Ruiz Sighting [Guat/Jam R]

Discussion in 'FC Dallas' started by F.C.D., Jul 9, 2005.

  1. F.C.D.

    F.C.D. New Member

    Sep 2, 2004
    Ruiz started the Guatemala Gold Cup game tonight.

    Actually I think he's playing as he was on the field when they kicked off. But Jamica now has a 2-0 lead in the 4th minute.

    Doesn't bode well for Guatemala but does look good for Carlos rejoining the team for NE game.
  2. F.C.D.

    F.C.D. New Member

    Sep 2, 2004
    Guatemala just got a penalty and Ruiz is going to take it.

    He did his stutter step move and blasted it by the keeper
  3. justscore

    justscore Member

    May 31, 2004
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    He scored ona PK in the 11th min. and got a yellow for kicking it back into the net after he scored - oops!
  4. F.C.D.

    F.C.D. New Member

    Sep 2, 2004
    Brian Hall is doing the game and gave Carlos a yellow card after he scored for evidently kicking the rebound back into the net even though no one was attempting to get the ball.

    A very odd decision by Mr. Hall
  5. F.C.D.

    F.C.D. New Member

    Sep 2, 2004
    THey just showed Carlos sitting on the ground holding his ankle and covering his face with his other hand.

    I guess he's OK though as he just sprinted for a through ball but was off side.
  6. texgator

    texgator New Member

    Oct 28, 2003
    Are the trying to use the same "experimental" FIFA rules that they used in the WYC? If so, any touch of a dead ball by a member of the opposing team is a cardable offense.
  7. F.C.D.

    F.C.D. New Member

    Sep 2, 2004
    Well I was about to go to bed in the 4th minute. but now it''s in the 15th, it's 2-1 and a Jamica player was jsut shown the red for slapping Carlos upside the head
  8. F.C.D.

    F.C.D. New Member

    Sep 2, 2004
    This Guatemala defense is so bad I fully expect Jamica to to score another goal even down a man for 75 minutes tonight. Question is does Carlos have another 2 or 3 goals (or assists) in him tonight.
  9. F.C.D.

    F.C.D. New Member

    Sep 2, 2004
    45' minute and Jamica gets a penalty as a sloppy tackle by the Guat. defense.

    Andy Williams to take it.

    GOAL. Tucked it in the corner.
  10. texgator

    texgator New Member

    Oct 28, 2003
    And Ruiz makes it two tonight on a wonderful header. What the heck was the Jamaican defender doing on that short corner. He just sat there and let the wide Guat player pick out Ruiz and send in the cross. How about some pressure, buddy.
  11. wcharriscpa

    wcharriscpa Member

    Arsenal FC
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    No, I don't think they are. And it's funny -- I've caught myself looking to the ref after a player kicks or throws the ball away, only to realize that such antics aren't being called in this tournament.
  12. F.C.D.

    F.C.D. New Member

    Sep 2, 2004
    Ruiz just got a goal back on a nice header from 6 yards out. Jam 3 - Guat 2


    Oh and I just realized I've been forgetting the i in Jamaica.

    It's a fun game but I can't stay up any longer. I'll watch the second half on TIVO tomorrow and report and further Carlos news.
  13. burning247

    burning247 Member+

    Liverpool FC
    Sep 16, 2000
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    well if I'm going to be home on a Friday night I'm glad a game like this is on, very wide open. Guatemala is pretty much Pando and Ruiz...and I'm just saying Pando because I heard he was good for the Gals, I need to pay better attention to this game in the 2nd half. So far only Ruiz is sticking out. I don't know whether to cheer for them for Ruiz or cheer for Jamaica to get him back for the NE game. :confused:
  14. F.C.D.

    F.C.D. New Member

    Sep 2, 2004
    First I'm hoping for no injuries. Then I''m hoping they lose 3 straight so that we has a better chance of winning next weekend. It is New England after all and I heard they are pretty good.
  15. boomersooner027

    May 13, 2004
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    thanks for posting pbp of this, i dont have cable so i dont get galavision. If someone could post when someone scores and such for the 2nd half i would appreciate it.
  16. F.C.D.

    F.C.D. New Member

    Sep 2, 2004
    I still haven't found bed yet. Jamaica just scored and lead 4-2 in the 59th minute.

    This looks good for us as Jamaica was Guatemala's best chance at a win. Their next two games are vs. Mexico and South Africa (who beat Mexico tonight 2-1)
  17. F.C.D.

    F.C.D. New Member

    Sep 2, 2004
    Mr. Hall needs to recount the Jamaicans and make sure they didn't sneek an 11th player onto the field after halftime.

    They've had as many chances as Guatemala has had in this half.

    70th minute.

    Ruiz was just slammed to the ground in the box. It was probably a foul but tough to call your 3rd penalty of the game on that foul.
  18. wcharriscpa

    wcharriscpa Member

    Arsenal FC
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    That, or Ruiz was a victim of his own reputation. I thought it was a clear foul. Gotta say, though, Brian Hall really has done one hell of a job keeping a lid on this match, so to speak. In the first ~30 minutes, I was thinking things were really going to get ugly. But if my spanish is any good, the commentators were saying that he's made all the right calls and has done a great job of keeping the game from getting out of hand.

    But then again, I watch Pendergras (sp?) last night. ;) How he keeps getting assignments for anything beyond Girls U12, I'll never know.
  19. wcharriscpa

    wcharriscpa Member

    Arsenal FC
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    GUA really pressing and knocking on the door. Great turn-and-shoot by Ruiz from 12 yards out sails just over the crossbar. Surely there's another goal coming in the final 10 min.
  20. burning247

    burning247 Member+

    Liverpool FC
    Sep 16, 2000
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    for you Boomer....85th minute, still 4-2 Jamaica. Fish had a bunch of chances he couldn't capatalize on, and Guatemala's goalie is keeping this from a slaughter...
  21. wcharriscpa

    wcharriscpa Member

    Arsenal FC
    Dec 26, 2000
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    JAM making a mess out of the increased # of counters they're getting. Starting to try to kill off the game. 85'
  22. wcharriscpa

    wcharriscpa Member

    Arsenal FC
    Dec 26, 2000
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    Ruiz goal in the 87'
  23. burning247

    burning247 Member+

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    Sep 16, 2000
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    Fish with the hat trick!
  24. wcharriscpa

    wcharriscpa Member

    Arsenal FC
    Dec 26, 2000
    Arsenal FC
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    United States
    Evidently, Ruiz has "sangre de fria." :)
  25. F.C.D.

    F.C.D. New Member

    Sep 2, 2004
    Goal Ruiz (third tonight) 4-3 Jamaica in the 87th minute.

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