Seattle Sounders looking to move

Discussion in 'United Soccer Leagues' started by sounderfan, Apr 16, 2006.

  1. sounderfan

    sounderfan New Member

    Apr 6, 2003
    Kitsap Sun, 4/16/06

    Read the entire article here:,2403,BSUN_19109_4625788,00.html

    Other Kitsap story resources:

    Kitsap Stadium gallery: coverage:

    Bremerton is an hour ferry ride from Seattle, 65 miles & 1.5 hours by car.
  2. Red Harvest

    Red Harvest Member

    Mar 5, 2001
    Kitsap Sounders?

    After hearing and seeing Seattle Sounders for the better part of 30 years, that's going to be a tough pill to swallow.
  3. sounderfan

    sounderfan New Member

    Apr 6, 2003
    For once, I am speechless.
  4. SeattleSupporter

    Aug 17, 2004
    North Sound Ultra
    He could regret that quote...
  5. Timbers_Roberto

    Timbers_Roberto New Member

    Jul 27, 2002
    Portland, Oregon
    They'd be better off calling them Red Bull Kitsap than keeping the classic Sounders name.
  6. NORML

    NORML Member+

    Aug 9, 2002
    Lake Wobegon, MN
    NSC Minnesota Stars
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I agree it wouldn't be right if they renamed the team Kitsap Sounders.
  7. IceFunk

    IceFunk Member

    Oct 22, 2005
    Beaverton, Oregon
    Wow, what a joke, Kitsap Sounders??? Awful, just awful.
  8. SankaCofie

    SankaCofie Member

    Aug 8, 2000
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    if i'm a fan of a team that says its moving and it doesn't care if it alienates me... they'd better hope the deal goes through because i'm never stepping foot in their stadium again. ever.
  9. sounderfan

    sounderfan New Member

    Apr 6, 2003
    I think he was speaking to ONE audience...those in Kitsap (Kitsap Sun Newspaper.)

    Not sure Mr. Waite understands there is this little thing called Any single audience is "all of us" these days.

    I was reconciling myself to "Sounders FC" if the Kitsap thing happened. Then I could still see "Sounders" by itself. But dropping Seattle and then replacing it with "Kitsap?"

    Um, no.
  10. Green and BLue

    Green and BLue Member+

    Seattle Sounders FC
    Nov 3, 2003
    Republic of Cascadia
    Seattle Sounders
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Every poster here on Big Soccer who lists the Seattle Sounders among their favorite teams should do everything they can to attend as many games at Qwest Field as they can.

    It's time to put up or shut up, people!!!

    We MUST convince them to keep the Sounders in Seattle!
  11. Big-Time Crew Fan

    Apr 8, 2000
    This is some kind of joke, right?
  12. Red Harvest

    Red Harvest Member

    Mar 5, 2001
    Nope, no joke.

    Silverdale or bust....

    I think the Sounders would be better off somewhere in Pierce County.

    Just too bad no one is stepping up to the plate for them.

    Hell, put them back in the Dome! :p
  13. sounderfan

    sounderfan New Member

    Apr 6, 2003
  14. sounderfan

    sounderfan New Member

    Apr 6, 2003
    Note: Mark Mauren had been working with Sounders owner Robin Waite on a proposal to move the Seattle Sounders to Kitsap County. It is not clear at this time how or if Mauren's sudden departure affects the discussions between the club and the county.

  15. giorgiochinaglia

    Mar 11, 2004
    New York City
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Hi everybody.
    I would like to thank the Sounderfans who I met at last week's game Seattle Sounders - University of Washington.

    Going to the thread, here it is the translated text of the interview that Adrian Hanauer released me and that I published on, an Italian website covering all American soccer, including MLS and USL. Hanauer made some clear statements about Sounders (but will they keep the brand?) going to Kitsap.


    Here the interview's original text

    Here is the translation link
  16. sounderfan

    sounderfan New Member

    Apr 6, 2003
    It was nice meeting you at the scrimmage, Franco!

    Thanks for the link to your article.

    Viva Lazio!


    More photos from UW-Sounders scrimmage start here:
  17. Red Harvest

    Red Harvest Member

    Mar 5, 2001
    Good website Franco.

    Thanks for the support and coverage.
  18. IceFunk

    IceFunk Member

    Oct 22, 2005
    Beaverton, Oregon
    If the Sounders move to Kitsap, they might as well move the hell out of USL-1. The league is starting to move away from that "minor league image" a bit with the opening up of new stadiums in strong markets, rising attendance, and better coverage. I assure you, no one is going to want a team named the "Kitsap Sounders" in their league, unless you are the PDL or something, good god. But names aside, It really just astounds me that Seattle can't even build a decent fanbase, even if the USL-1 is seen as "minor league" in the eyes of Emerald City folk. Don't get me wrong, Seattle is a horrible sports town but regardless of that, how much growth media exposure will Hanauer expect to get in podunk Bremerton? The Sounders belong in Seattle, not Kitsap, period.
  19. giorgiochinaglia

    Mar 11, 2004
    New York City
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    you know guys, we are having the same problem in Rome. Lazio President would like to move in a small town close to the airport from the actual historical stadium of two wom championships located in the middle of the city. Reason? Business, clearly. For the moment he couldn't make the decision following a very big protest by the fans of all stands, with banners, letters to the newspapers, etc.
    Soccer is a heartmatter, not just business. Period. And we even accept to have a less strong team, if is the case. But if you want to go play somewhere else, why shouldn't I support another team? If my team moves from my city, it's not my team anymore.

    So c'm sounders fans. Resist, resist, resist. let the media hear your voice.
  20. sounderfan

    sounderfan New Member

    Apr 6, 2003
    The latest as of may 16, 2006...

  21. SeattleSupporter

    Aug 17, 2004
    North Sound Ultra
    It's too bad that Starfire/Tukwila and the Sounders can't work anything out.
    It's a damn shame....

    It's going to take more than $1.4mil to spruce up that rodeo ground.
  22. sounderfan

    sounderfan New Member

    Apr 6, 2003
    Sounders GM in his most frank interview yet...

    read the rest here:
  23. ButlerBob

    ButlerBob Member

    Nov 13, 2001
    Evanston, IL
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Who came up with this question? It's not like they have only been around for a couple years and now leaving. If I had been him, this would have ticked me off.

    6. Fans are upset that it seems the Sounders could be leaving Seattle "without even trying" to make it work. What can you say to them?
    Hanauer: I and my partners have invested millions of dollars trying to make the
    Seattle market work. First, we played at Memorial Stadium, and while
    USL was the top division, there was decent success, although, the club
    still lost more money than it does currently. Then, when we surveyed
    our fans, they told us that we should move to Qwest, so we did. That
    has been a better home than Memorial, but obviously there are drawbacks
    there, as well. We have constantly delivered winning teams, that are
    actively involved in the community. We have busted our asses to try to
    get the media to pay attention to the team and the sport. We have made
    progress in some areas, and have backslided in others. I was born and
    raised in Seattle, attending every Sounder game from 1974-1983. I love
    this franchise and would love to see it successful in Seattle. There is
    still a possibility that that can happen, but I have to look at other
    alternatives as I and my investors get antsy about losing more millions
    of dollars.
  24. sounderfan

    sounderfan New Member

    Apr 6, 2003
    I agree. I made that same claim on behalf of the club. Some of our fans are just not wanting to accept what they are being told!

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