Found a whole batch of full match videos lately on youtube from back in the day, thought I might share. Vitez PlavoSarajevo this one's for you guys
Two types of players I wish we had on our NT today are Susic and Bazdarevic. Hadzibegic would've been so legit for us today as well.. to replace Spahic.
You weren't around when he played so how could you have 'loved him as a player'? Poor Zeljo. He has to resort to threads about football from the past in Bosnia/Yugoslavia since everything is beyond repair these days in our country.
Odlično raspoloženi kao i uvijek, Kolarov i Džeko su sa puno smijeha odradili ovaj zadatak, a najzanimljivije pitanje postavio je navijač kojega je zanimalo kakvu bi snagu danas imala reprezentacija Jugoslavije obzirom na neosporan talenat koji dolazi sa prostora naše bivše države. - Sa Edinom Džekom u timu i drugim igračima iz bivše Jugoslavije pobijedili bi Španiju u finalu Eura 2012 sa 3:0. Potom bi David Silva molio da prestanemo - rekao je Kolarov.
They'd definitely be a top-four contender, no doubt. Winning against that Spain team that defeated Italy 4-0, on the other hand, would be quite the difficult task.
It would be a seriously tough matchup but I think the Spaniards' dominance and control on the ball would be the determining factor. Jugoslavija would have more decisive players though but the way this Spain team operates as a unit and know where every single player is at every single time, it's just incredible.
A today's Jugoslavija would have a distinctive style of play that would solve Spain's invincibility. You saw a bit of it in Croatia-Spain and Bosnia-Spain matches (we scored 2 goals against them and had endless amounts of shots). Combine speed, strength, intelligence, technique, everything in one team - Jugoslavija. Yugoslavian school football is the best.
Very good points, if you look at Croatia vs Spain and Bosnia vs Spain (not the 5-2, though, that game didn't matter for both teams), you'd see just how tough it was for Spain to get a victory over Croatia and ourselves. COmbine our teams, and add defenders like Vidic, and you get a great matchup and possible victor over Spain in a Euro final.
Spain were very poor in the Croatia game at the Euros though, it was a bland display and their worst of the entire competition. Not taking credit away from Croatia though, they were very good but Spain weren't even ever out of first gear throughout the match. The main thing about Spain is that they know how to grind out results these days as well, which is crucial to their success because you can't expect to win 4-0 or 5-0 all the time at international level. They haven't conceded a goal in the knockout stages of a major tournament since 2006, over 990 minutes of football since then. That's 16 and a half hours! You also HAVE to take your chances against them. You will get some, very few, but you will get some. You have to take almost every chance or second chance you get or you won't win.