I just received this email update a few minutes ago: "Hey Seattle Soccer Fans… Drew Carey here. Thank you for signing up to join me for MLS in Seattle at Qwest Field beginning in 2009. Just wanted to let you know that we've reached 11,000 season ticket memberships and we're just getting started. Congratulations! You're showing every other city in the MLS what fan support is all about. Over the next few months we'll be working hard to create the foundation of our team. Here's what you can expect from us regarding your season ticket membership: April/May - We will mail you information that will assist you in selecting your seat location. May/June – Season Ticket Membership Representatives will contact you individually to discuss your options and select your seat location. We have a lot of exciting things planned over the next year and I'm looking forward to helping make this the best team in the MLS. If you need anything in the meantime, contact your Membership Representative at (877) MLS-GOAL. Cheers, Drew"
was it just mine or was the email in black font on a dark green background? I couldn't even read the dang thing without highlighting the text...
This started my friends talking about location of seats, indeed my chat windows are on fire right now. My overall strategy is to sit in proximity of ECS, but not actually in with ECS (since I'm not a member, and I'm old, I like to sit down now and then). However I do like to sing at times, and like being close to fans united with one voice. Has ECS picked where they'll be sitting yet? If you guys pick the north end, I'm leaning towards section 138, if you pick the south end, I'll go with 132.
ECS is currently planning on taking up residency in section 122. We're in very very preliminary talks with the FO as to what this section will look like. I've asked them to please consider a place for us that will allow for us to do our gameday activities (tifo, singing and standing for 90+) without getting in the way of other fans' gameday experience. I can keep folks up to date over here if you wish as things develop.
Perfect, thanks Keith. So as it stands now I'm leaning towards 130, just on the corner of where the north stands meet the west stands, on the west side. I'd like to get as close to the field as possible from that vantage point. It won't provide the best view to be sure, but there's just something about being close to the pitch that I like. I assume 122, 121, and 123 will all be taken up by your crew, so I should be close enough to sing along, but also can sit down during parts of the match. Looks like my local clan of friends are rising to 8 of us total, so if we can close to the field, we'll come up with some kind of banner to drape over the edge. We'll be very loud, so in time, perhaps some of you will come to recognize us in this section. Has there been any discussion from the franchise on flags? At Seahawk games they are illegal, but it would be nice if they were allowed for MLS.
-WS: I should clarify something in an earlier post of yours in this thread -- if nothing else but to clarify for everyone else as well. ECS does not have a "membership" requirement. We do not collect dues, issue membership cards, or anything else of the sort... at least at present. If you want to be in ECS, then you are. Flags on poles have been allowed at Sounders games at Qwest, and we have not received any indication to make us believe it will be any different for MLS games -- at least in the south end. Same thing with two-pole banners.
"I would never join a club, that would accept someone like me as a member." - Groucho Marx I abide by that rule, so don't worry Keith, I wouldn't consider myself "part" of ECS any time soon. I would however like to buy some you guys/girls pints before the game, and enjoy sitting close to your "rowdies" so I can admire the sights and the sounds. Truly what interests me most: when opening day arrives, I really hope I get to buy some of on you this board an ale or two, and when the singing starts, I want to be close enough in the stands, that I can choose to sing along when the mood strikes. It would be really nice, as Keith suggested earlier, if your group posted here where you intend to sit, and what pubs you intend to frequent before each match. That way those of us, who want to admire your group from a distance, can stop by, shake hands and wish your group well. I am just as opinionated in real life as I am on a board like this though, so you'll appreciate the fact I'm watching from a distance at times. There is nothing worse, than a loud, drunken, opinionated old man, and I am all three of those things. You can always sponge a beer of the old coot though, so I do serve a purpose. Feel free to exploit that purpose whenever you see fit.
Me too. Flash back to the 2003 Sounders away greens, first try... Black numbers on green. A no-no. (That's #11 Kyle Smith scoring on Portscum).
I don't mind the bullseye pattern on the top. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why they didn't use higher contrast colors. This kit must've looked good on an LCD... Imagine the shock when they first opened the box of 50 or so they received from Nike...