Russian section of NYC?

Discussion in 'Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, & the former Soviet Repu' started by cmblfc, Jul 1, 2005.

  1. cmblfc

    cmblfc Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    New Britain, CT
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    In my section of New Haven County, CT, there is a HUGE eastern european population. Polish, Ukranian, Lithuanian, and Russians. They are everywhere!
  2. ports485

    ports485 New Member

    Mar 22, 2005
    Phoenix, Flagstaff
    Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Poles, and Romanians seem to have sizeable communities in every major metropolis in the United States. Russians...not so much. So perhaps that's why someone said there aren't many Russian communities here.

    I live in the Southwest and I only know four Russian-speaking people here; my grandmother, my father, a Jewish Russian female friend of mine who's from Odessa, and an Estonian-born ethnically Russian guy she introduced me to, believe he's from Tallinn.

    My family is from Tartü and we are ethnically Estonian. Apparently we have a big community in Seattle, but I've never been. To my knowledge, in Phoenix where I live, there are actually more Estonians than Russians.
  3. cmblfc

    cmblfc Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    New Britain, CT
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Do you outnumber them 6 to 5?

    I really had no idea that there were any Estonians in the southwest at all.

    Come to think of it, ive never actually talked to an Estonian, or seen one other than on the net in articles or on TV.

    You are the first Estonian ive ever talked to. Whoa.
  4. ToonUSA

    ToonUSA New Member

    Jan 11, 2005
    Romanians in the southwest? You sure? Most Romanians I know have gravitated to either coast. LA & NY for the most part. I don't encounter too many Serbs oddly enough nor Bosnians, or Croats. I know 1 Serb, 1 Ukrainian, 1 Gypsy, and too many Romanians. Where I live we have a large Asian and Mexican population. Which is as expected in Southern California.
  5. Dmitriy

    Dmitriy Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    CSKA Moskva
    Chicago has a very large Russian speaking community most of which are from Ukraine. We also have Ukrainian Village (although not as many Ukrainians live there anymore) which is a traditional American settlement of Western Ukrainians. There's also a descent number of Romanians, Croats, Serbs, Bosnians, and as most know a gigantic Polish community.
  6. nicephoras

    nicephoras A very stable genius

    Fucklechester Rangers
    Jul 22, 2001
    Eastern Seaboard of Yo! Semite
    Come now, lads, we all remember line 5.
    And Americans wonder why I don't call myself "Russian".
  7. Frankie Boy

    Frankie Boy Member

    Jun 9, 2003
    Definitely a Russian colony in Seattle...also in LA (mostly Jewish areas like Beverly/Fairfax), although when I went to a LA Kings hockey game we sat next to a young Russian season-ticket holder who lived 1/2 mile from Anaheim Arena would have nothing to do with the Disney Ducks :)
  8. Frankie Boy

    Frankie Boy Member

    Jun 9, 2003
    Plenty of Serbs/Croats in San Pedro (families have worked on the waterfront for generations)...

    San Pedro has the feel of a steel town, not tinsel town (very in-bred)...
  9. Forza Moskva

    Forza Moskva New Member

    Sep 20, 2004
    Mila Kunis' Crib
    Because you're inferior to us? Hell, I'd call you a Ukrainian instead.
  10. cmblfc

    cmblfc Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    New Britain, CT
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Theres so much love on these boards. :rolleyes:
  11. mutinywxgirl

    mutinywxgirl Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 6, 1999
    St. Petersburg, FL
    Yeah, I was thinking the same thing....

    TORPEDO Member

    Sep 19, 1999
    Za nakryityim stolom
    Arsenal FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Methinks that in the name of aggressive posturing some regulars have forgotten one simple dogma :"What you call yourself matters hell of a lot less than what your children will call you, themselves and their children."

    I had dat argie mit Shurik a few years ago, and peaceful resolution was achieved.
    I do not get what any of you will get chitting and chatting on Ukies, Jews, Russians etc., shvyitsing - who is real, who is not, and so on.

    So some regulars a la Alex Spike who had sumpm to say are gone, what good came out of dat?

    I come to these boards to communicate mit common, yet rare souls - footie fans mit eastern Euro affiliation mit somewhat of an identity - transitional crisis.
    Ask yourself - will Ganu's kids be Loko fans, will Z's - Z's, and I sure hope dat Dima is not allowed to reproduce - since we do not need anymore dimwitted "DedGazzayhuesosov", as hard as I'll try my maidalah won't probably give a kopendrert 'bout "T" after a while as well.
    What legacy will you who "fraer" too much pass on - hate Ukies cause they hated Jews;
    hate jews cause caused us tsures 200 years ago;
    hate Lithuanians cause they wanted a land of their own?

    I truly subscribe to a theory dat a kleine piece of camel drek can spoil a groiser barrel of honey; and it was less than 5% of population dat started pogroms, and not all Ukies were in Hmel'nitskiy druzhina, and dat a potz Id is worse den an Antisemite.
    You kin all point at Shurik's ogorod - yet de gent (extremely loose term) has talent dat most or none of us own; is funny; and IMHO - harmless; so hwen you dat funny + well spoken + well meaning - start your diatribes - oderwise - IMHO,hmm, IMHO - rishpekt is der woid of the day.
  13. yasik19

    yasik19 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Daly City
    I wholeheartedly agree.

    TORPEDO Member

    Sep 19, 1999
    Za nakryityim stolom
    Arsenal FC
    Nat'l Team:
    hRACIAS. :cool:
  15. nicephoras

    nicephoras A very stable genius

    Fucklechester Rangers
    Jul 22, 2001
    Eastern Seaboard of Yo! Semite
    Um, what? Why would you call me Ukranian? :confused:
    For the record, I don't call myself Russian because in Russia, I wasn't.
  16. nicephoras

    nicephoras A very stable genius

    Fucklechester Rangers
    Jul 22, 2001
    Eastern Seaboard of Yo! Semite
    That's a lovely sentiment, but sadly, a bit too new agey for me. Having recently had a conversation with a highly educated Polish girl about how one should "never marry Jews" because they "try to convert you" and "other stuff". Old hatreds, sadly, run deep. And the tendency to blame Shlomo Rabinovich for what ails Russia (first it was the revolution, then it was the destruction of the revolution) won't soon pass.
    That's probably the reason why I have no interest at all in teaching my (future) kids to speak Russian. True, it will deprive them of the first and third chapter of Master and Margarita as well as Blok's Italian poems. But then again, I expect they will be able to read Marquez, Lorca and Calderon de la Barca in vernacular. I don't expect to regret the trade.

    TORPEDO Member

    Sep 19, 1999
    Za nakryityim stolom
    Arsenal FC
    Nat'l Team:

    Well I did convert my shiksa wife, since I felt that fresh injection of sheine blood was MORE than necessary (well there were other reasons as well); I'd shudder thinking that her or mein maidalah will understand Russian - what a monster they'd think of me , myself and I.
    As far as your Polish friend - immigrants many times reflect the primitive basis of their race's sterotypes, prime reason while Italians in italy look a lot less ITALIAN den someone chillin' next table to me at "Vento" in MPD, or Dmitriy sounds more like Zhirinovsky than the shmuk heself. Yet - what will dat girl's daughter think of Jews (frankly I do not really care), mass opinion only concerns me when it is influenced to the extreme - a la current American right - otherwise the history of the world was written by select few.
    A few years ago - I was at the lecture of "supposedly" brilliant orator - whose topic that night was :"Let's do away mit all the nationalities, and become one TRUE melting pot". He got a standing O, I was scratching mein "repa".
    IMHO - in the world of information overload, and extreme cocooning - too many identites might dissolve into nothingness, so my child - when the time comes - will be Jewish. Case closed, choice made, the name lives on (hopefully).

    Now; Calderon, over Lope, and de Saavedra - interesting choice - why all the Spaniards over obvious Anglo candidates?
  18. Zenit

    Zenit Moderator
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    Jun 3, 2000
    Above the Tear Line
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    As to I. Well said, Torpedo.
  19. DynamoKiev_USA

    DynamoKiev_USA New Member

    Jul 6, 2003
    Silver Spring, MD
    I very much wish that my South African Jewish girlfriend of 3 years was at least a little more Russian... She loved "Ironiya Sud'by" and "Master and Margarita", but quite obviously and naturally she doesn't quite get it the same way I do, and I wish this was different. I certainly hope my future kids will grow up speaking Russian fluently -- if only because I want them to be able to enjoy their grandfather's humor.
  20. cmblfc

    cmblfc Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    New Britain, CT
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I never really liked the whole melting pot thing. Sure, Im an american, as were my parents, and grandparents. But I always was told that I was my ethnicity, not my nationality. My family wasnt really big into nationality either. They dont like to talk about family history (well, most dont. My dad, his aunt, and my moms aunt do.)

    They have purposely lost the languages they knew. My paternal grandfather knew French fluently, yet never taught my dad, nor me. I took a beginners course this year, and it is simple to learn, but I dont know that I have the time for it. When I was little, I wanted to learn Italian so bad. I thought that I could from a simple book called "Italian in 7 days." Basically, that book could get you through as a tourist. My grandmother claimed to only understand italian, not speak it. I talked to her once in it with the help of the book, and that was it. After that, she denied knowing the language and would not speak it with me. So I lost interest.

    My dads aunt, who is eastern european, loves learning about our heritage, and we have worked together to research our genaeology. She has hundreds of pictures of my Lithuanian and Slovak side of my family that she will give to me when she passes on. I think this is great, but none of my other family care. Its sad really. They are the ones that I can learn so much about.

    I dont know if being in the USA during hard times in the past 100 years has made most older members of my family drop their ethnic ties, and be "american", or if its from serving in the army, or if its from just bad family experiences that they do not want to think of themselves as these nationalities.

    But I do know this. Even though I am of 5 different ethnic backgrounds, and my future wife very well could be of other ones, I do not want my kids to turn a blind eye to their heritage. Sure, they are going to be americans, more american than I am, but I do hope they will appreciate what their ancestors did to get here. I hope that they will watch the olympics or the world cup and be able to support their ethnicity to the fullest extent. When a peer asks them "What are you", I would hope that they would respond, "I am Italian, or French, or Lithuanian, or Slovak, or English", or whatever else they could be.
  21. yasik19

    yasik19 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Daly City
    why can't they read both? They can read Marquez, de Vega, Servantes, and also Blok, Pushkin, Gogol and such.
    I will definitely teach my kids Russian as much as they are willing to learn. I don't think we should forget our background that easy, even if we weren't called "Russians" in the FSU. What I agree with you and what DK said, it will be extremely hard for our kids to understand movies like Ironiya Sud'bi or Garaj. They just won't get it. Nevertheless, if not for their heritage, the ability to speak another language is a big plus.

    TORPEDO Member

    Sep 19, 1999
    Za nakryityim stolom
    Arsenal FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Now, I'll drag out me yashchik and throw in me $3.98 , please save the rotten eggs 'till the end.
    Here's what mein repa comprehended so far :

    1/ NPA kin shpiel medeival Spanish + Catalan, and will drive his kindele meshugge teachng him those tongues, may he whose name can not be uttered bless him for dat imminent effort.

    2/ CMBLFC is a total mutt (in a good sense) ans is proud of - see NPA's blessing. Oh and C - you - one of us duuuuuuuuuuude - join the RFPL chit - you can't do worse den metros.

    3/ Metros - podnasral shi ne ubral, or fulfilled the famous Odessa directive "Sdelal svoye delo i uhodi". Speak up Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude.

    4/ Yasik ain't planning to marry the devoted student of L.Vuitton institute - ' cause she won't let him near the kindele or Telly mit Footie for dat matter.

    5/ 3 years ..... DKU has been getting South African trim lately - bohato odnako, sam ne imel, no... sam slyishal. See NPA for blessing.

    So a few things not to ignore - your kid WILL have a brain, more choices you give him, less are the chances he'll choose a right one.
    Your kid will want to do EVERYTHING - my maidalah wants to be in a choir, take singing lessons, take figure skating lessons, be on a synchroskating team, be on a ski team, play French horn; and if time allows play Little League and AYSO, don't forget school comes first and takes up a lot.
    Just like in bidnest', or fashion, or design, or interior decorating, or writing, or investment porfolio - you'll have to edit, edit, edit and mit love, love, love - it ain't effen easy. Focus on what's important - OK superpuperduperimportant - the rest they'll get anyway.

    Ancestry stoff - yes it is SHOCKINGLY important - and when they are ready - they should get it, my Family's ancestors boggle mein kopf, and my Daughter gets it - by teaspoonful - one day she'll get it all, but first I have to somehow get it all. Which brings another topic - Family is thrown around the world, so are the ancestral graves (so to speak) how'd you keep it altogether (yourself), d'ya really think that your kid'll get it 'fore 16 - 18?
    My daughter already thinks that the Russian part of my family is weird (OK Unkle Yura knows only 2 words in English - "Oh Chit" and dem are forbidden in mi casa).How'd you teach them respect towards what is alien to them - not effen easy , make sure that they won't resent you.
    It's a long and laborious road, which has rewards on the par mit enlightment (yes, I know conspiracy... BS), yet abandoning my career for it ,has never felt better.
    Sorry for the patience torture - rotten tomatoes - as always are welcome.
  23. yasik19

    yasik19 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Daly City
    Torp, ironically enough, my twin-bro got engaged this weekend. I'm next to enter Hades. Just in a few years. I'm trying to convert my 2 1/2 year-long gilrfriend into aa Chelsea fan, but it's been tough. However, you gave me a good idea with that Louis Vuitton comment. Her b-day is in few weeks, so need to get her something nice. Stupid french names with their over-the-top prices. Maybe i should just get 2 tix to NY and go see my Chelsea play. That would be a good b-day present for her, right....RIGHT?

    TORPEDO Member

    Sep 19, 1999
    Za nakryityim stolom
    Arsenal FC
    Nat'l Team:
    My advice was to git a different goirlfriend altogether, ASAP, yet, you kin read it anyhweigh you want.
    I think a trip to NYC is a wonderful present - I was dere meslf 'till last Saturday (although, it was a present to me - which I did not want), and will be dere again in coupla weeks - may be will catch Gold Cup semis.
    It is outta control e-espensive though, and you'll have to shower 3 times a day due to humadididty, garbage on dem streets, local stinkeye, and smelly , shvyitsy body parts on public and non-public transportation; AND DAT'S BEFORE "VELIKIY I MOGUCHIY" on Brighton streets (which I did not visit).
    On the other hand, hot + humid weather + local fashion , provides extreme exposures on the part of attractive aborigene females as opposed to unattractive semi-aborigene males in SF - so, how kin you go wrong?
    Git extra dark Persoles to save your beytsim. :cool:
  25. nicephoras

    nicephoras A very stable genius

    Fucklechester Rangers
    Jul 22, 2001
    Eastern Seaboard of Yo! Semite
    If me kindele can't read English, its going to be a bit of a surprise. ;)

    As for why Calderon? Porque la vida es sueno.

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