US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld compared the White House's policy of seeking the removal of the Iraqi leader with Winston Churchill's warnings about Adolf Hitler before the Second World War.
Rumsfeld is just like Churchill - he's white, he smells like old cigars, and he sports a political ideology that's been irrelevant for 50 years. With any luck he'll be run down by a rogue cement-mixer in the next week or so.
You forgot paranoid obsessive cod-imperialist with a drink problem. Churchill, that is. But hey, if Rumsfeld said it ...
yeah, what's the big deal? this saddam guy seems alright, well if you look aside from the thousands of people he's killed and tortured. here's a reference point that is almost 99% accurate. if the president or leader of a country wears a military uniform or fires guns in front of crowds, they're bad. we don't need them.
> here's a reference point that is almost 99% > accurate. if the president or leader of a country > wears a military uniform or fires guns in front of > crowds, they're bad. we don't need them. I don't know. Usually it is America's style to put these guys into power, not take them out.
Sounds like you haven't seen the "dictators in uniform who we've thrown billions of dollars at" list.
Even though you guys bring up valid points, Rumsfeld-Churchill parallel fails because the Tories did not assist in Hitler's rise to power.
Found the list. Entry number four reads: Hussein, Saddam. Ba'ath party security officer who came to power in the mid-late 60s through the ruthless implementation of assassination and torture in the form of blasting Nancy Sinatra's "These Boots are Made For Walkin'" outside the compounds of political rivals. Distinguishing features are the large, bushy mustache; large, not-so-bushy pile of dead Kurds; and the large, George Bush-shaped monkey clinging to his back. Likes: Chemical warfare, old Burt Bacharach records, long walks on the beach at sunset, invading geographical neighbors, the Nixon administration. Dislikes: Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Islamic fundamentalism, the Bush family, Apache Attack Helicopters, sudden sandstorms out of the east, Oliver North, nationwide rebellion. Where you'll find him on a Friday night: Down at Ahmed's Camel Barn Spit-n-Save or at Baghdad Billy's All-You Can Eat Buffet. Everything I know I learned from: "Bonanza" reruns, CIA handbooks, and Jimmy Cagney films. Evil Rating: 8.8 Wow. Pretty in depth stuff, eh?
When un-military men talk to military men. The whole Bush administration gets nervous when they have to talk in front of the military, I think it has to do with all the flashbacks they get about dodging the draft. It's scary when the guys in the whitehouse who are pushing military action, HAVE NEVER BEEN IN THE MILITARY!, and no, the national guard does not count.
Re: When un-military men talk to military men. Last I checked the National Guard was wearing a uniform and doing time in Afghanastan. I think they were also in Desert Storm too. I think they also did time in Vietnam. Not every National Guard Unit gets called up. They only call up the ones that bomb friendlies.
Bush the Younger was specifically placed in a unit that had no chance of going to Vietnam. This unit was famous as a hiding place for the kids of rich and powerful Texans (like Benson). Cheney used 3 student deferments to get out of Vietnam. Ashcroft got student deferments, and when he graduated he got a rare occupational deferment (his critical job being a business teacher in a state university, a job given to him be family connections). Tom Delay has two stories as to why he didn't serve in Vietnam. First, all the black kids looking for money crowed out patriotic white people like himself. Second, his wife urged him not to go. Dick Armey got a college deferment. Richard Pearle has never been in the military.
There was on article in the Daily Mirror (British tabloid) written by a posh twat. But anyway, he said that Rumsfield compared George Bush to Winston Churchill. He went on to say “There is simply no comparison. Churchill was a real soldier and not a puppet of the Pentagon. He trained at Sandurst, fought in the Battle of Omduram and the Boer War. His escape from a PoW camp in South Africa is a literary legend. He became the First lord of the Admiralty in World War 1, and after the ill-fated Dardanelles expedition of 1915, saw action in France.” He then went on to say other things like Churchill warning about the rise of Nazism in the 1930s. But if Rumsfield compared Churchill to US policies over Iraq to Nazism. Well I don’t think Churchill went after Adolf Hitler, just because one ball tried to assassinate his father.
Re: When un-military men talk to military men. I am going to be a Tank Crewmember in the Army National Guard, pretty tough Fookers in there, believe me, they do count.