RIP -- Consequential Person Has Passed Away

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Events' started by Val1, Aug 16, 2015.

  1. charlie15

    charlie15 Member+

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  2. dapip

    dapip Member+

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  3. Cascarino's Pizzeria

    Cascarino's Pizzeria BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Apr 29, 2001
    New Jersey, USA
    Hitler got the '36 Olympics

    Wonder if Henry ever compared soccer to foreign policy. "As the dominant world power, you have to constantly be on the attack. But if you're down 6-0, call in air strikes. Now what time is my black tie dinner?"
  4. Cascarino's Pizzeria

    Cascarino's Pizzeria BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Apr 29, 2001
    New Jersey, USA
    The wake will be legendary

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  5. charlie15

    charlie15 Member+

    Mar 9, 2000
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    Seriously, Blinken, there is no need for this....

    This morning in Tel Aviv, while meeting the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, the Israel president Isaac Herzog said Kissinger “laid the cornerstone of the peace agreement, which (was) later signed with Egypt, and so many other processes around the world I admire.”

    Blinken, for his part, added that Kissinger “really set the standard for everyone who followed in this job” and that he was “very privileged to get his counsel many times, including as recently as about a month ago.”

    “Few people were better students of history,” he said. “Even fewer people did more to shape history than Henry Kissinger.”
  6. Cascarino's Pizzeria

    Cascarino's Pizzeria BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Apr 29, 2001
    New Jersey, USA
    The chattering classes loved the ghoul
  7. charlie15

    charlie15 Member+

    Mar 9, 2000
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    How this criminal slept at night and managed to live to reach 100 yrs old defies logic...

    Henry Kissinger’s central role in the U.S. carpet bombing of Cambodia.

    Nowhere is the debate over the legacy of former U.S. secretary of state Henry Kissinger more searing than in the countries that bore the brunt of his military polices like Cambodia. Historians say that his decisions led to decades of violence that have continued to haunt Cambodian society.

    For many in the country, Kissinger’s impact was not abstract but visceral and continues even after his death. Land mines buried into the ground during Cambodia’s three-decade long civil war, which was driven in part by U.S. interference, are still exploding today. In neighboring Vietnam and Laos, officials are also still undergoing the painstaking process of identifying and removing unexploded ordnance from a war that Kissinger helped to wage five decades ago.
    Carpet bombing
    From 1969 to 1973, as secretary of state and national security adviser under President Richard M. Nixon, Kissinger ordered the carpet bombing of large swaths of Cambodia that U.S. officials at the time claimed were sanctuaries for communist insurgents from South Vietnam as well as North Vietnamese soldiers. Ben Kiernan, a historian at Yale University and a leading scholar on the U.S. legacy in Cambodia, h
    as estimated that around 500,000 tons of U.S. bombs were dropped on Cambodia during this period and that these indiscriminate attacks killed as many as 150,000 civilians.

    The scale of this bombing campaign, internally called Operation Menu, was kept secret from the American public for many decades, though leaked and declassified records have revealed that Kissinger personally “approved each of the 3,875 Cambodia bombing raids.” In 1970, according to declassified transcripts of his telephone conversations, Kissinger spoke to Nixon about the situation in Cambodia before relaying the following order to his deputy Alexander Haig: “He wants a massive bombing campaign in Cambodia. … It’s an order, it’s to be done. Anything that flies, on anything that moves. You got that? ”
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  8. charlie15

    charlie15 Member+

    Mar 9, 2000
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    @Naughtius Maximus , you friend Tony aways flatter to deceive...

    Tony Blair said Kissinger left him “in awe”:

    Of course, like anyone who has confronted the most difficult problems of international politics, he was criticized at times, even denounced. But I believe he was always motivated not from a coarse ‘realpolitik,’ but from a genuine love of the free world and the need to protect it. He was a problem solver, whether in respect of the Cold War, the Middle East or China and its rise.”
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  9. Val1

    Val1 Member+

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  10. charlie15

    charlie15 Member+

    Mar 9, 2000
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    Man...Hitch destroyed Kissinger in that interview (and his book too).

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  11. Q*bert Jones III

    Q*bert Jones III The People's Poet

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Thank God for Shane McGowan.
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  12. Val1

    Val1 Member+

    Mar 12, 2004
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  13. Cascarino's Pizzeria

    Cascarino's Pizzeria BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Apr 29, 2001
    New Jersey, USA
    Some more context of what they did to Cambodia

    Henry Kissinger, who died on Nov. 29, 2023 at the age of 100, stood as a colossus of U.S. foreign policy. His influence on American politics lasted long beyond his eight-year stint guiding the Nixon and Ford administrations as national security adviser and secretary of state, with successive presidents, presidential candidates and top diplomats seeking his advice and approval ever since.

    But his mark extends beyond the United States. Kissinger’s policies in the 1970s had immediate impact on countries, governments and people across South America, the Middle East and Southeast Asia. Sometimes the fallout – and it was that – lasted decades; in some places it continues to be felt today. Nowhere is that more true than Cambodia.

    I’m a scholar of the political economy of Cambodia who, as a child, escaped the brutal Khmer Rouge regime with four siblings, thanks in large part to the cunning and determination of my mother. In both a professional and personal sense, I am aware of the near 50-year impact Kissinger’s policies during the Vietnam War have had on the country of my birth
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  14. Bootsy Collins

    Bootsy Collins Player of the Year

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    Wrong thread. He's over in the dead music people thread.
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  15. Val1

    Val1 Member+

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    Now that we have a music thread, I'm hoping death postings for musicians will migrate over there.
  16. Bootsy Collins

    Bootsy Collins Player of the Year

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    Yeah, well, it's existed for a long time, so doubtful. Instead, death postings for musicians (and movier and TV performers) now get posted in *two* places.
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  17. TheJoeGreene

    TheJoeGreene Member+

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    Migratory Death Postings would be a solid name for an indie punk band.
  18. usscouse

    usscouse BigSoccer Supporter

    May 3, 2002
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    Many rock and punk musicians have been mummified and zombied out.
    It’s hard to tell when or if they have passed.
    Is Keith Richards still in this world. ?
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  19. Cascarino's Pizzeria

    Cascarino's Pizzeria BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Apr 29, 2001
    New Jersey, USA
    He's Elvis
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  20. usscouse

    usscouse BigSoccer Supporter

    May 3, 2002
    Orygun coast
    Henry Kissinger. RIP

    23 - to 23.
  21. Bootsy Collins

    Bootsy Collins Player of the Year

    Oct 18, 2004
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    ???? Did you miss the last 532 pages of this thread?
  22. usscouse

    usscouse BigSoccer Supporter

    May 3, 2002
    Orygun coast
    Probably, not like you I guess, I don’t spend my life reading the obituary columns
    But now it’s on the 5 hundredth and 33rd page for those like me who missed it.
  23. roby

    roby Member+

    Feb 27, 2005
    So Cal
    To celebrate this wonderful event Mickey D's is bringing back that iconic and "beloved" McRibib sandwich to the masses. :)
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  24. argentine soccer fan

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    What I can't get over it is that Henry Alfred Kissinger lived for 100 years. Yes, he had his great diplomatic successes, and he is being eulogized fondly by important people, from the US to China to all over the world. But in every place that he touched he left blood stains. From Southeast Asia to South America to Africa to Europe masacres ocurred because of his actions. He was a highly inteligent man, a charming man, and he used his great talents to create destruction all over the world. Nobody ever held him accountable, and the fact that he lived so long leads me to believe that he didn't hold himself accountable either. A true monster.

    Well, he's gone.
  25. Cascarino's Pizzeria

    Cascarino's Pizzeria BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Apr 29, 2001
    New Jersey, USA
    I wish The Left would stop bringing down the discourse and give bloodthirsty 20th century tyrants their due for just a few days. Jeez!


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