Saving JPEG pictures to my computer

Discussion in 'Technology' started by kebzach, Nov 21, 2004.

  1. kebzach

    kebzach Member

    Dec 30, 2000
    Greenfield, WI
    Why is it that my computer will not save JPEG images from the internet, instead trying to save them as ART (.art) files?
  2. Mad_Bishop

    Mad_Bishop Member

    Oct 11, 2000
    Columbia, MO
    are you using AOL? From what I understand, it's a secondary compression that is proprietary to AOL.

    here's what I found
  3. Metros Striker10

    Metros Striker10 New Member

    Jul 7, 2001
    Planet Earth
    Your right...ART is a proprietary to AOL.
  4. FearM9

    FearM9 New Member

    Jul 14, 2000
    On my bike
    I've had this problem in the past...I use AOL to connect to the net, but I use IE to surf. What I had to do was go under "Tools" and then "Internet Options" and then hit up "Delete Cookies", "Delete Files", and "Clear History" and that seemed to do the trick when I went to save JPEG's to my computer.

    Hope that helps.
  5. kebzach

    kebzach Member

    Dec 30, 2000
    Greenfield, WI
    what's weird is that I did what Mad Bishop said above...I went in and changed my internet setting on AOL to "never compress files", and that worked.

    but then I logged off, and now logged back on, and even though the setting is still what I set it to, I can't save JPEGs again.
  6. Metros Striker10

    Metros Striker10 New Member

    Jul 7, 2001
    Planet Earth
    Maybe you can use a Photoshop type program and save it through that? might have a freeware somewhere.
  7. Squash

    Squash Member

    Mar 8, 2003
    do yourself a favor and just use IE or another browser rather than browsing with your aol thing :p

    sometimes you can just alter the saved file but change the .art to .jpg :)
  8. Foosinho

    Foosinho New Member

    Jan 11, 1999
    New Albany, OH
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  9. Squash

    Squash Member

    Mar 8, 2003
    LOL i have a mac and use Safari, Mozilla, and everything else but IE. I assumed they had a pc :)
  10. Dante

    Dante Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 19, 1998
    Upstate NY
    Juventus FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    You're a good man!

    But yes, if you're using a PC then DITCH IE and go with firefox. It's infinitely better.

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