I sit in Section 138. I think we're the only season ticket holders in the section. For the All-Star game, it was sold out entirely to Sam's Army. Shortly after the game started, a security guard came down and told everybody to sit down that those were not "standing seats." I got pissed and my girlfriend and I started yelling at the jackass security prick. One of the Sam's Army guys tried to reason with him that the tickets were specifically sold as "standing seats." I focused on telling the security guy to leave us alone and send a supervisor for us to scream at because we bought a ticket and the ticket lets us stand up whenever we damn well please. I also started jumping up and down and telling everybody in the section (about half were sitting) to stand up now so that the whole section would be standing. I don't know who invented this idea of "standing seats," but they need to stuff that idea right back up their ass into their obviously miniscule brains.
Topo: Last week a security geek told us this in La Norte before the Revs game. Luckily, Zack was right there and set the guy straight. He told us that if anyone ever tells you to sit down when you are in a group area like that, get someone on DC's staff to get him and he'll take care of it. Little help now, but Steve was just amazed they tried to tell La Norte to sit down.
Further RFK employee shennanigans Of course what Topo didn't mention was that, 15 minutes prior as we attempted to get to our seat, the RFK "usher" I guess you call it, attempted to deny us access to our seats. We are the only people who have season tickets in our section, and so we had the Special Event D tickets, which of course have date and time listed as "TBA". She took our tickers, and she kept just staring at them, and I didn't know what the problem was, and then she says: "There's no date on these tickets." I say "Well, of course not, they're season ticket special event tickets." So, she just proceeded to continue to stare at the tickets, muttering "no date". After about 30 more seconds of this, I apparently turned into the Incredible Hulk and started screaming at her to let us in our seats NOW! or get her supervisor NOW! becuase I was sick of these RFK screw ups and I was NOT going to miss the start of this game because she couldn't figure this out. (And yes, I do shout in all caps!) After about a minute of me screaming her, the gears started slowly turning again in her mind, and she did let us in to our seats. I have no doubt that if I hadn't started yelling at her, she would still be there, just staring blankly at our tickets. Geez, this made me mad! There can't have been that many different types of tickets at the game, the staff can't be informed what the season ticket looks like?!?!?! So, when the security guard started yelling at the Sam's Army guy, I was still in full Hulk mode for that. ARRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Don't make me angry; you wouldn't like me when I'm angry!
Yeah, I've had the RFK "usher" at Section 133 do similar things. She'll block the entrance to the section and insist on taking your ticket away from you, slowly piece out where your seat is, and give you detailed directions on how to get to your seat. If you show her your ticket (so she can see you're in the right section) and walk past, she'll chase you through the section until you let her actually take the ticket away from you, read it, tell you where you sit... This doesn't change no matter how many games you go to. She's still doing the same thing to every person in the section at the end of the season as at the beginning, despite the fact that she sees tehme every game.
This obviously points out the low qualification standards for these positions. I am sure these guys are paid really well to mistreat paying customers, as well.
It's a tough call. There are some ushers who don't enforce the seating at all, so you'll have to fight to get some people out of your seat when you get there, and then there's a few like this lady, who takes the job way too seriously. Let's face it...you're not dealing with rocket scientists here, so I guess we should show a little patience... Let me pose this, though...the guy who mooned everyone at midfield on Saturday (one of the funniest things I've seen in recent memory, by the way)...did anyone think security was a bit rough w/ him? He didn't resist, and they were twisting him every which/way. Just curious.
My problem came after the storm. I sit in 120, with La Norte and some drunk decided that he needed to stand in the asile between 120 and 119. Then he needed to beat my bongo drums (OK once or twice I will give you) and harass the KitKat ball girls into giving him one of the game balls. (Like that was going to happen.) If I'm not mistaken an even easier concept to understand than what ticket people should use is NO STANDING IN THE ASILES! Now on occasion kids (10 Years old or under) will stand in the asile besides me. That does not bother me and I usually try to keep a eye on the kids so they don't get hurt. Now on the other hand a drunk who stands there for 40 minutes of a 45 minute half needs to be sent to a seat. This is not a tough one to handle.
Anyone know the ID of the guy who made the mad dash down the left side, did a belly side, jumped the fend, and then ran through the seats all the way to the middle and escaped (apparently ???) into the concourse. If he can do half of that with a ball at his feet, he should get a tryout. The guy who missed the open goal after running the length of the field with a ball though, don't quit your day job . You let a lot of cheering fans down, man.
I started a thread after last match about the security nazis telling us to sit down. When it happened to me I got the guys number, went to DCU's office at the main gate, and they handled it VERY quickly and were a great help.I know the first reaction to these knuckleheads is to get pissed but belive me, that'll get you nowhere. Let DCU know when you are getting hassled and they will handle it.
yeah i have to testify to the effectiveness of Dave's idea. being less mature, while dave was actually getting someone to do something, i simply threatened and screamed at the security boobs during the same incidence. while i got satisfaction, dave got results.
On dealing with the annoying usher: RFK does have aisles on both sides of a section. So if you don't want to deal with that particular usher, maybe you can just move over one aisle next time. (Like instead of entering inbetween 119-120, enter between 118-119.) You may have to step by some people in a row, but it may be worth it not to have to deal with the aggravation. And about the yelling:maybe it's because I'm a girl, but I don't think that's how to solve problems. It may make one feel better to yell at someone, but that is disrespectful and no matter how annoying this person is, they're trying to do their job as they think it should be done and trying to make a living. Politeness can go a long way...maybe this person acts like this because they've been treated like crap for so long at the soccer games, they figure why bother being nice. OK, I'm done, the teacher side of me has left the building. Cindy
What happened to MLS trying to emulate European atmospheres? Not the hooligan crap..but this isn't golf. Crew stadium would not put up with that rule. Of course, we arne't nearly as crazy as you guys Looks fun to me.
i also had a problem with the security at the All Star game. i was in section 121 and this drunk guy got in a fight. so security kicked him out...twenty minutes later, he's back and in another fight. gets kicked out again. then another 15-20 minutes later he's back. apparently the security guards kept kicking him out but didn't take up his ticket stub, so he kept getting back in. Idiots
\ That's fascinating, since the signs at all the gates say no reentry on ticket stub, and my (hazy)recollection of all the doubleheaders where people have asked (mostly the WUSA ones) has been that not even DCU HQ has been able to get RFK to let up on this rule.
We can still curse in RFK. Tell Jim Smith or whatever his name is to come by RFK for his ass kicking. Then you guys can do whatever you want in Crew Stadium. Sachin
You can't swear in Crew Stadium? Gotta be kidding me. If that was an excuse to kick you out...it must have ben something dangerous. We die to fill the stadium and you are a definite plus. Noise..crazy..drunks...good for soccer. Just like football. Also...please invite us all in Columbus to the ass kicking. What a pleasure.
There was some big to-do about how the North End had to stop swearing because some soccer mom got her panties in a bunch. It was pre-crash. Sachin