RSL Fan Experience

Discussion in 'Real Salt Lake' started by CrazyJ628, Sep 16, 2015.

  1. RSLer

    RSLer Member+

    Sep 24, 2008
    Stansbury Park, UT
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Where we sit the substitution announcements have always been garbled and still are.
  2. RSLer

    RSLer Member+

    Sep 24, 2008
    Stansbury Park, UT
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Can somebody update me on what RSL social media did that has The RSL Show guys so incensed?
  3. 15 to 32

    15 to 32 Straw Hog

    Jul 1, 2008
    Salt Lake
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Don’t have the socials but it sounds like the tone from Trey is spreading
  4. RSLer

    RSLer Member+

    Sep 24, 2008
    Stansbury Park, UT
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Kudos to the owners/FO for the sound system upgrade. The National Anthem was clear and synched stadium-wide. For the first time in ages we could hear the substitution announcements.
    15 to 32 repped this.
  5. RSLer

    RSLer Member+

    Sep 24, 2008
    Stansbury Park, UT
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Has anyone ever listened to the RSL postgame show on KSL radio? On my car radio there is no problem. On my iPhone tonight it plays about a minute of the show and then a series of commercials play. I don’t know how many because I shut it down after 4. This has happened twice now. Does anyone know a way to get around it?
  6. DrownedElf

    DrownedElf Member+

    Jul 5, 2010
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Do iPhones allow ad blockers? Not sure if that would even work though.

    Back when I was a sth, I'd use the TuneIn radio app to listen. Never had commercials that I recall. Although that was years ago so that may have changed. If anything you could just stream the audio from their website?
    RSLer repped this.
  7. 15 to 32

    15 to 32 Straw Hog

    Jul 1, 2008
    Salt Lake
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I listen to it via podcast the next morning
  8. RSLer

    RSLer Member+

    Sep 24, 2008
    Stansbury Park, UT
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    #683 RSLer, May 19, 2023
    Last edited: May 19, 2023
    Where do you find it…the KSL radio website? I ask because I can’t find it there.
  9. goobx1

    goobx1 Member+

    Jul 9, 2007
    Salt Lake
    Anyone else noticing how GD loud the new sound system is at the stadium? We have sat in section 25 for over a decade and with the new system we have to yell just to hear each other when we are just sitting next to each other. The decibels averaged over 91 during the pregame and up to 109.

    Yes I'm old but it still sucks. Neve had the issue before.
  10. 15 to 32

    15 to 32 Straw Hog

    Jul 1, 2008
    Salt Lake
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    KSL podcasts on the Podcast app
    RSLer repped this.
  11. RSLer

    RSLer Member+

    Sep 24, 2008
    Stansbury Park, UT
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I found the page. Thank you!
  12. KendaReal

    KendaReal Member+

    May 3, 2010
    Taylorsville, UT
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    goobx1 repped this.
  13. RSLer

    RSLer Member+

    Sep 24, 2008
    Stansbury Park, UT
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Season tickets renew tomorrow. Seems early to me.
  14. Taragui

    Taragui Member+

    Aug 13, 2006
    Northern Utah
    Real Salt Lake
    First game attended in person after several years' absence.

    I was pleasantly surprised by the increased atmosphere tweaks with the red lights under the canopies and a lot of the painted branding, etc. on the walls. Nice touches.

    Ok, though, now I have to rant although it borders on being political and I try to avoid those sticky-wickets on this site.

    What a joke of a halftime activity. They had a young man and a young woman of approximately the same age dribble a ball from half and race to shoot it in the north-end goal. The young man was clearly faster and took an on-frame shot just for Leo to block the shot while the young lady came from behind and made a goal with no effort on Leo's part to try and block her shot. Everyone cheers and they give a jersey to the young lady. The young man was obviously distressed by the unfairness and injustice of it all, but did they give him a jersey and a pat on the back with some quiet lesson on chivalry, etc.? No, just a firm hand on the back from Leo as he's escorted off the field.

    Now, I get that it's just two little kids and a jersey, but what if I'm that boy's parent? How do I explain that the girl was given a jersey just because that's the way it is? And we wonder about higher suicide rates in males and why there are now more female college graduates than male college graduates. How many other subtle life lessons are we giving boys along the way that performing at your best will not get you anywhere and it is better to just go along to get along?

    Before you think I am a raging misogynist, know that I have two daughters and no sons and I want to provide every opportunity for my daughters. However, I don't want the expectations for them to be lowered so that when they are successful that it comes with an asterisk that it was not really a level playing field. I also think that women can be successful in their own right and it does not have to be at the expense of men. It is not a zero-sum game.

    They should've run two races. One with two boys and one with two girls and all this nonsense would've been eliminated.
  15. 15 to 32

    15 to 32 Straw Hog

    Jul 1, 2008
    Salt Lake
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    They gave them both jerseys
    I think whoever got their first was gonna be blocked no matter what just to give a “chance” to the second place person
    Taragui repped this.
  16. Taragui

    Taragui Member+

    Aug 13, 2006
    Northern Utah
    Real Salt Lake
    I hope that's true. I didn't see them give one to the young man, just some cajoling and a pat on the back. I will back down and assume you had a better view of it or that I looked away at the wrong moment.
  17. 15 to 32

    15 to 32 Straw Hog

    Jul 1, 2008
    Salt Lake
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I think it’s a lot to extrapolate from a halftime show even if he didn’t get the jersey

    not to say the topics you bring up aren’t worth discussing, I just wouldn’t use that moment as the catalyst
  18. RSLer

    RSLer Member+

    Sep 24, 2008
    Stansbury Park, UT
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I don’t think it’s gone viral, but it’s definitely getting some play.

  19. 15 to 32

    15 to 32 Straw Hog

    Jul 1, 2008
    Salt Lake
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Any context?
  20. Med_Phys

    Med_Phys Member+

    United States
    Jun 20, 2019
    Terre Haute, IN
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    It's the SS Divisional (German WWII, if I need to explain further) insignia.
    RSLer repped this.
  21. rslfanboy

    rslfanboy Member+

    Jul 24, 2007
    Section 26

    At the same time, somewhat unsurprised.
  22. SenordrummeR2

    SenordrummeR2 Member+

    Jul 21, 2008
    Layton, UT
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    He was removed from the game due to the Nazi symbol. I read a thread about it last night and the commenter claimed the guy has been in and out of prison and got several Nazi and/or racist tattoos in order to survive in prison (apparently this is pretty common). He's currently in recovery groups and is turning his life around and has had the tattoos on his arms removed. He claimed the short haircut is due to him currently working on getting the SS tattoo on his head removed. The commenter shared photos of him working with the guy at the Pride festival and said he's a really good guy. But he should've been wearing a hat... (I'd provide a link to the thread but I don't have access to Reddit right now. You can find it on the r/MLS subreddit.)
    Allez RSL and Med_Phys repped this.
  23. 15 to 32

    15 to 32 Straw Hog

    Jul 1, 2008
    Salt Lake
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    This is the kind of context I wanted
    Prison gangs don’t ******** around
    Med_Phys repped this.
  24. Ismitje

    Ismitje Super Moderator

    Dec 30, 2000
    The Palouse
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Also though: lots of people to borrow a hat or a headband from outside of prison.
    Allez RSL, RSLer, SenordrummeR2 and 2 others repped this.
  25. 15 to 32

    15 to 32 Straw Hog

    Jul 1, 2008
    Salt Lake
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    If the rest of the context is true, then I wouldn’t extrapolate more than just being careless and forgetting to cover it up.

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