Rape/Sexual Assault Culture - Part 2

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Events' started by argentine soccer fan, Jun 27, 2022.

  1. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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  2. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
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    Well, I was using it more as a 'catch-all' phrase but, yes. It certainly doesn't indicate a great deal of maturity, (emotional or otherwise), to act like a child around other people, including women.
  3. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
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    Attached Files:

  4. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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    I'm not saying it is the cause, or even a primary cause, but it is certainly having an effect. There are guys who think that "girls" who don't show interest or respond positively, and are on social media, are only doing it to be in porn.
  5. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
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    Er... not sure where you're going with that one but, OK! :cautious:
  6. Belgian guy

    Belgian guy Member+

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    How much of the increase in abusive and misogynistic behavior towards (young) women can be attributed to a general 'pornification' of the culture can be a matter of debate, but there are certain trends for which it is pretty clear imho.

    e.g. this:

    Tate & co are just capitalizing on a pre-existing movement (mostly incels). Out of self-enrichment, not because they actually believe their own ideologies (at least that's how I perceive it).
    Grifting young men out of their money for his "courses" is probably no different to him than the Romanian women he forced into sexual slavery.
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  7. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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    From France:

    A French government-nominated watchdog body on sexual equality says an online deluge of violent and degrading pornography is sowing the seeds for real-world rapes and femicides and that the porn industry “chews up women.”

    “This school of sexism, this school of sexist violence that pornography has become must stop – both for the women and for the people who watch,” said Sylvie Pierre-Brossolette, who heads the High Council for Equality Between Women and Men that released a damning study on Wednesday about porn-industry practices.

    Violent pornography is “a factory for future rapists, future killers of women,” she said, speaking on France Inter radio.

    From Australia:

    In new research, we’ve found that pornography features prominently in the accounts of women experiencing Intimate Partner Sexual Violence (IPSV). It suggests that we need to start talking more seriously about the personal and cultural impact of pornography use in addressing sexual violence against women.

    From the UK:

    A key theme that emerged from the literature reviewed is the role that pornography plays in the objectification of women in society, and the harmful nature of this objectification. The literature suggests that pornography use may desensitise men to the treatment of women as sex objects and/or facilitate the misinterpretation of signals from women. There is also evidence that seeing women as sex objects is associated with harmful attitudes.

    The UK one is a government policy paper, and in section 4.1 gets into how difficult it is to determine if porn watching causes the behavior, or if the behavior leads to porn watching. Yet, it also says the two are linked, and porn may enhance prior beliefs if one has them.

    I do realize this is slightly different than what I said that you quoted, but I am looking at the views of women by porn watchers.
  8. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
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    Well, yeah. You didn't say any of that and just said the guys think the girls are 'only doing it' to be in porn, thus my confusion.

    Anyway, moving on :)
  9. JohnR

    JohnR Member+

    Jun 23, 2000
    Chicago, IL

    That's a political committee with an agenda. I doubt that it is the least bit data driven. I pay that stuff as much attention as I would statements from a Christian group about the moral damage done by pre-marital sex.

    If violence against women is the topic I have about 1,000 movies and TV shows we can discuss.​

    That could be a legit problem. Certainly worth discussing.​

    Sure, but women being portrayed as sex objects is a FAR larger issue than pornography. I just watched a YouTube video with the Marvel cast doing interviews. The male actors get good questions and ScarJo gets questions about her body. That ain't porn. If you removed porn from our society, I doubt that would change. There was no porn 75 years ago and women were at least as objectified as they are now. Probably more.

    I deplore people who treat women as sex objects, outside of the times and places were sex is in fact the point, and much more than deplore sexual violence. If I thought that eliminating porn would solve even half the problem of sexual violence, I would be fine with banning porn. But I'm not going to be in favor of that solution if it's proposed by people who don't like porn and are seeking reasons to justify their dislike.
  10. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
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    I think, at the very least, we should be looking at some strong evidence before moving in that direction.

    Intuitively it seems to make sense but then a lot of things have changed over the period that hardcore porn has been more readily available in the 15-20 years of the rise of the internet. We can't just pick and choose what we want to believe based solely on an apparent connection between two pieces of information.

    That's how you end up with this sort of thing...

    Braverman’s claim about ethnicity of grooming gangs was false, regulator rules
    Mail on Sunday issues correction over opinion piece by home secretary claiming ‘almost all’ child grooming gangs were British-Pakistani

    Like most things Braverman and the hate-mail say, it's a lot more complicated than that...


    So the idea that something 'seems to make sense' isn't necessarily a good reason to pass new laws.
    JohnR repped this.
  11. Bootsy Collins

    Bootsy Collins Player of the Year

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    I can.
  12. Bootsy Collins

    Bootsy Collins Player of the Year

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    There are also guys who believe that Bert Convy was the reincarnation of Edmund Burke, too.
  13. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

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    Bert Convy the game show host?
  14. Bootsy Collins

    Bootsy Collins Player of the Year

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    Is there another?
    xtomx and russ repped this.
  15. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

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    Edmund Burke the political philosopher?
    Q*bert Jones III repped this.
  16. cachundo

    cachundo Marketa Davidova. Unicorn. World Champion

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    a 4-min podcast:

    Antarctic base bans booze in bars

    The main US base in Antarctica has two bars, and come Sunday, they will stop serving alcohol. The National Science Foundation said the change at McMurdo Station is about morale and welfare.
    rslfanboy repped this.
  17. Bootsy Collins

    Bootsy Collins Player of the Year

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    What about him?
  18. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

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    Just trying to make sure I understand the connection
  19. Bootsy Collins

    Bootsy Collins Player of the Year

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    Oh, far more interesting from the perspective of baking your own noodle are the people who essentially think The Matrix is a docu-drama.
    russ repped this.
  20. JohnR

    JohnR Member+

    Jun 23, 2000
    Chicago, IL
    That's an excellent article. Inevitably, when one looks in detail at popular discussions of pretty much any sex-related topic, one finds what this writer did.

    1) There isn't much hard evidence. These topics are difficult to study, because the data are largely unavailable.
    2) The first point hasn't stopped those with strong views from seizing upon items that support their view and arguing that the matter has in fact been proven.
    russ, Dr. Wankler and Bootsy Collins repped this.
  21. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
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    Surely, he was referring to the Edmund Burke who played on the left wing for Arsenal back in the 60's.
  22. Dr. Wankler

    Dr. Wankler Member+

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    The one he's referring to played on the right wing.
  23. Bootsy Collins

    Bootsy Collins Player of the Year

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    Well played.
  24. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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  25. Bootsy Collins

    Bootsy Collins Player of the Year

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    I'm saying I haven't seen any clear evidence that it has, and in that absence there are many other things that I worry about far far more. The facts that some people *think* it's very important, or that there exist young males who think young females want to be porn stars, are unpersuasive.

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