I saw a report on CNN International yesterday that disturbed me profoundly. There is a radio show in New York named Ollie and Anthony. They put on outrageous stunts (ala Howard Stern). Well, they put on a sex contest at Saint Patrick's Cathedral in New York City. As a Roman Catholic, I am outraged by this. It is bad enough to do such a perverted act in a place of worship of any religion, but to do so in a building that is presently housing the living presence of the living Christ is an abomination. I know Protestants and non-Christians don't belive this, but millions of Catholics belive that the bread and wine are transfomed into the body and blood of the living Christ. The body is placed in a tabernacle in the church throughout the year except during the Easter Triduum. To perform such an act with the body of Christ present is blasphemy to millions of Catholics in America. What should be done? Anyone involved with this should be prosecuted to the highest extent of the law. The radio station should lose its broadcasting license for at least five years. Anything less than this, and it WILL happen again. It seems ok in American to go after Catholics, even more so these days.
I didn't say that the problems with a SMALL number of priests was wrong and that it shouldn't be addressed. It IS wrong, and it SHOULD and IS being addressed. However, you totally ignore the point of my post, the outrageous actions of the shock jocks in New York City!
If you actually LISTENED to the show, you'll know that they DIDN'T put this stunt on. THere was a contest to see who can have sex in the most outrageous place. They never said, "Go to St Patrik's and do it". The two people involved could've chosen ANY other place in the US of A to do it in. What are they supposed to do when a caller calls in saying that they are about to do it in the church? Im sure 99% of people would AIR it. Do I agree with you that its disrespectful? YES. DO I think the jocks have the blame? NO. It's the two morons who chose the church. Its like if MLS had a "Show us whos the best Metro fan" and some dude goes off and kills a DC fan or whatever. Is Metro/MLS responsible?
How in the world can you be sure the number is small (it was even "smaller" before all these people came forward), and why hasn't the Pope seen these guys out of the church permanently?
You're right, the US cardinals have debased the church more than a couple of thirty-something juveniles ever could. However, serious church-goers are entitled to worship without clowns getting a cheap thrill next to them. Or homosexual activists blaming them for their AIDS, for that matter. And I'm an atheist. Throwing the book at these clowns won't fix the cancer in the church, though. Unlike the church, the brass fired those responsible for the fiasco.
Did you look over to the left of this page and see where I am now? It is a little hard to listen to a pathetic New York radio station from 12 time zones away. If that is all it was, why is the FCC considering revoking the broadcasting license of the radio station? [/B][/QUOTE]
First of all, the Pope doesn't control the day to day workings in each Parish, Deanery, Diocese, and Archdiocese in every country the Catholic Church is present. In fact, national churches and archdioceses have considerable discretion in their inner workings. It isn't easy to defrock someone who has been ordained. It is a difficult and lengthy process. However, I agree that people who certainly have done these things need to be moved out of their parish. However, there have been instances (in the US and Australia that I am aware of) of false accusations.
Thank you. I also respect your right to be an athiest. We will fix the problems in our church. Lay people like myself who love the Chuch and love our faith will demand that it does.
Then why are you commenting on something you know HALF the facts about? Myabe I should comment on the preist scandal and how EVERY priest is a f00cking pedophile. Yeah that works. Because the church pushed them too and all they are doing is INVESTIGATING to see if any rules were broken. To consider something is to think about it. They, like yourself DIDNT listen to the show, the FCC NEVER does it only investigates shows when complaints come in. Every expert interviewed on this matter said they've be VERY SURPRISED if the FCC did anything because NO RULES WERE BROKEN. The radio station let them go because they figured it would save them the hassle of defending themselves. And they were pndering moving to a different format anyways. SO this just made it easier. Next time you decide to peon your trap make sure you know about the subject first.
Anybody who wants to hear the bit, a good link is: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/opieanthony1.html As for the rest of this, don't try to turn this into a "Religious Gestapo vs. Normal People" thing, or a "Catholics vs. The World" thing. In reallity, it's a "Obnoxious Classless Jerks vs. People with a modicum of Common Decency" thing. First of all, can't you see that the whole POINT of balling in St Pat's was that it's an outrageous act? It wasn't worth doing otherwise. Secondly, change the scenario a bit: instead of a Catholic Church, suppose they did this in a Mosque? These guys would need bodyguards for the rest of their lives to protect them from the Moslems who would be outraged at the defiling of their sanctuary, while Liberals from coast-to-coast would decry the "cultural insensitivity" and "lack of understanding and tolerance" and blah, blah, blah. Hindus, Sikhs, Buddists, same deal. Everyone would be outraged at this lack of sensitivity and respect for other people's beliefs. But hell, since it's just the Christians, it's just too bad they didn't do a Linda Blair with a crucifix while they were there, right? Hey, it's just those Catholics anyway; don't they have a sense of humor. Tell you what; tell me where your grandmother lives and I'll go to her house, drop my pants and take a big healthy dump on her front lawn at high noon. Who cares if the old bag doesn't like it? Tough titties. Have we lost every single scrap of decency at long last? Every bit of respect for other people's feelings? Is there NOTHING that shouldn't be defiled and turned into a fraternity prank? Very sad. Very troubling. How much lower can we sink as a culture?
Thanks for the link. I needed some jerk to prove my point. What has this to do with the radio bit? Absolutely nothing, except perhaps to reinforce your prejudices against the Catholic Church. Just one big target for you, right? One big pedophile joke. And it certainly is EXTREMELY relevant and absolutely RIGHT ON POINT to post a link about some obscure rural priest in a town you never heard of in a country you've never been to lost his cool for a second. Completely justifies fucking in St Pats. Direct connection. Can you say B-I-G-O-T? Sure you can.
Lighten up, Francis. Did you ever think for a moment that I might have made this post in jest, perhaps trying to show how any news of anything even remotely negative about the Catholic Church seems to be making headlines these days? Of course you didn't. BTW - I've been to Spain. Twice.
I don't get it. The two morons are responsible for their action, but the jocks aren't? Look, the jocks didn't have a gun to their heads. The two people in the church weren't threatening to kill anyone if they didn't get on the air. I would think that a license to broadcast in the NY metropolitan area is worth at least 8 figures. It'll be great if the FCC yanks the license and has an auction for the frequency. If they show footage of it for Veronica's 60th minute, and interview the guy from jail, yes.
Without footage of the act, there is no actual proof that it even happened. Prosecuting someone (be it the people who scrumped in the church or the radio station) for offending a pile of wafers is ludicrous. Blasphemy is not a crime. This is coming from a Catholic who realizes that if the Church doesn't get that giant stick out of its ass, it will continue to die slowly until there is no more church. JMac
I'm sure this will be of interest to every single criminal...I mean, accused criminal...where the crime isn't on videotape. This will really empty out the jails.
So it's your theory that the stodgy old Catholic Church should lighten up, get with the times and encourage people to fuck in the pews? If you think that expecting a certain level of simple respect and common decency is "having a stick up your ass", then tell me when your wedding is and I'll bring a couple hookers and loudly ball in the front row. Then I'll show up at your mother's funeral and do the same, accompanied by a street thug rap group. Maybe fry up some dinner at the same time, or vend hot dogs to the congregation. Hey, it's no big deal, right? Get the stick out of your ass. In any case, the Muslim Religion seems to be thriving, but I'd like to see you try any of that crap during one of THEIR services. Refusing to let people fuck during services is NOT really the reason the Catholics are having problems. Of course that's just my opinion.
No the station is to blame and specifically O & A by sending a producer to the Cathedral to record and air the segment for the show. They could have opted not to air the piece. And please don't use the argument, that 99 percent of the other stations would have aired the segment. If they did they deserve the same treatment as O & A. Just because everyone does or goes along with it does not make it right.
Well Jason, considering they were arrested and charged with lewd and lascivious behavior, they also had their genitals exposed as reported in the NY Times, it stands to reason, or there appears to be a strong possibility that they had sex in St. Patrick's. I also don't understand this nonsense about what's wrong with the church affecting your faith. If you believe in God and Jesus Christ is your savior, I don't care if it turns out the 50 percent of priests are pedophiles, it should not affect your faith. Also, just what is wrong with the church? Perhaps people need to look at their own belief systems and stop trying to change the message from God to suit a 21st century viewpoint. That's what's really wrong with the Church.
As for the videotape bit, I thought it was more of a thing where people called in and said where the worst place they ever had sex was, not that they were going to go do it there. My bad, I didn't hear the actual bit and apparently misconstrued what people had said here. I still don't think the radio station is to blame here. The people who were doing that in the church were (no I don't condone sex in any public place.) As for what I think is wrong with the Catholic church, just look at it man. Go to Mass. They don't celebrate a damn thing. They go and repeat the same stuff over and over week after week without even thinking about what it is they were saying. It doesn't bother you that the Church is more outraged about this radio bit than it is about the priest molestations? The only time I actually feel like I'm in the prescence of people celebrating their faith is when I'm at a predominantly black church. Generally, as a people, they seem to get what it's about. So yes, in my opinion, the Church needs to get the big stick out of it's ass, get some perspective on what's worth making a spectacle over and try to salvage some of their followers before it's too late. JMac PS: Alberto, look through history a bit. Religion has been changed to adapt to the times on numerous occasions. Rules that used to be set in stone are gone. New ones are in place. For that matter, most of these untouchable church doctrines were created by man, not God, Jesus or the Bible.
Jacen, how can the station not be blamed? The station or program manager if he is doing his job is listening to the show. He could have immediately have gone in and pulled the plug on the broadcast. He could have said to Opie and Ant, look guys this has gone too far, either you guys cut the piece or I pull it off the air. Also, what about the fact that the people that did this act came up from Virginia as part of a contest for the most outrageous act on the O&A show. Come on, this never would have happened if it wasn't for the contest, and the fact that the show had a segment producer and it aired live shows that they are culpable and got what they deserved. The major changes inacted by Vatican II were to get rid of Latin and to allow the Mass to be said in native language of the parishioners. Today, people are asking for the church to make major philosophical changes. I think John Paul II made some pretty persuasive arguments on why it should not happen. Yes, the Bible was written by men, but the difference if you believe is that they were men inspired or transcribing Gods own words. Other than the Protestant reformation, Christianity has remained little changed in over 2,000 years. I think if you are not happy with the Church, look at different churches such as Protestant Churches, perhaps you will find something that meshes with your religious beliefs. Part of the tenants of faith is to believe in the absence of any proof.
I was born and raised Catholic. Was confirmed, and all that jazz. Even was in Vatican City on Easter, and saw the Pope (I've got a photograph of me with the Pope - he's the really small guy over my shoulder! ). My wedding this coming Saturday? Catholic. Of course, I'm a "recovering Catholic". Or "recovered" might be the better term (aka - atheist). And, guess what, I'm still going to come down on Fred's side. O&A were clearing encouraging lewd (and probably unacceptable, however funny) behavior, but the real blame is on the couple - they are the ones who chose St Pat's.
That's why I'm an atheist, I think that a supreme being would write something more substantial than the Bible. And offer more substantial proof. The catholic church has changed alot in the past 500 years. The pedophile scandals are minor compared to the Borgias and the Inquisition. If you want the good old days, be ready for muderous popes. I grew up having the stench of fishsticks every friday at the school cafeteria, so be happy about that relaxing of the "fish on Friday" edict.