Serie A Table [R]

Discussion in 'Italy' started by SueB, Nov 14, 2004.

  1. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    I usually wait until later in the season to do this, when the jockeying for European spots and relegation battles heat up. But the middle of the Serie A table is so fluid these days, I thought I'd start it up after the 12th round. Teams are labeled as to whether they won their most recent game (green), lost (red), or drew (black).

    Juventus 31
    Milan 25
    Udinese 19
    Chievo 17
    Messina 17
    Lecce 16
    Inter 16
    Lazio 16
    Livorno 16
    Cagliari 16
    Fiorentina 15
    Palermo 15
    Sampdoria 14
    Brescia 14
    Roma 13
    Reggina 13
    Bologna 12
    Parma 12
    Siena 11
    Atalanta 7
  2. CharlieBrown

    CharlieBrown New Member

    Nov 14, 2004
    I'm surprise to see roma at the bottom of the table
  3. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    25 posts and already a red rep mark ... somehow I'm not surprised you're surprised.
  4. CharlieBrown

    CharlieBrown New Member

    Nov 14, 2004
    It was a mistake. I gave somebody a red rep which later I wanted to retract but couldn't. Of course he gave me a red rep in revenge. By the time I apologize it was too late, it was already given. He wanted to take it back too but couldn't. BigSoccer doesn't allow it. So anyways, if you're new and don't have any points, a single bad rep can put you in the negative! :(
  5. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    The table after Week 13:-

    Juventus 32
    Milan 28
    Udinese 22
    Cagliari 19
    Palermo 18
    Messina 18
    Inter 17
    Lecce 17
    Sampdoria 17
    Chievo 17
    Roma 16
    Fiorentina 16
    Lazio 16
    Reggina 16
    Livorno 16
    Brescia 14
    Bologna 13
    Parma 12
    Siena 11
    Atalanta 7
  6. phillips10

    phillips10 New Member

    Oct 15, 2001
    New York Red Bulls
    its still very muddled with no less than 12 clubs between 16 and 19 points at this point...

    its fair to say its a 2-horse race at the top...but the other CL spots, UEFA spots all the way down to relegation places are very interesting. I think one of the traditional top 10 clubs like parma or bologna could go down...
  7. Mancityfan81

    Mancityfan81 New Member

    Jul 26, 2004
    New York
    Roma are baaaaad :eek: Atalanta are going to get relegated again (sigh)
  8. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Little late, but here's the situation after Week 14:

    Juventus 35
    Milan 31
    Udinese 25
    Cagliari 22
    Palermo 21
    Inter 20
    Lecce 20
    Fiorentina 19
    Sampdoria 18
    Messina 18
    Roma 17
    Chievo 17
    Brescia 17
    Lazio 16
    Livorno 16
    Reggina 16
    Bologna 13
    Parma 12
    Siena 11
    Atalanta 7

    With most of the greens at the top and the reds at the bottom, I think the table is starting to round into shape at last. Still, the teams right in the middle - Roma, Chievo, and Brescia - are only 5 pts from a CL spot yet only 5 pts from a relegation spot.
  9. prk166

    prk166 BigSoccer Supporter

    Aug 8, 2000
    Med City
    Ya, it's starting to look like it'll be Milan and Juve battling for the scuddetto. No suprise there, especially given history in the Serie A. Inter could still make a run if they start getting some clean sheets. At this point it's had seeing Inter and Milan stumbling enough to let them catch up, though.

    Udinese's suprised me the most this year.
  10. phillips10

    phillips10 New Member

    Oct 15, 2001
    New York Red Bulls
    no question about the top 2 and I think Inter will end up a comfortable three. Depending on the draw, all 3 should also be tough outs in the CL...

    what is interesting will be the final CL spot for next season. No way Lazio makes a challenge and unless Del Neri gets it all together at roma I think we'll see udinese and palermo fight for 4th at the end. Some different clubs on the big euro stage...

    curious to see if Zeman can steer Lecce to a uefa cup spot and if the club would allow him to keep some of their wanted players...
  11. Cassano

    Cassano Member

    Jul 16, 2004
    AC Milan
    Nat'l Team:
    I don't think Udinese is a s much as a suprise as Cagliari. Udinese has always been a top of the table team, but i think everyone was expecting a relegation-fighting Cagliari this season, but they got a European Spot-fighting Cagliari. The thing about Udinese, i want to see if Udinese's coach, Spalletti, was coaching a big team, how would he do.
  12. vipnerd

    vipnerd Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    La Mitad + Román
    With the 2 Rome teams out of Europe b4 X-mas ... expect their rebound in Serie A soon.

    As to the scudetto ... I am delighted with the results Juve is getting, not yet with the play.
    It is as if the Milan's 31 pts have been clearly earned ... despite a few late wins. On Juve's 35 pts ... its goal was never questioned, but the fortune to find the net has proved remarkably efficient so far. Nothing to complain here thou. ;)

    Lastly, Inter ... they are playing the nicer to the eye football in Serie A ... but their defending is really slacking. They make me picture this years Barça participating in Serie A ...

  13. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Week 15

    Table after Week 15:-

    Juventus 38
    Milan 34
    Udinese 28
    Cagliari 22
    Inter 21
    Lecce 21
    Palermo 21
    Sampdoria 21
    Roma 20
    Chievo 20
    Livorno 19
    Fiorentina 19
    Reggina 19
    Messina 18
    Lazio 17
    Brescia 17
    Bologna 13
    Parma 12
    Siena 12
    Atalanta 7

    Just when things seemed settled, a bunch of churn in the middle - big victories for Samp, Roma, Chievo, Livorno and Reggina. The situation for Parma is getting critical. They are lucky only 3 teams go down this season because a little gap has opened up from the bottom four. Still only 10 pts between the last CL spot and the relegation zone. Nine teams are within 3 pts of fourth place!!!
  14. ADIKeeper

    ADIKeeper New Member

    Aug 20, 2003
    Re: Week 15

  15. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Week 16

    After Week 16 (winter break)

    Juventus 39
    Milan 35
    Udinese 31
    Inter 24
    Palermo 24
    Sampdoria 24
    Roma 23
    Cagliari 22
    Fiorentina 22
    Lecce 21
    Livorno 20
    Chievo 20
    Reggina 19
    Messina 18 - game postponed until Jan 19
    Lazio 17
    Brescia 17
    Bologna 16
    Siena 13
    Parma 12
    Atalanta 7 - game postponed until Jan 19

    Udinese closes ground on the two leaders. And it looks like the cream is finally rising towards the top of the table with Inter, Palermo, Sampdoria, Roma and Fiorentina all getting strong results.
  16. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Week 17

    After Week 17

    Juventus 40
    Milan 38
    Udinese 31
    Inter 27
    Sampdoria 27
    Cagliari 25
    Palermo 24
    Roma 23
    Fiorentina 22
    Reggina 22
    Lecce 21
    Lazio 20
    Livorno 20
    Chievo 20
    Messina 18 - played one game less
    Brescia 18
    Bologna 17
    Siena 16
    Parma 13
    Atalanta 10 - played one game less
  17. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Week 18

    After Week 18

    Juventus 43
    Milan 39
    Udinese 34
    Inter 30
    Sampdoria 27
    Roma 26
    Palermo 25
    Cagliari 25
    Lazio 23
    Reggina 23
    Lecce 22
    Fiorentina 22
    Messina 21 - played one game less
    Bologna 20
    Livorno 20
    Chievo 20
    Brescia 18
    Parma 16
    Siena 16
    Atalanta 10 - played one game less
  18. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Anybody else notice that Chievo is basically in free-fall? Many predicted they'd go down when Del Neri left, and it may be happening after all.
  19. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Week 19

    After Week 19 (half-way point)

    Juventus 44
    Milan 42
    Udinese 34
    Inter 31
    Palermo 28
    Sampdoria 28
    Roma 27
    Cagliari 26
    Reggina 24
    Lazio 23
    Fiorentina 23
    Livorno 23
    Lecce 22
    Bologna 21
    Messina 21 - played one game less
    Chievo 21
    Brescia 19
    Parma 19
    Siena 17
    Atalanta 11 - played one game less

    Lots of ties today. Messina-Atalanta gets made up this Wednesday.
  20. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Week 19 (half-way point)

    Just updating with the result of the postponed Messina-Atalanta game, which was played today. Here is the table at the "official" half-way point:-

    Juventus 44
    Milan 42
    Udinese 34
    Inter 31
    Palermo 28
    Sampdoria 28
    Roma 27
    Cagliari 26
    Reggina 24
    Messina 24
    Lazio 23
    Fiorentina 23
    Livorno 23
    Lecce 22
    Bologna 21
    Chievo 21
    Brescia 19
    Parma 19
    Siena 17
    Atalanta 11
  21. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Week 20

    Juventus 47
    Milan 42
    Udinese 34
    Inter 32
    Sampdoria 31
    Roma 30
    Palermo 29
    Reggina 27
    Messina 27
    Livorno 26
    Cagliari 26
    Lecce 25
    Bologna 24
    Lazio 23
    Fiorentina 23
    Chievo 22
    Parma 19
    Brescia 19
    Siena 18
    Atalanta 11

    Interesting thing (to me) about this table is that no southern teams are in the relegation mix at the moment.
  22. RandyNA74

    RandyNA74 Member

    Jun 9, 2004
    Washington, DC
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: Week 20

    I noticed that last night as well!! Good times.
  23. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Re: Week 20

    Juventus 50
    Milan 42
    Inter 35
    Udinese 34
    Roma 33
    Sampdoria 32
    Reggina 30
    Palermo 29
    Cagliari 29
    Lecce 28
    Bologna 27
    Messina 27
    Livorno 26
    Chievo 25
    Lazio 23
    Fiorentina 23
    Parma 22
    Brescia 19
    Siena 19
    Atalanta 11

    The top of the table is beginning to look more familiar (until Reggina in 7th, at least), while some interesting names are lingering just above the drop zone.
  24. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Re: Week 20

    Juventus 50
    Milan 45
    Inter 38
    Udinese 37
    Sampdoria 35
    Roma 34
    Palermo 32
    Reggina 31
    Bologna 30
    Cagliari 30
    Lecce 29
    Livorno 27
    Messina 27
    Chievo 25
    Lazio 24
    Fiorentina 23
    Parma 22
    Siena 20
    Brescia 20
    Atalanta 11

    All the red at the bottom, with one conspicuous exception at the top.
  25. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Week 23

    Juventus 50
    Milan 48
    Udinese 40
    Inter 39
    Sampdoria 38
    Roma 35
    Palermo 35
    Cagliari 33
    Reggina 32
    Bologna 31
    Lecce 29
    Chievo 28
    Livorno 27
    Messina 27
    Lazio 24
    Fiorentina 23
    Parma 23
    Siena 21
    Brescia 20
    Atalanta 14

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