LOL he was driving a left hand drive...and the truck hit the passenger side...GOD DAMN RIGH HAND DRIVE.
My only question is--did Rooney flop around on the ground holding his leg until the Police gave the truck driver a card?
That's odd. Quite remarkable because not over a month ago Robin van Persie(Arsenal) also had a caraccident in which he also might not had survived.
The thing i wonder about more than anything is how that truck drive felt. I mean...assuming the guy is English...can you imagine the suprise and embarrassment he must have felt to get out of his truck after hittinga very nice car and only to find that it was driven by none other than WAYNE ROONEY? I'll even go so far to say that it was the truckdriver that almost died. via possible heart attack.
God doesn't let future greats die, I seem to recall Abel Balbo "died" as a kid only to be rescucitated, and Maradona I think almost drowned.
Whats the difference if he hits a car with any normal Joe Schmo or Wayne Rooney. I wouldnt give a ********