Sabermetrics applying to Soccer

Discussion in 'Statistics and Analysis' started by mpruitt, Jul 30, 2003.

  1. 9tenths

    9tenths New Member

    Sep 8, 2013
    Does anybody know of any available published or online information about individual match performance data for youth.
    I am interested to know if anyone is studying or has studied performance statistics such as passing accuracy, etc and how they tend to develop over time with age.
    Was Xavi 90+% passing accuracy when he was 14? 18? I'm thinking people were not tracking the things at the time.
    Are professional teams using stats for the youth teams? How about National youth teams?
    If so how do they compare to professional Big 5 or MLS numbers?
  2. nnelli

    nnelli Member

    May 10, 2014
    FC Barcelona
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  3. nnelli

    nnelli Member

    May 10, 2014
    FC Barcelona
  4. nnelli

    nnelli Member

    May 10, 2014
    FC Barcelona
  5. nnelli

    nnelli Member

    May 10, 2014
    FC Barcelona
    108thLegendary and chewie4917 repped this.
  6. TimB4Last

    TimB4Last Member+

    May 5, 2006
    Off-topic, so with apologies, but saw it and liked it ...

    I am not a stats guy, but I think the article is worth reading and might provide some insight. Enjoy!
    108thLegendary repped this.
  7. john_bowninbox

    john_bowninbox New Member

    Sep 11, 2014
    FC Barcelona
  8. Mike_75

    Mike_75 New Member

    Oct 20, 2014
    Manchester City FC
    You can also use some free mobile apps to record statistics. As a coach, I have find apps useful for analyzing game performance. Of course, you need to find a volunteer to record the game since it would require full attention. Recently I have used PreciseStats for Soccer Android app:
    TimB4Last and 108thLegendary repped this.
  9. bgghost

    bgghost New Member

    Feb 14, 2015
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  10. threecents

    threecents New Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    Houston Dynamo
    The stats I would like to see deployed more are the player and team performance stats. This would be more the strategic info that only coaches and ATs would have on their team. I would love to put sensors/GPS/accelerometers/heart rate monitors on my teams.
  11. threecents

    threecents New Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    Houston Dynamo
    108thLegendary and TimB4Last repped this.
  12. ntoumert

    ntoumert New Member

    Sep 3, 2015
    Arsenal FC
    Wow this is a great post. Do you guys think the SPI ratings are done well?
  13. Footinmouth

    Footinmouth New Member

    Jun 12, 2014
    Fascinating thread. We've been working on a statistical system that separates stats that are predictive of outcomes vs. those that are descriptive / good to know. For instance, on possession, we found that passes completed has a very low correlation to outcome - except passes not completed in the back third. However, for possession, ball movement forward has a much higher correlation to outcomes - scoring as well as preventing the opposition from scoring.

    We are working on putting our full methodology out there - for now, we distilled the outcomes across possession/defense/offense/goalkeeping in to letter grades. We are also working on making the underlying stats available. (Underpinning this is 5+ years of data across Champs League, La Liga, Premier League and MLS)

    We would really appreciate feedback and suggestions for improvement as we build out more of the system and website.
  14. ButlerBob

    ButlerBob Member

    Nov 13, 2001
    Evanston, IL
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
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  15. TeriPeter

    TeriPeter New Member

    Apr 8, 2016
    FC Sion
  16. PotatoBoi

    PotatoBoi New Member

    Apr 10, 2016
    AC Bellinzona
    Im too stupid to even grasp what that means
  17. Robertoe

    Robertoe Member

    Jun 30, 2016
    Everton FC
    This last point is how I see the next major development in player data collection - will soon be adopted in the Rules of the Game by FIFA too to officially allow chips etc to be embedded in shirts.
  18. Robertoe

    Robertoe Member

    Jun 30, 2016
    Everton FC
    Saw this piece of analysis a few weeks back on the MLS (one of the few leagues that publish salary data) and to me, this is what clubs should be doing.....essentially monitoring performance by cost. If only other leagues would publish this kind of data and the transparency was there, it would be fascinating to see it across the major European leagues.
    EvanJ repped this.
  19. Jiri

    Jiri New Member

    Jul 20, 2016
    BATE Borisov
    Hi guys,

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  20. nicklaino

    nicklaino Member+

    Feb 14, 2012
    Brooklyn, NY
    Manchester United FC
    Since you guys understand statistical information. Why do they keep secondary assists. A pass that leads to another. It just a pass a pass that leads to a goal I can see. But the secondary just adds to his assist total. It means nothing as far as the players field vision is concerned.
  21. EvanJ

    EvanJ Member+

    Manchester United
    United States
    Mar 30, 2004
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I don't know if that questions requires knowledge of statistics to answer. Do any leagues other than MLS keep track of secondary assists? I'm not sure, but it's possible that MLS keeping track of secondary assists should be grouped with drafts and the lack of promotion and relegation as differences between MLS and leagues in most countries. That sentence is not meant to imply a point of view of any of those differences being good or bad.
  22. nicklaino

    nicklaino Member+

    Feb 14, 2012
    Brooklyn, NY
    Manchester United FC
    There was a time when no league kept a record of assists a player made.

    There also was a time when the team with the best record won the league champion. There was no playoffs this is an American invention to make more money.
  23. Mengão86

    Mengão86 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 16, 2005
    Maryland, RJ/ES/PE
    Flamengo Rio Janeiro
    Nat'l Team:
    As an official league statistic? There are third parties that compile statistics for the Brazilian league and some of them do track secondary assists.
  24. Mengão86

    Mengão86 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 16, 2005
    Maryland, RJ/ES/PE
    Flamengo Rio Janeiro
    Nat'l Team:
    The Brazilian league had a playoff to determine its champion from the 60s through 2002.
  25. Kai Werring

    Kai Werring New Member

    Jul 8, 2016
    Swansea City AFC

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