Roster 2023

Discussion in 'Houston Dynamo' started by quiznatodd_bidness, Sep 16, 2022.

  1. juvechelsea

    juvechelsea Member+

    Feb 15, 2006
    to underline part of where i see the problem, in the past few years since 2018, we have 2 draft picks left on the team. thor and then the forgettable bartlow. bartlow is peak jordan and that's an overstatement, junqua is off to FCD as a bench player, and the remainder are USL or out of the game entirely already. thor is peak onstad but he has a similar problem in the sense he has 1 first team draft pick playing. pat drafts many foreign players who then fly off to the 4 winds. pierrot has 16 goals in the irish second. his other players tend to populate HD2.

    re HGP, raines is the only one who plays and strictly speaking he wasn't really ours. avila was loaned, castilla was sold, and valdez is only nominally first team roster, he's really HD2. so, 2 HGP, being generous, 1 of whom plays sometimes.
  2. CeltTexan

    CeltTexan Member+

    Sep 21, 2000
    Houston, TX USA
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Alex Dixon tho. His goal versus Utah!
  3. juvechelsea

    juvechelsea Member+

    Feb 15, 2006
    #1053 juvechelsea, Aug 9, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2023
    i actually looked him up the other day, curious. he scored a decent amount of USL goals around age 30 and is with monterey now. still going. i kind of put him and deric in another pile from today. deric was already ODP/Klein HS UIL title/texans when we came in and grabbed him at the end of HS. we didn't make that. dixon was texans and U17 YNT pool then we dibsed him. they changed the rules how long you had to be academy and that approach dried up. we have struggled to grow our own and get them to the senior team ever since. memo is like peak HGP since then and he's like marginal between MLS bench/USL starter.

    i don't like the numbers and i also don't like the lack of a progression plan. does it come across like we are making special efforts for anyone academy/HD2? i get thor is a serviceable sub we drafted. he has more of a trajectory than our own people do. where do we plan on having raines or valdez fit in? we flubbed gitau. pinilla went to UCLA. it's not even just getting more guys across HD2 to here, it's seeming to have a plan how that happens.

    i mean, the astros do not just send kids to AA or AAA and say, "compete." they usually have a literal plan. like, a half year in A ball. another half in AA. a full year at AAA. they do not work on everyone equally. they have an idea where they see you in the bigs. they are putting more energy into the bonus babies, less into some 30 year old career minor leaguer. if you need a position change they turn you into the 3B they think you will be. it's not just drop them in the deep end and see what happens. i get the vibe we just sign career pros in with draft picks in with our own HGP and just see what happens. that's how to ref a soccer game or run a track meet, fair to everyone. that's not how to ramp your favorites up to being helpful in MLS. that takes good coaching but it also takes special treatment.

    i can't quite tell if the coaching is subpar or if it's we don't pull the key ones aside and give them extra. you should have some awesome HGP almost on accident even if the coaching is junk. deric and dixon show up for tryouts. we should have a few HGP candidates every year if the system is working.

    i keep harping on this, but they need to be flipping all the roster switches and not just the ones labeled journeyman trade and low rent transfer. a thor level draft pick a year would help. a memo a year or better HGP would help. some actual starter level people we don't have to pay for would be nice. that's that many fewer guys we have to go out and sign and risk getting wrong.

    otherwise, at pat's rate this takes 5 years to accumulate and in 5 years some guys retire or get bored or get dealt or become disgruntled youth prospects who want a transfer. the sand castle is eroding down as you set it up. it has to happen faster. it has to be supplied with more internals we don't have to spend tools or money to get.
  4. juvechelsea

    juvechelsea Member+

    Feb 15, 2006
    why is auguste on a first team deal if he has dressed 4 times and played 5' in cup ball with the first team, otherwise HD2? at a loss how a UFA wasn't straight-to-HD2.
  5. juvechelsea

    juvechelsea Member+

    Feb 15, 2006
    so we loaned out a sebas to sign a sebas? is there a quota, or did we feel some cosmic balance must be maintained?
  6. 7seven7

    7seven7 Member+

    May 5, 2008
    Houston Dynamo
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    United States
    He must track back well defensively and is able to pass 10 times before trying to advance up the field
  7. juvechelsea

    juvechelsea Member+

    Feb 15, 2006
    #1057 juvechelsea, Aug 12, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2023
    watching a week old Celtic game and had some thoughts
    1 i know we press and they trap/counter but we could learn from Celtic, watch how fast they get downfield and the precision of the finishing.
    2 people have, in basketball terms, the press and trap confused. the whole idea of the "princeton" style full court press is to chase everything beginning high upfield. i do not consider midblock "traps" to be pressing, properly understood. they are traps in hoops terms. the idea is to invite the opponent out then swarm. maybe it's press-on-the-brain where people talk about silly sh*t like "midblock press" when they are halfway into your team.
    2a i mean, what, is it now pressing to defend and not just stand in your lines a la tab ramos?
    3 i personally found pressing exhausting while trapping allows catching your breath. trapping also allows more room to attack into without the defense already back.
    4 i personally found as a once upon a time forward that chasing people around to strip the ball is rarely successful in the "goals that count" sense, even when you have a knack, and runs your shooting legs off. it's the sort of thing you get a hat trick on a bad team from then you don't get a goal off it for half a season. tactics should be based on working on a good team and working week to week.
    5 the dynamo also routinely give up goals over the top of their high line. some of that is personnel to be fair.

    on a traditions note
    6 celtic has an old school goal song, reminds me of what we used to have.
    7 the more i thought about that it pointed to a contradiction. "FC" tacked on reaches for celtic-style euro-tradition. but the team in general went on an icon-smashing binge. colors, logos, name. i decided it reconciles as icon-smashing as i think they probably did the name for some legal reason associated with the sale.
    8 the rockets and astros both went down the same odd off ramp into cuteness before circling back to the traditions. yes, you pee on it, you own it, but you're worse at it than they were. if you think you're so clever well do better than the dynasty era did.
  8. *rey*

    *rey* Member+

    Feb 22, 2006
    Current temperatures

    Glasgow 59°
    Houston 103°

    if the Dynamo tried to press like Celtic they would lose every summer home game 0-7.
    Westside Cosmo and CeltTexan repped this.
  9. juvechelsea

    juvechelsea Member+

    Feb 15, 2006
    #1059 juvechelsea, Aug 12, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2023
    you have my point precisely backwards then

    they sit back and trap/counter

    that their weather better suits our tactics is a non sequitur

    less talkie more watchie rey

    you will see where they feel somewhat familiar but then more efficient

    if you think that's a weather thing i am sorry
  10. Westside Cosmo

    Westside Cosmo Member+

    Oct 4, 2007
    Houston Dynamo
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    United States
    You may want to listen to Onstad's interview with Glenn this week. Sebas old coach from Paraguay is at Vasco and they are in the relegation zone and can't score so it was anticipated he would go immediately there and play out the calendar year.
  11. quiznatodd_bidness

    Houston Dynamo
    United States
    Apr 14, 2020
    I think what Juve is try By to say is that the Dynamo should have pushed for this to be a permanent transfer since VDG is struggling and Sebas seems plug & play for them. And I kind of get that. You have them by the nuts pretty much so see what you can make them do. When you look at it that way it seems like what Pat was saying about still trying to believe in Sebas and give him a chance next year is more than just lip service.
  12. Westside Cosmo

    Westside Cosmo Member+

    Oct 4, 2007
    Houston Dynamo
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    United States
    My guess is they couldn't afford a permanent if they got relegated so it was temporary or nothing.
    CeltTexan, quiznatodd_bidness and *rey* repped this.
  13. juvechelsea

    juvechelsea Member+

    Feb 15, 2006
    #1064 juvechelsea, Aug 14, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2023
    quizno basically gets my "narrow point" in terms of vasco by itself. i'd add their coach has previously coached him before so this is not an unknown player to their brass. i feel like vasco's timidity is of debatable wisdom. westie leaves out they are a promoted B team trying to stay up, not a faltering A regular. not unlike the dynamo, maybe they simply undershot the talent necessary to compete, or are so concerned about finances they are willing to risk going back down to keep payroll down. this to me sounds like a recipe back down to B, sorry. it would be an explanation but is it a wise one?

    it is worth noting vasco competes both in carioca and national leagues and is already high finish and safe in rio first division. vasco also won their second sebas start and moved up a table position. if vasco buys the player they can build forward with a player their coach knows, if they stay up. if they buy him he can be sold or have a relegation clause if they go down. if loaned we get him back whether they succeed or not, and they can then beg for him back if they stay up. they have no asset rights to sell him, which westie ignores. a few people we have sold do some bouncing. elis isn't still at boavista, no??

    my broader point would be that if he can start in brazil within days that implies a broader market for his services. westie is suggesting one team in the world wanted him and these were their terms. if there is a broader market then so what if vasco is feeling timid. how did this key deal become vasco or bust? and why did we seem to have no effort on sebas at all until vasco hired libertad's former coach? in which point this got done within days. this is a 13 goal guy, how were there no rumors anyplace else?

    this is all leaving out that if we weren't sure about sebas the time to sell without a reduced market/price was the winter. i think we kept sebas because we are over-optimistic, fight common sense, and pat had decided sebas would get more time. ben then gave him precisely one game. that sounds like we still have a dysfunction problem.

    i then think what happened here is perhaps because pat is more optimistic or not eager to sell we were not actively shopping sebas or had delegated any efforts to sebas himself. this explains the laser focus of the deal on a team who might want to be timid financially. the destination suits sebas. the terms do not suit us. we risk getting the fruitcake back.

    at which point we wander into what do the dynamo need. westie's spending a lot of time talking about one team, vasco. not our team. not any other suitors. our job is to maximize the dynamo. what i think i see here is a team with an expensive underused sub who hogs a DP and produces little this year in that role and is not wanted by the coach, may have been done on loan terms to our roster rules detriment because the coach and GM aren't on a page, and because the player may have driven the destination -- just like castilla did. if the players' agents are setting up these deals what is pat doing? this is setting aside the question of this team needed a butt kick this fall to ensure playoffs. this is setting aside sebas should have been done last winter when he was a productive misfit. i see this as timid effort where the GM is playing for more time. is hoping he produces and rebuilds his market, which would be CYA for pat. not sure how much of this is "mom and dad fighting" where pat wants sebas around even if ben doesn't. as i pointed out, we gave off mixed messages -- an official announcement, likely GM+PR, saying he would return -- paralleling social media saying bye.
  14. quiznatodd_bidness

    Houston Dynamo
    United States
    Apr 14, 2020
    CeltTexan repped this.
  15. Westside Cosmo

    Westside Cosmo Member+

    Oct 4, 2007
    Houston Dynamo
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    United States
    I have no earthly idea how you could read my comment and infer that I believe no other team in the world wanted Sebas. Its like a form of illiteracy mixed with dyslexia to take that from my one sentence which was mostly paraphrasing what Onstad said on the radio.
  16. juvechelsea

    juvechelsea Member+

    Feb 15, 2006
    #1067 juvechelsea, Aug 16, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2023
    people can like your self serving response all they want -- they routinely moan about anything i say before getting it 2 months later.

    my point is simple and not illiterate. i read your post. your post assumes no other choice. i disbelieve your assumption. i said a guy who goes right into a brazilian serie a lineup probably had other choices. you said but vasco has these specific issues. i essentially said so what if he has a broader market. i am sure we have sold people to team A who was serious for whom we received lowball sale/loan offers from teams B and such the player might have even preferred. i am sure team B may have even had a rationale like you say. doesn't mean in a voluntary competitive market i loan to B. loan to B puts us in a position of 2 DPs, one rehabbing, without recouping the other DP back. it offloads without the full soccer benefits. it is also probably more modest financially too. anything we get will be in the winter. we have essentially doubled down.

    i also explained -- in literate, direct response to your post (meaning i clearly did read it) -- that i think vasco might simply be wrong. that if i get promoted up to first division and falter down to relegation zone, and don't want to basically quit and pull your timid MBA accountant money-watching exercise -- i buy some darned talent and fight to move up. i didn't quite get blunt and call it a quitter attitude. i kind of think it is. they obviously underestimated what the league takes. that sounds very familiar. a team more concerned with soccer than money does something about it. a team concerned with money tries to squeak into 17th while bringing in loan players and otherwise keeping it cheap. you used to criticize that attitude.

    perhaps you're saying you don't believe your own post. you were just ventriloquizing. well i explained how the dummy was wrong. to me it's odd because westie in previous years would get the soccer risk of being cheap.

    you now defend almost everything we do, perhaps so you can end up opposite me. do you get if the playoffs hadn't expanded this would be 2 teams shy still? do you get in most metrics this is still well into the bottom half? 9/14, -GD, high 30s low 40s pace GF, high 40s pace GA, quanitative. qualitative, some pretty attacking soccer occasionally but not enough to win regularly, defense is a sieve that can be beaten by route 1 HS tactics.

    i like bassi. i think a lot of the rest including most of the backline, are a mess. compared to how some seem to see it, i think they have had any number of windows to fix this and simply can't see the gold well enough to pan it quick enough to justify their mining lease.

    they have to start getting more of these right, quicker, or coco and raines will leave, clark and HH will retire, etc. they have gotten a pretty good season out of HH. they seem in no urgency to make something definitive of that. the nature of the way they handled the summer is like they have forever. they don't.

    i asked when they signed HH whether he was entertainment while they rebuilt it quietly around him. if this takes 3 years he's done in 3 years. loaning sebas is basically punting forward movement yet 1 more season down the line. repeating myself, i don't buy a guy straight into serie A brazil only ever had a vasco offer. i buy we weren't even trying hard and maybe sebas' agent got on the phone and lined this up on terms that suited vasco.
  17. juvechelsea

    juvechelsea Member+

    Feb 15, 2006
    i also feel like you're suggesting vasco made us as an offer. bluntly the way the summer went suggests castilla and sebas' agents made their own deals to preferred destinations. if the compensation or deal type are less than ideal for HD perhaps it's because this was stuff they requested we accommodated as opposed to stuff we drove the car to.

    surely you see how those 2 just ring different than how coco and will he or won't he has been handled. on that one we have been made abundantly aware of the suitors, of our asking price, and been unwilling to accept offers we see as low. setting aside the "valued correct" concern, it tells me a lot about our emotional, cuckoo for cocoa puffs approach, that we can try and churn up a market for an ok 6/8 we seem to like but cannot competently make the market for a 13 goal DP striker out of fashion here.
  18. juvechelsea

    juvechelsea Member+

    Feb 15, 2006
    #1069 juvechelsea, Aug 16, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2023
    i mean common sense to me is you sell sebas and coco, swap them both, that gets us a stud 9 plus the polish kid perhaps. you then make some trades to try and patch the defense. voila, playoffs. IMO.

    i think they planned on quinones this summer. i think the rest is improvised. coco is overvalued worse than elis was, i bet castilla was undervalued, and they repeated last year's mistake of offloading by loan rather than sale, such that the transaction follows them around the balance of the season a la bajamich. way they did it they literally blocked themselves from fixing both slots this summer. if soccer was the point.

    personally i'd not be surprised if we punted on sebas to give time for a new revenue stream to come in (apple, sponsors, some of sebas/coco's sale price) and fund his replacement. way we would be doing this you save pro-rated half season salary on sebas and maybe coco then use some fraction of that on a $544k (500k euro) fee plus a sub DP salary. it pays for itself, because you don't do the bigger 9 deal now and have to pay some 7 figure fee plus pay the DP salary this fall atop polish seabass. it doesn't help the soccer team as much, as urgently. we could use a 9 now and not january. westie probably gets the financials.

    fwiw pat said something about money in and money out on any summer deals, and i think some took it as a roster rules/cap thing, but he could be literally talking bank cash. that they need more money coming in before the big dog deal can happen. as contrasted with cap rules, where if you sell sebas and coco -- you have the room. but to do soccer things within a rules framework requires coming up with ready cash in a business sense. where i see us as cheap.
  19. juvechelsea

    juvechelsea Member+

    Feb 15, 2006
    last point, in terms of being so generous to others, remember we already traded parker but kept half his salary for 2 seasons (who has then started most of the games for a team above us in the table), loaned avila and rios rather than cut them, and loaned vera, which seems forgotten by now. then sold castilla and loaned sebas. this year the only guys i can think of we cut were nelson and van der kust. we did trade adam with finality. i think castilla is the only final sale.

    this after the year we loaned -- not sold -- bajamich, hoffmann, lemoine, and corona. as a result i think corona took a senior slot and bajamich a U22 for the year.

    westie can now explain how these other deals, too, needed to be as generous, and often as unwilling to be final and done with it.
  20. Ethos

    Ethos Member+

    Houston Dynamo
    Apr 28, 2019

    I hit read hidden replies just to see what this crazy dude said. Didn't disappoint. This 11 second YouTube clip is all I can say about Juve. It is as close to crazy as I ever want to get.
  21. CeltTexan

    CeltTexan Member+

    Sep 21, 2000
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    Wrong fer dat!
  22. juvechelsea

    juvechelsea Member+

    Feb 15, 2006
  23. juvechelsea

    juvechelsea Member+

    Feb 15, 2006
    #1074 juvechelsea, Aug 18, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2023
    ethos, you know what's funny is someone who blocks you but has to read your material, that's a lot closer to crazy than anything i ever do.

    he said i hadn't read his post. explained how i had and he was wrong. crazy? i personally feel like i am stuck in a conundrum where people either (a) make up some crowd-pleasing but fake argument against me, that i guess i am supposed to just let sit there, or (b) if i do answer and set them straight some jack@ss who already hates me gets to go ad hominem. including jack@sses who apparently block but then read my posts. which to me is just incredibly baby stuff. far as i am concerned it's basically you can hide behind your pretend "ban" then snipe at me when you feel in the mood. and it's not even a soccer comment. it's "he's crazy" for posting on a BB -like the correct thing to do on a board where all you can do is write is not do so, or perhaps barely do it - without even addressing much less having the cajones to debate the soccer discussion. because he knows he'd get circles run round.

    cowardly stuff, really. i mean quizno had already basically accepted i have a point but now it's crazy because i came back to a response.

    i then added a post when i noticed that we had also loaned vera and several other players, and have sold one player this calendar year -- castilla -- who was at this point basically a reservist, regardless what i think of him. if you can't see how that relates to our inability to "sell" instead of "loan" sebas, that's your problem. we can sell a long term HD2 U20 prospect but somehow not a 13 goal striker straight into a serie A lineup.

    i also feel, as i explained in the other post, that offloading 2-3 guys while signing 1 is just dumb planning. if we do sell coco and sebas we have offloaded 2 2022 starters this summer and only picked up 1 replacement. you get to the point where it's like can we even sell the guy they considered selling because the summer effort was so shallow does it hurt the playoff chances. are we trying to make the playoffs or not. if you think all that is crazy you don't understand soccer or common sense.

    as i explained, i think our finances are as much an explanation as anything westie wants to throw around. it would cost money to sign a new DP. the guy i posted above they would expect a fee for. i set out a theory where if sebas is loaned it serves a double purpose where the roster/cap rules tie our hands on paper. sorry, can't spend that DP cash, not allowed. as though we don't really really need one. in which case only an idiot loans instead of sells. i am sure there was a broader sale market. unless they don't have the money to actually do it. pat said upfront we needed cash in cash out and loaning old sebas while selling castilla and perhaps coco frees up too much room for new sebas -- pure profit -- while buying a replacement where the ins matched the outs would have net cost. just like pat said. which is why this continues to suck. part of competing in pro sports is paying to undo mistakes, in ways to which the cap is indifferent but the bank/accountants have to pay.

    you can now decide in your weak way whether you will hide behind your nominal blockage or pop out and throw bricks. honestly i could care less i just get a chuckle at how you never really leave high school with some folks. 8/10 of what goes on here is politics with little connection to reality.
  24. CeltTexan

    CeltTexan Member+

    Sep 21, 2000
    Houston, TX USA
    Houston Dynamo
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    United States
    Juve, it is perfectly acceptable to read another person's post and not like what they have to say about your own opinions on this sport.
    Respond to it. Debate them.
    Then banter with the rest of us.
    End game being, no one is kicking your dog so don't worry about it.
    7seven7 repped this.

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