Ryan Coiner "Hi from Berlin"

Discussion in 'Yanks Abroad' started by coingoal, Nov 7, 2004.

  1. coingoal

    coingoal New Member

    Jan 9, 2004
    I just want to say hello to all the Big Soccer fans out there. I love reading what you guys have to write, but rarely do I post or comment on the boards. The frustration over the situation at 1 FC Union Berlin has reached a boiling point for me. We have been beat up this year from every angle possible.
    First off, we are not one of the stronger teams in the league, but in no way do we deserve to be standing one position from last place. This last weekend was just too much. We won the game 3 times over, and yet walked away with only a tie. Also, this is the 3rd time this season I scored a goal to put us in the lead that was called back for one reason or another. I am not bitching, such is life, but it does suck. This time it was for a player on my team standing in offsides that was not even close to the ball, or involved in the play. Honestly, the referees here participate too much in the game. Everybody has played with that ref who wants to be apart of the game, rather than help the game move along fairly. This is all too often the situation here in Germany. Taylor’s comment about the refs is actually a theory the DFB may have to investigate (as many of the East German clubs are having similar difficulties with standings and ref's decisions)

    Second, thanks for the support that some of you out there have given to all the Yanks Abroad, including myself. Its nice to know people are out there taking an interest in what goes on over seas, even in the lower levels.

    Third, I am not saying it will be easy, but I am playing well and have improved greatly since playing in the US. My manager has already been contacted by other "bigger" clubs here in Germany with interest. I really hope I get the chance to play at a higher level yet again. That would be great. The real difficulty will be getting into a situation where I can show well. As you can imagine, it is hard to score a bucket of goals when we walk into every game expected to lose and without a strong attacking midfield to serve me balls. This is a true learning experience for me because it is the first time in my life, since before high school, that I have been on a team that is not competing for some sort of championship. I think it will be good for me in the long term, but it sucks at the moment.
    Anyway, thanks again to all of you who support us over here!
    Below is a link to our team website. You can check out the pictures of our last game against Muenster. #13 is a pic of my goal this weekend where I scored a header, but the goal was disallowed because a passive player stood in offside.
    Enjoy the remaining part of the weekend back in the US. I can hardly wait for my first visit home to California this Christmas.


    Ryan Coiner
  2. jri

    jri Red Card

    Sep 28, 2000
    How cool that you are dropping by Ryan.

    Yes, we are 110% supportive and proud of you, and hope you continue to kick ass. Personally, I am jealous of you too :) since when I was your age....well, it was just much harder to do what you are doing. Nonetheless, I enjoy the vicarious living... :)

    Head up, keeping plugging away, and you know that consistentcy/loyalty is (sometimes) valued in Deutschland- so try to put the weak team thing aside and keeping running thru walls. Remember on the score sheet, the goal in the 89. looks as good as the 1. sometimes- so if you keep nailing 'em.....those clubs should come a callin'. Most of all, keeping enjoy the game like a lil' kid....it'll help you in the tough times.

    Again, best and we'll keep watching.......
  3. taylor

    taylor Member+

    Jun 9, 2000
    Fav team: FC CARL ZEISS JENA
    Nat'l Team:
    Here is Ryan's (un)goal:


    then find the 13th picture.

    I will be in Berlin on the 26th and will bring my camera and will report back to BA faithful.

    Ryan, also reading the Union report, doesn't it say you also had another goal called back for a foul in the 33rd minute???? So wouldn't it make two goals called back, or did you *cough cough* kind of foul him on the 33rd minute (un)goal?
  4. mschofield

    mschofield Member+

    May 16, 2000
    Union Berlin
    Nat'l Team:
    Okay, I see they've got a home game this weekend. Would someone either post or pm with the closest s/u bahn stop. many thanks in advance.
  5. taylor

    taylor Member+

    Jun 9, 2000
    Fav team: FC CARL ZEISS JENA
    Nat'l Team:
    It is S-Bahn Koepenick. Actung auf pendelverkehr.

    From the two games I saw during the summer, the atmosphere is great and tickets are relatively cheap. Also you can move around to different seats after the first half.
  6. pupusa3000

    pupusa3000 Member

    May 15, 2001
    East Bay Area
    Ain't it cool for a YA to actually post here.:)Good luck in Germany, we hope to see you in a better place in a couple years.
  7. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
    VB, VA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Ryan, it's my observation that the ARs in the Bundesliga aren't as good as the ones in MLS or the EPL. Seriously.

    So I can only imagine how dreadful they must be where you're playing.
  8. 96Squig

    96Squig Member

    Feb 4, 2004
    Hannover 96
    Nat'l Team:
    I can understand that it must be very frustrating with Eisern Union at the moment. Unfortunatlely luck is part of soccer too, so... If Union gets relegated better look for a 'better' club (Brunswick is not better ;-) ), even though many fans propably would not like that.
    speaking about fans, did the team support that hertha Fan benni? I know that the Fans of almost every major Beriln club did (hannover's starting to work, too). Good luck
  9. TAKK

    TAKK New Member

    Jan 28, 2004
    Westchester, NY
    ...unless it's Krautman. May all of JOB's injuries be transferred to him by some miracle.
  10. DoctorD

    DoctorD Member+

    Sep 29, 2002
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Ryan - keep up the hard work. Don't get frustrated - the goals will come.

    Just one favor for us, though. When you do score that next goal, don't grab your crotch or tap your wrist. That's all we ask. :)
  11. Casper

    Casper Member+

    Mar 30, 2001
    New York
    Very nice of you to write in, Ryan. If you have the inclination, it would be great to get to keep reading your take on how things are going. I am planning on coming to see you play in a couple of months - of course, if you manage to move to another club by then, I guess I can always change my itinerary!
  12. Alex_K

    Alex_K Member+

    Mar 23, 2002
    Braunschweig, Germany
    Eintracht Braunschweig
    Nat'l Team:
    Cool. But i hope that you understand that i can't wish you good luck for you next game ;).

    Phhh... but not a bad idea, i miss my weekly YA thread since Jacob left ;).
  13. garbaggio

    garbaggio Member

    Jan 3, 2001
    The Krautman debacle was a real lowpoint for the Yanks Abroad boards.

    Let's hope that, if an occasional player does post here, they're not subjected to anything like that.
  14. taylor

    taylor Member+

    Jun 9, 2000
    Fav team: FC CARL ZEISS JENA
    Nat'l Team:
    So the official regionaliga tally is 5 counted goals, 5 ungoals and 6 assists. Gooo Ryan!
  15. TAKK

    TAKK New Member

    Jan 28, 2004
    Westchester, NY
    I guarantee that if the player isn't a complete tool, like right now with Ryan, everyone would be supportive and ecstatic for him.

    Kraut was a complete jackass regarding MLS, it's players, the Nats, and the game here in general. Jealous, arrogant and petty summed him up. Deserved all he got. Talk abot trolling! He was the definition.

    May he live the rest oh his life in Germany happily. Good riddance.
  16. coingoal

    coingoal New Member

    Jan 9, 2004
    Well, great to see the response to my original post!!!
    I look forward to seeing and meeting any yanks that come through Berlin for travels and for fussball. Just PM me here at Big Soccer if you want to meet up or come to a game.
    We play the 1st place team in the league this Saturday night, so that should be an interesting battle for us. I will honestly be happy just to get a chance or two in front of the goal.
    Thanks again for the support, I will keep you updated on whats happening from my perspective, which will always be a little biased, but as honest as possible. Ok, gotta run, a former teammate and old roommate from Univ of San Diego is going to be here in Berlin tonight. Gotta clean the place up a bit!

    Oh, In response to Taylor...
    I have 5 goals, 4 assists (not 6), and I drew a PK. Thats how the stats stand at the moment.
  17. garbaggio

    garbaggio Member

    Jan 3, 2001
    He was a bit immature and self-serving but he also had useful insights that could have been a good source of info for those of us who are interested in Americans playing overseas.

    I love MLS and I'm still buzzing about the game at RFK 2 nights ago, but the league is not above criticism. Particularly from people who are trying to earn a living as professional soccer players.

    But it is great to see Ryan Coiner sharing some info with us.

    Ryan, I see you posted while I was posting! Keep it up. Many people (including quite a few who read these boards without posting) will be interested in what you have to share.
  18. Casper

    Casper Member+

    Mar 30, 2001
    New York
    I think garbaggio makes good points. Grover was talking out of his rear a little bit, but there was no reason to run him off of the boards. Any player who chooses to post here takes some risks, but also can add a lot of good content, and posters should keep that in mind, and perhaps make sure to be more considerate of those individuals. It is a lot different to be here when one is not anonymous - for instance, if I was not anonymous, I couldn't say a lot of things that I say. It's important to remember that it's an asymmetric situation when one person in the conversation is anonymous, and the other is not.
  19. bmurphyfl

    bmurphyfl Member

    Jun 10, 2000
    Montreal Impact
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

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