I just watched Eurogoals on tv and i was surprised and very mad when the commentator said that the Anderlecht fans didnt accept Seol, when he had an bad game last week the fans maked fun of him. Is that real fans or what, i think Seol should find another club, and move on!!
Maybe he should pull them the finger like Kim Byeong-hyun and see what happens. muhahahahaha Do Koreans seriously not understand what that means? Why walk around doing it if you have no idea of how or when to use it? Obviously Kim had a fair idea of what he was doing, but had a bit of a brain explosion.
Kim Byung-hun shouldn't have apologized. I saw one of this pictures and he was casually smiling as he flicked everyone off. That- i must say, was an action with definite intention. Who cares if everyone hates him (blame his horrible season). He should keep it real. I want Kim Byung-hun in Jay Leno.
Ronaldo was getting booed a lot last season by Real Madrid fans even though he had a decent season. It's just part of the sh1t you have to put up with in certain countries. These guys get paid a LOT of money so they should just suck it up and come back harder. If I was getting 3 + million US a year to teach English the students could boo their arse off at me and I wouldn't give a sh1t. Byung hyun should learn how to freakin close out a big game.
Doesn't help his situation with the Sox if he's flippin off the fans. It's bad enough Grady Little doesn't trust him to use him in big spots like in game 5. Last thing he should be doing is pissin off the home crowd even more.
Of course its his fault. But that was gangster. It's not like he's gonna play for the Sox ever again so whateverz.
Seol only became a villain after his "I'm too good for the Belgian league" talk and his insistence on a transfer to Tottenham Spurs. Unfortunately neither he or his agent realized that practically every professional player gets linked with Spurs at least once in their career. lol. And if you're a big shot like Rivaldo, twice. lol
I read the RSCA webpage forum every once in a while if they talk about Seol. Don't understand a word of Dutch but from what I understand from the posts in French, it seems to me that the fans, at least, are not keen on re-signing him, favoring Kolar, and wouldn't exactly be devastated if he leaves. That's too bad. Maybe someone here better than me in the language can read and let others know. Well, I hope he recovers and finds a good team if he ends up not re-signing.
Well RSCA website is available in English and if he ever does make any news or anything I can ask my girlfriend to translate it for me. She's Belgian from the Flemish half so she's a natural Dutch speaker. So do you have any articles or anything specific in mind?