Screw Adu, we have our own Youngsters!

Discussion in 'Asian Football Confederation' started by watanabe2k, Mar 12, 2004.

  1. watanabe2k

    watanabe2k Member

    Sep 22, 2000
    Illinois, but Japan
    Jubilo Iwata
    Nat'l Team:
  2. Deleted Users

    Deleted Users Member+

    Nov 25, 2001
    Oh Jang-eun. I've read about him somewhere before.

    Is he a 2nd/3rd generation Korean-Japanese?

    yah screw Adu. At least we can develop our OWN players..from our OWN countries.
  3. watanabe2k

    watanabe2k Member

    Sep 22, 2000
    Illinois, but Japan
    Jubilo Iwata
    Nat'l Team:
    Right on! I thought Jang-Eun was a Korean Citizen, but I may be wrong..........
  4. skipshady

    skipshady New Member

    Apr 26, 2001
    Orchard St, NYC
    To be fair, Adu received all his formal soccer training in the US - it's not like the federation went looking in Africa and found him.

    I wish Hirayama had gone pro though. Not sure what he's doing in college. Only stupid people go to universities.
  5. watanabe2k

    watanabe2k Member

    Sep 22, 2000
    Illinois, but Japan
    Jubilo Iwata
    Nat'l Team:
    I agree, I went to University, and all did was make me poorer.........
  6. Deleted Users

    Deleted Users Member+

    Nov 25, 2001
    im very poor. and im hungry. i want some sushi at todai. bye.
  7. Korean Football

    Korean Football New Member

    Apr 21, 2001
    He is Korean I think.
  8. the_13th_redneck

    the_13th_redneck BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Sep 3, 2002
    If you can't afford university you might as well get an apprenticeship at some technical job and become really good at that.

    I'm in University now... thanks for all the encouragement guys.

    I swear I'm just going to be a cop...

  9. Soju Gorae

    Soju Gorae New Member

    You should look into becoming an assassin-for-hire. I hear that's the next big thing on the job market these days.

    Plus, it would be cool to write on application forms, "assassin" under the occupation section.

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