September Song

Discussion in 'The Beautiful Game' started by Dan Loney, Aug 31, 2006.

  1. Dan Loney

    Dan Loney BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 10, 2000
    Los Angeles Sol
    Nat'l Team:
    Here's something amusing about the standings right now. Both second-place teams are closer to missing the playoffs than finishing first.

    (So cutting the playoffs in half, from eight teams to four, would have had a negligible impact on the excitement of the playoff race going into the last month and a half of the season. Thought for food.)

    Here's who I think will miss the playoffs: in the East, Kansas City and Columbus. In the West, Colorado and I Just Don't Know. I thought RSL was hot hot hot, and then the New York Bread Rolls* miss an extra point on them. And then, they close down Landon Donovan like the Tehran branch of the Salman Rushdie Fan Club. Chivas USA does nothing for me, but neither did Bob Bradley's 1998 Fire. Los Angeles is the most inscrutable team in the league, by a long shot. They're the Police Academy of MLS - everyone hates them, they're impossible to watch, and they just. Won't. Die. Colorado has a game in hand on Salt Lake and Los Angeles, but I don't think they're going to win it. Or, in fact, more than two games the rest of the year.

    *Spent a lot of time considering what the official droll spoonerism of the Red Bulls should be. New York Bed Rolls is more of a true spoonerism, but just wasn't as funny visually.
  2. SankaCofie

    SankaCofie Member

    Aug 8, 2000
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    I agree with everything I said... or would have said... if I had a soccer blog, and Dan Loney hadn't said it first.

    Moreover... my power of foresight calls the 2nd relegated team in the west.. Real Salt Lake.

    Colorado and Real Salt Lake just can't cut it in the top flight this year. Better luck in the USL Pepsi-ship.

    How could you bet against the coaches in charge of the two L.A. teams? They have rosters with a good deal of talent, but more importantly have players that have played in playoff games, or high intensity games outside of MLS.

    Also.. your lucky numbers are 10 17 25 26 9 and 22.
    And you should be wary of getting in taxi cabs driven by short men from Eritrea.

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