It is the nature of the mathematics of elections that the system used can pick the winner just as much as the votes themselves. Playing the system like this way more cost effective and reliable than convincing voters of your superior stance on issues. Of course, it kind of puts the lie to the idea of democracy.
"Applicants are required to sign a form that, among other things, attests to U.S. citizenship, but the form also has a separate box to be checked by citizens." Outrageous! Next they'll be wanting photo ID!
Or perhaps, if that person really wanted to vote, and they are illiterate, maybe they would take some time, find a literate person to help them. Problem is, when you are trading crack for voter registration cards, the person filling it out is probably itching to finish filling out the form in a hurry. Are check-boxes really that hard to understand? Oh yeah, this is Florida.
In defense of Florida, I think, I was listening to Day to Day on NPR and they had these election guys. OK, these guys were saying something I should have known but never really heard before. Every election has a margin of error. In fact, Florida was so close that it was way within that margin and even holding the whole election over again the results may have been different, but again with the margin. Obvious to say now, but if you really wanted to see the real voter intent you'd have to hold an election say about 100 times then you could crunch the data and see some voter trends. Since the world will be watching, we have to allow Florida to establish their rules and hold them to those rules. What more can we expect or do? While it is fun to make those Florida jokes, we really hope they get their act together and if there is justice, these eggs in the basket people are counting before they vote will not make or break this election. I mean, wouldn't the people of Florida at least agree that four years of Ohio jokes would be better?
What's up with that obnoxious 'New Florida vote scandal feared' headline? I expect that crap from The Guardian, but not the BBC. Quit reading the article at that point.
You know back in school, you would get an F for incomplete work. Now, you could have had one of those "nice" teachers and (s)he would have just given you an I for Incomplete and allowed you to finish it, taking away points or grade for every day it was not finished, but hey, who knew these were real world experiences?
Here's a question for all you hard should registering to vote really be? I mean, they signed the damn thing saying they're a citizen. What the fvck difference does it make whether or not they checked the box? I can't believe you people are defending what is without a shadow of a doubt an effort to stymie new voters. Y'all got outworked and now you're Rooneying in the box. Pathetic. I see stuff like this, and think, I don't care if our side cheats to win, I really don't. I don't believe in unilateral disarmament. The GOPs are cheating. Let's cheat too. In this case, two wrongs really do make a right.
Here's a question for you ultra-liberals.... how ********ing dumb to we have to "dumb-down" the system before you're satisfied? Would simply making "your mark" be good enough to register?
Redudancy is dumb. Speaking of dumb ... "Applicants are required to sign a form that, among other things, attests to U.S. citizenship, but the form also has a separate box to be checked by citizens." It strikes me as pretty dumb to have a redundant citizenship checkbox on a form where you have to sign your name attesting to your citizenship.
Work at a job where your customers have to fill out any sort of form and you'll come to realize there are alot more dumb people out there than you realize but in this case there are people that can logically assume that by signing a part of the registration confirming they are an American citizen there is no need to also check a separate box. I've helped people with forms when they look at the part that says signature and date and they ask, "Do I have to sign there?" I work at a retirement fund company and I've gotten that question from a janitor with just a thousand bucks invested and I've also had it come from a professor with 3 million bucks invested.
I don't totally disagree, but do you really recognize what you just said? You are advocating an inteligence test for voting. Isn't that counter to the ideals of American democracy?
There should be an effort made to register to vote. And photo ids should be required at the time of voting. Democrats love open registration so they can cram as many sheep to the polls as possible, for a pack of smokes or some crack cocaine.
There should be an intelligence test for voting, and no, it doesn't counter the ideals of American democracy. The reason why the founding fathers only wanted land owners to vote is because they believed that if you owned land then in theory, you were pretty intelligent and also had a bigger stake in the way things were run. Idiots should not be allowed to vote. Oh, and people on welfare shouldn't be allowed to vote either. Flame away.
I'll tell ya...if you sign a line that swears you're a citizen, you shouldn't have to check ANOTHER box to swear you're a citizen. Problem solved, o mighty slayer of straw men.
Sting Ray's favorite books: The Turner Diaries, The Clansman, anything by Rush Limbaugh Favorite movies: Birth of a Nation, Red Dawn Turn-ons: quiet moonlight strolls, race war, Rush Limbaugh Turn-offs: soggy pizza, mongrelization of the white race, heathens, Rush Limbaugh's arrest Ideal date: picnic on the beach finished off with a bottle of wine, reciting our favorite Ayn Rand passages to one another, while wearing Rush Limbaugh masks
You shouldn't HAVE to fill out sh!t. The DEFAULT rights of citizenship should, among other things, BE voting, naturally and natively; paperwork should only kick in to ostensibly KEEP you from voting. Wait a damn minute...
Dave, I suggest you review the Florida's voter registration form….Easily baffled voters can Click here . The form is so simple even you could fill it out. The very first question "Are you a U.S. Citizen?". The field is even highlighted as being "Required". And you want me to believe that checkbox is redundant and only there to deceive? Give me a break!
Wrong... there are rules... you have to fill out paperwork... incomplete registrations should be tossed! Try to get a credit card with "incomplete" registration... Try to get a driver's license with "incomplete" registration... Try to get a loan with "incomplete" registration... To vote requires a bit of information... Those unwilling or unable to complete the registration have something to hide... toss them! IntheNet
No, Nemo, what I'm saying is that citizenship should be more easily demonstrated in general, and that it should be beholden upon the state to DISprove your eligibility, like a Constitutional right, not upon US to PROVE it, like a privilege.