The assignments for the 2nd day of group play is on FIFA's website: The key game between Japan and Sweden has been assigned to Quetzalli Alvarado (Mexico). Another key game France vs North Korea has been assigned to Therese Neguel (Cameroon) Thalia Mitsi (Greece) has been assigned to USA/Colombia The CRs for the other games: Brazil/New Zealand: Bibiana Steinhaus (Germany) Canada/South Africa: Katrine Pedersen (Norway) Great Britain/Cameroon: Eun Ah Hong (South Korea) It slipped my attention at the time but the opening game of the Olympics between Great Britain and New Zealand was assigned to Kari Seitz of the United States. The other center referees in the first round were: Yamagishi (Japan), Heikkinen (Finland), Palmqvist (Sweden), Chenard (Canada), Di Iorio (Argentina) If the second matchday assignments go off as planned then all 12 referees will have worked one match apiece.
The LA Times, my hometown paper, snuck in an article on Kari Seitz and I didn't notice it until social lurker posted a link to it in the Referee Forum. Nice little read. I met her once at the Home Depot Center and really liked her. Great personality, spunky. FIFA by the way has not been updating the referee assignments on their website so that's why I didn't post them for the 3rd group game. If anyone hears the quarterfinal assignments let us know, please!
Thanks, cliveworshipper: I just saw a couple of the assignments on the Referee forum but not the entire listing. Yes, we got the Argie. Not sure what to say about that. In the Referee Forum, some of them think we've seen the last of Canada's Carol-Anne Chenard this tournament. On the PK, they think it's a clear DOGSO = red card. Kari Seitz has been assigned the huge Sweden/France game. If the US continues to advance, the opinion in the Ref Forum is that this will probably her last assignment (except for possibly the 3rd place game). With Germany not in the tournament, the Committee clearly seems to be saving Bibiana Steinhaus for either the semifinals or the Gold Medal match. I don't think it's a surprise to see Kirsi Heikkinen (Finland) and Sachiko Yamagishi (Japan) assigned the other two huge quarterfinal matches.
I'm not sure how Bibi could do a final if Sweden or France matched up against the USA. There is that conferederation thing. She could do it if Japan or Brasil got in. I'm a little surprised she didnt get the FRA-SWE match. So one of the others will also be in the mix, though I think she is a better choice than Yamagishi or Neguel, who have already done USA matches and did not impress. As to Chenard, I was surprised it was only yellow also, but one of the announcers said there was a second defender I didn't see. Of course, it had been pointed out with respect to at least one announcer that they can't be expected to get it right in real time.
On the replay you could see there was another defender who was level with the play. The stone-cold penalty she waived away when Houghton took down Daiane in the box a few minutes later is a bigger issue.
we can have a whole discusssion on this matter alone, if you wish first off, there was a second defender slow and trailing the play.(see below) I think you need to find someone else, though. The probability of the second defender getting to the ball were pretty low had a foul not occurred. By my estimation , there was really no chance of the second defender getting involved in the play. the attacker could have shot from that spot had she not been fouled. so i discount this player as a candidate for the second defender for the purposes of the DOGSO rule. here is a photo. your second defender is outside the box five yards behind and to the side of the foul being committed in the box. To not meet the Denial of Obvious Goal scoring opportunity criteria, i believe you have to find yet another defender. the video is pretty wide angle. There just isn't any. the next closest defender on other views is about 10 yards behind (call it 9 meters). they didnt show those at the time, but they are available from the highlight video on the very good site. it is where i took these screen shots from. And since the other element of DOGSO criteria were clearly present (direction towards goal, Distance -inside the box, in fact, distance from ball, it is a clear denial of goal scoring opportuniy, which means it reall didnt even have to be inside the box for a red card, only for the PK. the fact of the foul itself in not inquestion either. your defender tries to go through the player to get to the ball. the ref got this part right. so if ms. Chenard has been dismissed from future matches in this tournament, this is probably why. Sorry, you dont win that one either. the ref happened to get this one right. here are two shots from the same highlight video a couple frames apart which show it was the British player who got the ball, and if a foul was committed, it was by the Brasil player. was Daiane on yellow already? The ref showed mercy if she was. Anything else?
Cliveworshipper is right that it's becoming problematic to see Bibi Steinhaus (or any referee from Europe) to handle games past the quarterfinals because of the rule or tradition that referees can't work matches with teams within their confederation. Here's some elaboration from MassachusettsRef on the Referee Forum:
Francielle's planted foot is on the line. The other defenders left foot is also on the line. How do you get 5 yards behind from that? That's level. Got it? You are joking, right? Try actually watching the video. The only player who ever makes contact with the ball is Daiane, who steps over the ball to pull it back. Houghton only makes contact with Daiane. And even if Houghton had made contact with the ball, which she clearly doesn't, it is still a foul because the challenge is far too aggressive (she goes a full yard through Daiane in the end). Wish you better luck next time.
Are you talking about the play that Cliveworshipper gives the screen shots for? (thank you, Cliveworshipper for those) That was a perfect tackle by Houghton. Dangerous if she got it wrong but she did not. In real time and in replays it was clearly an excellent tackle by a defender having one heck of a tournament. I do disagree that there was any foul by the Brazilian in that same play.
2nd defender winds up about level with the first defender as the first one attempts the tackle, but she's catching up from behind. But she's still not level with the attacker, Aluko. And who cares anyway about being "level" when she's still off to the side and Aluko is directly in front of goal? There's no dispute whatsoever on the Referee Forum - not only does this call for a PK but it should be a red card for Denial of Obvious Goal-Scoring Opportunity (DOGSO) as well.
I really think you can make a reasonable argument either way on whether it is a red. Being off to the left side does not mean the second defender is out of the play. Since Aluko is cutting across Francielle to get to the outside of the ball, she is likely going to shoot to towards the left post. That means her shot would have crossed the path of the defender to the left who could have made an attempt to block it. It's iffy whether she would have made it (and of course there was a big risk of an own-goal if she did), but she would have had some time to get farther forward because Aluko hadn't drawn her foot back.
Slow motion replays from three angles (left, right, and behind) show that only Daiane even got a touch on the ball. And, as I said, the tackle was so reckless and overly aggressive that it was a foul regardless. Houghton has had a great tournament, but this was just plain not a smart play, either. She had lots of cover. Daiane was in a wide position and is, well, Daiane, which means she isn't a real goal scoring threat anyway. Houghton should have stayed on her feet and contained Daiane. I think she just had a rush of blood to the head -- 70,000 screaming fans and all that
I'm not the best one to answer this but I think there's a distinction to be made in the type of tackle. Houghton's tackle is called a hook tackle, is it not?? She gets her legs in front of both the player and the ball, blocking the ball or hooking it back. She's not going directly through the attacker's legs. I don't think I ever see these tackles carded for dangerous play.
And it's as good as semi-official: with Japan (and not France) in the Finals, Bibi Steinhaus will be the referee for the Gold Medal game. (Unless it's Jenny Palmqvist but I can't imagine why they've kept Bibi in the pocket all this time if not for this)
I think you are right. Bibi hasn't done an Olympic final and Palmqvist has. They didnt expose Bibi so you cant say she had a bad game. Either will be fine with me, though.
Am I the only one thinking the referees have not been very good in this tournament ? So far attended 4 games and watched many and really don't think the standard was really high.
Who'd you see? What I saw (on TV) of France vs Japan , Quetzalli Alvarado seemed to do alright. But possibly that has something to do with Japan. Their style of play is so generally clean and they resort to so little gamesmanship that it's rare for one of their games to go really sour from a refereeing standpoint..?
I went to France v USA, France v North Korea, USA v Colombia, Sweden v Canada and France v Colombia and Japan V France plus the tv games
Any of those games strike you as particularly troublesome? or, conversely, as relatively smooth? What I saw of Japan v France seemed to go okay - and Alvarado called the PK on Japan. She made a big call.
The complete assignment list: FIFA has also delayed any decision on discipline for Canada concerning comments made by players after the match until after the Bronze medal match.
Hopefully, they look at the actions before tomorrow. It would be a easy differentiation to make in the case of Tancredi's skull stomp.
The announcement was about the investigation on sanctions for comments after the match. There will be no action until after thr Bronze match. I have not heard that anybody had presented FIFA with evidence of a stomp, and no mention was made of it.
The 4th official for the final, Jessica di Iorio, was the ref for the US/New Zealand game (Morgan/Bindon collision/ no foul/ no DOGSO)