News: Seleção General Discussion 2023 [R]

Discussion in 'Brazil' started by Ombak, Jan 20, 2023.

  1. Ombak

    Ombak Moderator
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    Apr 19, 1999
    Irvine, CA
    Flamengo Rio Janeiro
    Nat'l Team:
    New getting a lot of repercussion today:

    Right now, Ednaldo Rodrigues is not President of CBF. A court in Rio has removed him and replaced him with an "interventor" appointed by the court.

    A lot of the talk around this is what FIFA might do, but the truth is FIFA won't act at this stage, it's far too early. In 2021 something similar happened but days later it was reversed.

    I wasn't going to post because that's still very likely to happen here. CBF/Ednaldo will appeal and we'll see what the decision is then.

    But there is one other thing this raises a question about. All the reports claiming Ancelotti will be our coach are based on meetings between Ednaldo and Ancelotti. Without Ednaldo, there is no Ancelotti. Now, even if Ednaldo is restore in a few days by an appeal, I do think it's valid to question whether this sort of turmoil could mean Ancelotti might not be as willing to come, if there's concern the man who hires him might not be in a stable position.
  2. Guigs

    Guigs Member+

    Dec 9, 2011
    Vasco da Gama Rio Janeiro
    Which might mean we're back to Texeira, Del Nero and their group. Sanchez will likely be president soon.

    lots of stealing, but lots of winning to follow. They are the Eurico to my Vasco, if he isn't in power he wanted Vasco to fail miserably.
    Gregoire1 repped this.
  3. Ombak

    Ombak Moderator
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    Apr 19, 1999
    Irvine, CA
    Flamengo Rio Janeiro
    Nat'l Team:
    Here are the recent developments:
    1. Ednaldo and CBF's first appeal was unsuccessful. Note that it's not just Ednaldo who was removed, but all vice-presidents of the entity. Currently the person in charge of CBF is José Perdiz, the STJD official nominated by the Rio courts to preside over CBF for now.
    2. FIFA and CONMEBOL do not recognize him as the head of CBF because he was appointed by a civil court. Instead, they recognize CBF bylaws that state that the senior most director is the acting President. That would be Hélio Santos Menezes, who is currently in charge of Judicial and Governance matters at CBF and the oldest director.
    3. The court ruling AND CBF bylaws both determine that new elections must be held within 30 days.
    4. FIFA/CONMEBOL have communicated to CBF that they should NOT hold elections until a FIFA/CONMEBOL delegation visits to assess the situation and discuss it with the relevant parties.
    5. The acting President (Perdiz, the court-appointed one) has welcomed FIFA and CONMEBOL's letter and sees their supervision as a positive.
    So, what can happen, based on this:
    • CBF must hold elections on or before January 11 or 12 according to the ruling (and the CBF by-laws).
    • Ednaldo can be a candidate, in fact, anyone can, as long as they get the signed support of 8 stated Federations (and 4 clubs, I think).
    • Ednaldo will probably try to be a candidate, but I imagine the FIFA/CONMEBOL task force might have something to say about that, because he has made a lot of enemies, including sponsors of the national team, and the security issue at Brazil x Argentina has negatively affected his chances.
    • Additionally, if Ancelotti renews with Madrid come January, Ednaldo's support in the media will probably take a huge hit and that may cost him his chances. (You never know, though, his supporters inside may not care if he is keeping them happy.)
    • If Ancelotti doesn't renew with Madrid, Ednaldo may try to bolster his position by saying that without him, Ancelotti won't come.
    • There may be other candidates. For examples, Perdiz has talked to Reinaldo Carneiro Bastos, the President of the Federação Paulista, about being the next coordinator of the seleção and the head of the 2027 Women's World Cup campaign. But Bastos has expressed that he wants to participate in the election process. So he might be a candidate, even though officially he supports Ednaldo for now.
    In the end, as long as FIFA is satisfied that whoever wins the election will be the right type of crook for them, and as long as the justice system is satisfied with the election process, everything will probably go back to normal after that and the only question will be who wins the election and how they will manage the national team and other responsibilities that have suffered this past year as Ednaldo insisted on doing everything himself.
    brasileiragem repped this.
  4. brasileiragem

    brasileiragem Member

    Real Madrid
    May 21, 2018
    Thank you for all this summary - super helpful. I just hope the new president is someone with a few brain cells, who is able to do some good politics with FIFA/Conmebol and hires a decent coach (Abel or Tite) asap.
  5. Ombak

    Ombak Moderator
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    Apr 19, 1999
    Irvine, CA
    Flamengo Rio Janeiro
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  6. Ombak

    Ombak Moderator
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    Apr 19, 1999
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    Flamengo Rio Janeiro
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  7. Ombak

    Ombak Moderator
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    Apr 19, 1999
    Irvine, CA
    Flamengo Rio Janeiro
    Nat'l Team:
    Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.

    I wanted to update this recently with info on candidates, cause there's some interesting stuff happening, but I'll just link that at the end. TLDR for the seleção is not much different no matter what happens.

    The news today is worth updating for though:

    FIFA will be in Brazil on January 8 and has reiterated that no election should happen without authorization.

    This time, however, they have included a reminder (read: threat) that if there is judicial interference, CBF could be suspended from international competition, which would affect the national team and clubs.

    Of course, for now this is all talk, because even though they criticize the intervening administrator for "forcing" new elections, they are still both operating on the same schedule and the administrator responded that they welcome this new FIFA letter and see it as a positive sign that the entity will monitor the the electoral process. Also, they're both working with the same timeline as I pointed out above.

    Of course, once they get there, if any FIFA or CONMEBOL bureaucrat gets their ego bruised or doesn't get the kickbacks they want, then who knows what could happen.

    As for the election itself, it looks like it will be a contest. Often these are just one candidate with no real opposition, but it looks like Ednaldo has not only screwed up so badly as to get them in this situation in the first place, he's not even going to be a candidate! He will be a vice on someone else's campaign:
    celito repped this.
  8. celito

    celito Moderator
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    Feb 28, 2005
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    Ancelotti has renewed with Madrid until 2026. What a shit show.
  9. Ombak

    Ombak Moderator
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    Apr 19, 1999
    Irvine, CA
    Flamengo Rio Janeiro
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    Didn't even wait until January 1!
  10. Ombak

    Ombak Moderator
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    Apr 19, 1999
    Irvine, CA
    Flamengo Rio Janeiro
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  11. MerlinRM

    MerlinRM Member+

    May 5, 2014
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:
    Color me shocked!


    This whole "recruiting process" has been a clown show since the moment we lost in Qatar.
  12. brasileiragem

    brasileiragem Member

    Real Madrid
    May 21, 2018
    So we basically lost a year of preparation with the intern Diniz.... Ednaldo Rodrigues is a clown. Let's pray for Abel/Tite to become the new coach.
    MerlinRM repped this.
  13. samuel_clemens

    Dec 20, 2005
    Los Angeles CA
    Nat'l Team:
    this was such a stupid move from the start. Banking on Ancelotti or anybody in their right mind abandoning Real Madrid to play giants such as Bolivia, Equador , Peru in WCQ. This Ednaldo clown seemed low IQ on looks alone, but now he's finally proven himself. But not before wasting a whole year of development and beyond. This is an all time low point for the selecao in every level concievable, results, talent pool, politics, administration.
    brasileiragem and MerlinRM repped this.
  14. MerlinRM

    MerlinRM Member+

    May 5, 2014
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:
    Anyone who listened to Ancelotti's quotes these past few months knew he was running to sign that next contract should it have been offered.

    This is such a major fail from Ednaldo. I can't believe he was stupid enough to believe Ancelotti would choose Brazil over Rea Madrid.
    brasileiragem, samuel_clemens and celito repped this.
  15. celito

    celito Moderator
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    Feb 28, 2005
    Palmeiras Sao Paulo
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    I blame Bellingham. :ROFLMAO:

    He is making coaching Madrid a joy now. Specially because he is making up for the absence of a marquee striker after Benzema left.
  16. Ombak

    Ombak Moderator
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    Apr 19, 1999
    Irvine, CA
    Flamengo Rio Janeiro
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    I think the biggest fail is from the Brazilian journalists who shared their inside info from CBF but never really bothered to dig in to the other side from Spanish insiders or sources near Ancelotti.

    I don't doubt that Ednaldo met with Ancelotti and that Ancelotti considered the idea. I doubt there was ever a concrete offer. Even as optimistic as I was, I was sure that wouldn't even be discussed until January. It's not just the money, but the terms (with no director, Ancelotti would have a bigger role) and the expectations.

    Also, as optimistic as I was, when the reporters starting repeating nonsense like "Ancelotti can't wait to live in Rio", even I, as a carioca, realized that was bullshit and they were just padding the news, they had no real updates.

    I don't think keeping Diniz is a bad idea. But there needs to be an infrastructure. I suspect that once the election happens (in approximately 2 weeks) whoever wins will want to do something about the national team quickly to make themselves look good. I don't think a big hire like Mourinho is the right thing, unless they want to, like Ednaldo, just hide behind a big promise instead of actually doing work.

    Looks like the frontrunner is the President of the Federação Paulista.
  17. MerlinRM

    MerlinRM Member+

    May 5, 2014
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:
    I agree. That and the next obvious manager, Xabi Alonso, is still under contract until at least 2025 so it always made sense to extend Carlo if he was doing well. One more year of Carlo and giving Xabi another year of managing a mid-tier team is the perfect course of action for Real Madrid.

    What bothers me about the bolded is that as a Real Madrid fan, I've seen him state quite a few times that he wanted to stay. He and his wife love living in Madrid. So if I saw the headlines, why were some members of the Brazilian press oblivious to this?
  18. Ombak

    Ombak Moderator
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    Apr 19, 1999
    Irvine, CA
    Flamengo Rio Janeiro
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    To be fair they were doing a lot of "caveat"ing and pointing out this was all from their sources, on the CBF side, but they also seemed to feel that because it was so close to Ednaldo (or maybe even from him) it was more solid.

    I think they should have been more skeptical about what they were being fed (I mean, I should have been too, as much as I also pointed out we wouldn't know if any of it was really true until January). I do feel like the Brazilian journalists in Spain (like a Thiago Arantes or Gustavo Hoffman) were always clear about how this was all coming from Brazil.
  19. Estuardo A. Lopez

    Jul 9, 2014
    AC Milan
    Very sad situation for Brazil.
    It seems that the directors at CBF have wasted every second since Qatar and have essentially knee-capped Brazil's chances for all the upcoming tournaments.
  20. AGomes

    AGomes Member+

    Aug 29, 2023
    #520 AGomes, Jan 1, 2024
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2024
    Could be wrong but I believe had this entire fiasco within the CBF didn't unfold and Ednaldo was still firmly in place, Carletto would have come. Can't blame a guy for wanting to avoid the drama going on. All great news for those that didn't want him. I would have loved to have seen him and his ex players Cafu and Kakà in his Staff.

    I believe Roma will move on from Mou and he will be interested in Brasil. Not that Roma are a big club but Mou won't go to a smaller club than Roma and there aren't many, if at all, elite clubs looking to switch Managers. Plus he is at the correct age for a NT job.

    Either that, have the Elections and give Diniz complete support in the job. The issue with Flu, have no idea what would happen there. I think Diniz would prefer Fluminense to Brasil, maybe.
  21. Ombak

    Ombak Moderator
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    Apr 19, 1999
    Irvine, CA
    Flamengo Rio Janeiro
    Nat'l Team:
    Well, it's 2024, and while there are no national team matches until March... time flies...

    We may not have a CBF President right now, but the next convocação is less than 2 months away! With matches the week of March 18 and 25, the press conference for the call-up should be March 1 or 8, depending on which approach they take.
  22. Century's Best

    Century's Best Member+

    Jul 29, 2003
    Happy new year all.

    @Ombak you said you're not again Diniz staying, but I disagree. I respect what he accopmlished with Fluminense, and I concede that he needs time to implement his system, but given the cirumstances (which in his defense are not all his responsibility - Brazil lost 2 of 3 games after the 2022 World Cup when he wasn't even part of the picture), we need somebody who is simply more capable.

    At this moment, I would not oppose Tite returning, but this ship sailed long ago; he's done with the national team for now and he's likely going to win at least one major title with Flamengo this year.

    That leaves Abel, who did renew after some drama late last year, but I'm not sure he'll want to take the job. Scolari was managing Cruzeiro when Brazil was struggling in 2000-2001 and at one point he was interviewed about this and he said with some derision, "and there are people who want me to give up all this tranquility here at Cruzeiro to get burned with the national team." Ironically enough, he did take the job, but he didn't get burned (not until 2014 anyway).

    I mention this story to highlight how the circumstances could make Abel get burned if he took the job, and while I defended him as Tite's successor, I really don't think it'll happen now. He could theoretically do both jobs, but that'll burn him out - Palmeiras is demanding enough.

    Not the news I wanted to write about on my first post here in 2024.
  23. celito

    celito Moderator
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    Feb 28, 2005
    Palmeiras Sao Paulo
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    Abel didn't renew (if by last year you mean Dec 2023). His contract was and is still is until the end of 2024. What he didn't do is accept an offer from Qatar who were going to pay his buyout clause to terminate the contract a year early.
    Century's Best repped this.
  24. Century's Best

    Century's Best Member+

    Jul 29, 2003

    Thanks for the correction. Abel did stay on board, which is good for you Palmeiras fans.

    It's an exercise in speculation, but.... if Abel had taken over immediately after Tite's departure, whether or not he kept the Palmeiras job, there's no way Brazil would have lost that many matches.
  25. celito

    celito Moderator
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    Feb 28, 2005
    Palmeiras Sao Paulo
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    I don’t think Abel woiuld nor could do both jobs at the same time . He was already saying that the Brazilian club schedule with all the travel was already draining . He puts so much energy into his job I don’t think he’d feel right splitting his time even if it was 90 / 10 . And not being Brazilian it was never in his radar nor dream to coach the Brazil NT . Diniz on the other hand , as with most Brazilian coaches , has that as a goal and that’s why he took the job .

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