land and all of the priest are formally trained in interpreting the gospel. Rigidity against radicalism is one of the constants that I believe gives it strength over more recent sects ie, the Latter Day Saints and the 7th Day Adventist.
  24. Ludahai

    Ludahai New Member

    Jun 22, 2001
    Taichung, Taiwan
    And I am sure being over in Oklahoma gives you so much insight on what Metro Atlanta is like!

    Next thing you are going to tell me is that you know the situation in Mainland China and Taiwan better than I despite the fact that I have lived in both!

    Oh yeah, right. Already tried it with China, didn't you?
  25. Ludahai

    Ludahai New Member

    Jun 22, 2001
    Taichung, Taiwan
    The sale of indulgences was dealt with at the Council of Trent. It was an ill in the Church, but the sale of indulgences was a human wrong in the Church. I never claimed that the people in the Church were perfect. BTW, indulgences have never been shot down, it is still an important part of the Catholic faith, it is the SALE of those indulgences that have been shot down.

    Hey, any more deletions from the Bible you would like to make?

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