She never said No

Discussion in 'Premier League: News and Analysis' started by TheBee, Oct 4, 2003.

  1. TheBee

    TheBee New Member

    Oct 3, 2003
    Bravo for arresting the Pimp (know as party organiser). But there is one thing I don't understand. The only guy arrested is the one she consented to have sex with. She said she said yes to him and no to all the other. The ones accused of rape have not been arrested and not even question. Where is the logic? I am not saying I feel sorry for the pimp guy, he is the one who planned this orgy/rape. But there is not logic. Or perhaps there is. One has to be extra kind to the footballers because they are special people.
  2. stanleyt

    stanleyt Member

    Dec 7, 1998
    Harlem, USA
    It's because of the money that the players are getting that the clubs can't "control" them. You can fine players, suspend them and even release them but you can't physically keep them from their lives once training and/or matches end. It doesn't happen to most of us w/regular jobs and it certainly won't to a 10K a week midfielder.

    Realgirl, you may say you can tell a 17 year old from a 22 year old(I can tell due to the way a woman carries herself- young people always try to act as if they're older). However, with the hormones in foods nowadays, I can safely say that today's 15 year olds don't look as young as the 15 year olds when I was their age.

    Also, with the prevalence of sexual imagery and lyrics, who's to say that young people wouldn't be knowledgeable about gangbangs? We've had articles(titilating and extreme to be certain) about teenaged sex parties: Kids 15 and up having unprotected group sex. It may not be the norm but it does happen and will happen.

    As for the comment about the footballers getting involved w/an immature heiffer. I'm sure it wasn't her maturity they were after. What they should've known and what Kobe Bryant should've known, is that you shouldn't have sex with someone you don't "know."

    From what I understand, pro athletes usually go to strippers, call girls and groupies who have had liasions with other players(and many of them do get passed around). The reasoning is the clear understanding on both sides as to what's about to transpire. Getting with someone who's conned their way into your room or has just been "hanging around" is asking for trouble.

    What there needs to be is sort of a "Rookie Camp" for young players making it to the first team. Making them aware of the responsibilites and potential hazards that await them once they turn pro. It's done in the NBA and a couple of other sports leagues as well. Will it stop these incidents from happening? No, but it will absolve the club from any liability for their player's actions.
  3. TheBee

    TheBee New Member

    Oct 3, 2003
    True, true, true. Only that this girl didn't con her way into what turned out to be their (and not his) room. She was conned not knowing it's their room. Because he invited her to his room. He never mentioned the word "their". She went with him. And not them. They turned up a bit later.

    I am not saying she is not responsible to an extent for what happened to her. I also believe a young girl should not go to the hotel room (or any place that has doors and looks) with an (odler) man who she doesn't know.

    I am also shocked her father didn't call the police when he found out she was not at home the next morning. My parents certainly would have.
  4. lond2345

    lond2345 Member

    Aug 19, 2002
    you have to be a dirty, disgusting sob to do a girl that has been done by your friend like a minute before (to me it is ever never mind minutes)

    Originally posted by TheBee
    Let's take me for example. I may not be an angel (even though I am). Let's assume I want to sleep with 99 men in one month. That would make me a whore. And then the 100th comes along and I say no. Does the fact that I was willing to sleep with those 99 give him the right to assume I am willing to sleep with him also? "

    I can't believe you even posted that (good way to lose respect from everyone with the dumbest example i have ever read)
  5. TheBee

    TheBee New Member

    Oct 3, 2003
    You are obviously too smart too understand what a dumb like me is writing.

    I don't need and don't want your respect. Nobody but you took the 99 number seriously. I just wanted to show that even a girl that sleeps around can be raped.
  6. Parkhead_Faithful

    Parkhead_Faithful New Member

    Dec 19, 2001

    How the *#*#*#*# can you understand im for rape??
    In my life some women very close to me have been raped by sickos and its heartbreaking, I was arguing from the assumption it wasnt rape as you were criticising the morals of men who play football for having sex with a girl, you intoned they led her on and made her do it, shes still a girl not yet a woman etc etc
    Wrong, in the eyes of the law she is a fully legal adult and personally responsible for her own actions, if she chooses to have it off with a roomfull of professional footballers, its her choice and hers alone.
    If this is rape (which it probably is but who can tell in this day and age of kiss and tells) the players responsible should be castrated, but in the meantime put the bible away and stop casting judgements on peoples morality for having sex.
  7. osme

    osme New Member

    Jul 31, 2003

    maybe there isn't enough evidence to arrest anyone else?
    ...oh i couldn't be that thought could it, i mean YOU know that they all did it so why don't the police!
  8. TheBee

    TheBee New Member

    Oct 3, 2003
    I never owned a bible. I have never read one and don't intend to.
  9. RichardL

    RichardL BigSoccer Supporter

    May 2, 2001
    Reading FC
    Nat'l Team:
    curiously that's pretty much just an American prison thing and doesn't really go on elsewhere, but for them (if guilty) it'd be nice if it did happen.

    Don't lose sight of the fact that the footballers themselves are still very young men, about 21, and due to being totally mollycoddled by their clubs since the age of 16, she was probably more mentally mature than them (and I mean that seriously).

    As to the age of consent, well oddly people seem to regard the age of consent they are used to in their country as being about right. I don't know if you are from the UK or the US (or somewhere else) but in the UK a lot of people leave school at 16 and enter the adult world. You grow up a heck of a lot more in 1 year out of school than you do if you stay at school. It's incredibly unlikely that she is some innocent little virgin and had she just slept with the one guy I doubt she'd have regretted it for a second. I'm not remotely saying she asked for it or any crap like that, just that portraying her as some poor little lamb doesn't really do her any favours - there was nothing wrong at all with her sleeping with this ONE guy and the fact that she consented to being with him doesn't make her character in any way questionable.

    It's not as if this kind of thing is going on all the time, so to say that Italian or Spanish footballers wouldn't do the same and are better is taring all English footballers with the same brush.

    The fact is if you take an irresponsible schoolkid (as virtually all schoolkids are) and stick him in a cossetted world where even the simplest mundane tasks are done for him, and then give him fame, adulation and a lot of money, then it'd be almost surprising if he didn't go off the rails in some way. Nobody seems remotely surprised when male pop stars of the same age behave wildly, with drink, drugs & groupies on tap. Although people may wish footballers to behave differently is it reasonable to expect them too? Now I'm not in any way defending what they (or any other footballing 'bad boys') have done, but clubs really need to start forcing players to have more responsibility for their actions from an early age. I've known people who have worked at football clubs and they always comment on how childishly footballers behave. All they are taught to do is follow instructions, which makes them very easily lead. I once was waiting for a flight up to Scotland and the Spurs squad walked into the departure lounge. Not only did an official have to hold all of their tickets for them, they had to be told where to sit as well as they seemed incapable of working it out for themselves. It really was just like watching a junior school outing.

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