Unfortunately Sogndal's reccent turnaround hit a bump against the Bodo side. Bodo won 2-1. Russel recieved a 5 player rating (a strong rating and above his season average) for his play in the game. He continues to be a very solid player for Sogndal. They continue to fight their way out of relegation.
Can you clarify what position Russell plays? I can't make much sense of the reports using the various translators.
I believe he plays forward. he has a goal and two assists this year. I will find a player profile and let you know.
I can't find all the information now, but I know a while back I did some checking and came to the conclusion that on this site, the formation is given in the usual form e.g., 4-4-2 and then the players are listed in that order, so defenders are listed first. The fact that the goal scorers are generally among the last on the lists was part of my evidence, but I had a bit more than that, too. Assuming that is true, Russell has been playing in the back.
Hard to imagine he would be playing forward. He was always a back for Duke. Very nice player, really. Certainly would have done well in MLS.
I guess he is actually a midfielder, or at least that's what they say on the club site http://www.sil-fotball.no/ I thought he was a forward because he wore 28. Fødd: 16.07.1979 Høgde: 180 cm Vekt: 82 kg Heimbygd: Amherst, MA, USA Nasjonalitet: Amerikansk Yrke: Fotballspelar Sivil status: Singel Draktnummer: 28 Posisjon: Midtbane Kom til Sogndal: Mai 2001 Kampar for Sogndal: 6 Mål for Sogndal: 0 Debutkamp for Sogndal: Sogndal - Brann 12/8 2001 (4-3) Tidlegare klubbar: LA Galaxy Representasjon: Amerikanske ungdomslandslag Beste minne frå fotballbana: Heile 2001-sesongen med Sogndal i Tippeligaen Favorittmedspelar: Ingen Favorittmotspelar: Zidane Favorittmat: Hummer Favorittlitteratur: Shakespeare Favorittmusikk: D`Angelo, Brown Sugar