If you are forsure going please make a simple post. I am planning on going on Sat morning and staying that night and bolting home on Sunday. So who is going.
Going I am going. If anyone has room in a car, I would prefer to travel with fellow Wizards fans in a slightly more fuel-efficient vehicle, or would also be willing to take on a couple passengers. Only drawback is that I will be leaving from Wichita.
I'm in I'm going, as are my girlfriend and Mike Gaughan. How we get there is up in the air...I have a minivan that seats 6 comfortably...we could split costs. Assuming wizardscharter and ojsgillt come with us, as was the original plan, that's 5 plus whoever in the van. A bus costs about $50 or so a head if you can get 45. If we can get 20 out of this board, I'd bet the Wizards could get 30 more from a mass email, and Ryan Haas told me that they'd be willing to front the money if they thought they'd get 50. My only problem with that is that they'd better schedule party time.
A bus would be tight. Much more comfortable than cramming as many people into the least amount of vehicles. It is cheaper then splitting gas money between 4 people (car) and 6 people (van). Other good benefits, are their is no reason to stay overnight since we have a designated driver. There is no reason not to get intoxicated, since we have a designated driver. Getting intoxicated makes for an easy sleep on the way home. By the time we are home it is mid morning. Nowadays charter buses have VCR and TVs. No need for bathroom breaks. The list goes on and on. So what number are we up to now? Someone should send an email out on the wizadfan listserv.
Re: I'm in Good plan, works for me. Chexk out www.milwaukeerampage.com on the website it lists "group" at 10+ and tickets as low as $6. We don't need help from KCW to get this done. Odds are, if KCW does "help" we will be paying for it somehow.