In the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette today there was a short article indicating that Tim Carter was retained as head coach for next year, but the bigger news, perhaps, was that the Riverhounds have focused on a new site for their 10,000 seat soccer-specific stadium (and related facilities), i.e., riverfront property 15 minutes from the city, and that they could play there as soon as 2004. Two questions: 1. Is this for real (we've been led down this path before with no result); and 2. If so, where is this riverfront property? If not the town, at least the river? As someone who just moved, ironically, to a riverfront community 15 minutes from downtown, I'm exceptionally curious.
some more news Not much detail yet, I suppose the Hounds site will be updated soon.
I know someone who lurks here who has a good theory to work with. The theory goes that you should NOT hype a potential new park until it's virtually through the approval process. When you bring up the possibility of a new stadium, people get the message that the old one is taboo. Attendance tends to go down. Since the soccer community (way generalized term representing several markets), more often than not, lacks the power to get a stadium put together, especially in a short time frame, clubs can hurt themselves in the attempt. At this level, heck, they can kill themselves. Therefore, let's make a pact. Let's agree to shush (especially in the park, with the casual fan) until the thing is actually built. Surprise people. Deal?
some more info Here's some more information on the assistant coach. Seems to have had a decent career "across the pond."
"The theory goes that you should NOT hype a potential new park until it's virtually through the approval process." Whatever the merits of the lurker's theory, I'm afraid the horse has already left this barn.
It would just be awesome if we could get our own stadium built. We could go to games early and get to play a litte on the youth fields. And Our SUpporters group could get there own section!
Thank you for stating the obvious. This "Pittsburgh's getting a Soccer Only Stadium" chestnut has been around longer than the Riverhounds. As for 15 minutes from downtown, riverfront property, I'd hazard a guess at some Southside former mill area, or possibly down the Ohio (Neville Island?). Any other ideas?
If the stadium was more centrally located, and had decent parking/public transit access, and if the team's management managed to reconnect with fans they've alienated over the past couple of seasons, then I would anticipate that the average would be higher, even after the "new facility boost" wears off. No reason why it shouldn't approach 7000 in good years.
Hey, Just since most of us our Riverhound fans come onto the Hounds board;f=25 It is a really great board for all A-league teams and each indivudual team. THe Riverhounds board has the most posts! It would be great to get some new people on the board. Me and HoundGuy are on plus tons of others. I agree the Riverhounds could probably get 6-7K