Ronaldo has just became a new Real Madrid player.The deal is Morientes,Munitis and 20M€ for Ronaldo. Wow
Antena3tv,a spanish tv channel,has just made the announcement.they said the deal is done.In fact,Morientes wont play tonight against feyenoord
read this That's not the deal
Personally I think they just liked each others yachts so much that they wanted to visit again. Non-yachting story:
An update: talks stalled Solari rejects move going the other way...
Come on, you have to be smarter then that. I think the world cup made it pretty clear that teams are much more then the sum of their parts (see France and Argentina being kicked around). While on paper that's enough attack power to win every game, while scoring 5 or 6 goals, history tells us it doesn't happen that way.
They did it last year without Ronald, currently the world's best player. Plus, the club world is still for the big boys. I don't think we'll be seeing any major upsets this year in Europe.
and morientes is going to my barcelona big mistake for madrid
So....Ronaldo to Madrid, Morientes goes to Barca, and Solari to Inter, but Solari doesn't want to go? Someone summarize please.
Talks are broken off, according to Marca, via Inter Milan's website. Who knows, but this is fun to watch, with Morientes going one way, Ronaldo in limbo, gotta love Spanish football. says solari is not in the picture anymore ronaldo to madrid jardel to valencia kily to inter and morientes to barsa!
If true, blockbuster deal of the year! Real Madrid's doing everything it can to get Ronaldo. Not sure how wise, but it's one torn ACL from being a disastrous move.
This is just a case of the Barça rag trying to get some attention for its club because nobody is paying the least bit of attention to them.
Maybe this explains why Morientes is out of the Super Duper Cup lineup today or is he still on the outs in Madrid. Sorry for not being more up to date but I can't see all these moves happening.
Different sources say different things right now... Antena 3 says that Ronaldo is signed with Morientes going to Inter with either Solari or Munitis and 20 million Euros... Marca says that Inter has broke off the deal of 17:25 local time... Sport (From Barcelona) says that Morientes is coming to deal on Ronaldo yet... El Mundo Deportivo (from Barcelona) says that there are 4 teams involved in this transaction... Ronaldo to Real-Morientes to Barca-Jardel to Valencia-and Kily Gonzalez to Inter...that's just crazy!?!?!? and Inter's website saying there is no deal... Musn't forget that Max Bretos on Fox Sports World says the deal is done while commenting on the Real Madrid -Feyenord Super Cup match...i think he's using the antena 3 news update though... Personally...I think Real is just fine with Raul, Guti, Portillo(watch out for this one), and Moro up front...would love to go after the Marquez guy...the defense is the weak link...