Random Thoughts on Video Games

Discussion in 'Video and Computer Games' started by Ringo, Sep 12, 2010.

  1. Ringo

    Ringo Member

    Jun 10, 2002
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    Yeovil Town FC
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    a thread that is just what it says, topics that don't need their own thread but you wanna discuss.

    I'll go first: How about an Xbox or PS3 with a six disc changer? CD players (remember those?) had them for a long time now. I mean i have to stand up and walk SIX FEET to change games! SIX FEET! It's 2010. That's torture.
  2. Toon³

    Toon³ Member

    Dec 27, 2002
    Newcastle United FC
    I'd rather just have large hard drives and have all the games installed on them just like Steam.
  3. Ringo

    Ringo Member

    Jun 10, 2002
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    anybody played Super Mario Galaxy 2? I bought that on release date and haven't even put it in yet. Can't get myself to turn on the Wii.
  4. Reycd

    Reycd Member

    May 6, 2003
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    Im hoping to get the ps3 move this weekend, anybody else picking this up?
  5. NORML

    NORML Member+

    Aug 9, 2002
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    heres an excuse for ya to put it in and try out today:

    I have a friend who has been pretty stoked to play it so I plan on waiting to try his out before deciding. If you do get it please share your thoughts on it.
  6. Reycd

    Reycd Member

    May 6, 2003
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    Got the PS3 move sports bundle and Start the Party.

    Start the Party was a lot of fun but didn't get into all the games as I kind of want to wait to play it with my GF in a few days. But it was very easy to play and fun to boot.

    I then loaded up Sports Champion and started playing the Gladiator Arena and that was loads of fun with increasing difficulty. Two hours later my arm was killing me and I went through all the sports games. I am really bad at ping pong in real life and am probably worse at it here. Bocce was very cool but need to get used to the power of the swing. Volleyball seems to easy, everything is done for you except the swings. Archery was a lot of fun.

    I think I'm going to pick up another control tomorrow to have two motion controls.
    NORML repped this.
  7. NORML

    NORML Member+

    Aug 9, 2002
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    Sorry I don't have the link (work blocks the site) but up on Major Nelson's website is a link to sign up to get access to the preview program for the upcoming Xbox Live updates which includes ESPN3. I signed up and was accepted last night.

    Sounds cool and hope ya don't mind a few questions. Does everything come with the sports bundle or were ya using your dualshock controller? If the dualshock how was that? Any games up on PSN yet that use move? Have you ever played with a Wii/Wii-motion+ and could provide an opinion on how that compares to Move?
  8. Reycd

    Reycd Member

    May 6, 2003
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    Everything you need comes with the Sports bundle, with that game you don't need a navigation control. I bought one but its still in the box, have it for future use I guess and haven't tried using a dualshock either as I haven't had the need, you can navigate the XMB with the move control quite easily.

    I've never really played with the Wii long enough to compare it and give an opinion but here is a video I watched that kind of compares the two.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqi2eaY_gZ0"]YouTube - Playstation Move Table Tennis VASTLY SUPERIOR to Wii Sports Resort[/ame]
  9. 96Squig

    96Squig Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    I got a beta key for settlers online. Is anybody else here playing?
  10. Michael K.

    Michael K. Member

    Mar 3, 1999
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    About to pull the trigger on a PS3, and I've been wavering between the 160 and 250 gig versions recently. Now thinking a little about the PS3 Move 320 gig bundle I've seen advertised in a few places for 400 bucks. For what I'd be using it for (mostly some sports games, and watching movies through streaming Netflix) I guess I'd probably be pretty happy with 160 gb, but it isn't a big leap up to the larger 250 gb. At that point, it's just $50 for another 70 gb and the Move - tempting to say the least.
    Not sure just what I should do. Thoughts?
  11. Uppa 90

    Uppa 90 Member

    Jan 16, 2004
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    Just played a majority of 1 playthrough on Wanted: Weapons of Fate for the 360... I gotta say, it was a fairly enjoyable experience... Most movie tie-ins are horrible, but this one was a step up from nearly all I've played... I don't get tired of curving bullets, and though the gameplay was dodgy at places (it didn't have any updates to fix glitches), the storyline used real character voices and advanced the plot deeper than the movie (it was a sequel to the movie)...
  12. Belgian guy

    Belgian guy Member+

    Club Brugge
    Aug 19, 2002
    Club Brugge KV
    I got Borderlands for when I finish with ACII. I have to say that waiting longer to get these games saves you a fortune. I paid about half of what I would have for ACII had I gotten it immediately upon its release. I got Borderlands for 14.99 euros.
  13. Ringo

    Ringo Member

    Jun 10, 2002
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    any COD players going to give medal of honor a shot or are you waiting for Black Ops?
  14. NORML

    NORML Member+

    Aug 9, 2002
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    Whats the price difference between the 160 and 250? Cause from what it sounds like your plan is with PS3 you probably won't need 250 gigs of memory and it may just be cheaper to get the 160 and a Move bundle.

    Didn't really dig on Wanted, other than the airplane level. Even as a movie tie-in game I'd rank it pretty low; definitely below the most recent Wolverine game and a handful of Disney movie/games. Have you tried out the Terminator: Salvation tie-in game yet? It is made by the same company that did Wanted and while; in my opinion, about as good as Wanted I at least played all the way through.

    My plan is to give MOH a shot if for anything to play the campaign but totally plan on buying Black Ops. Really looking forward to try out the Wager game mode in Black Ops.
  15. Toon³

    Toon³ Member

    Dec 27, 2002
    Newcastle United FC
    I'm going to see how both games reviews and see what people who actually buy either game think before buying either.

    I've bought BFBC 2 and MW2 in the past year so they will have to be pretty specially for me to consider buying another FPS. Having said that I probably will buy the BFBC 2 Vietnam expansion
  16. Toon³

    Toon³ Member

    Dec 27, 2002
    Newcastle United FC
    Played about an hour of the BETA, only 1 map and mode but it's enough to know I won't buy it. It's pretty much MW2 with some BFBC 2 style objectives and it's not as good as either.

    The kills seem cheap and the lack of a kill cam makes camping so easy. It also took me about 5 rounds to notice I had some kill streaks and then another 5 to work out how to use them.

    Despite having pretty low ping the hit tracking is pretty poor at times, rocket launchers are stupidly op, the noob tube would be more effective if you battered your target with it rather than fire it and the sniper rifle is 1 hit kill for head and 2 hits anywhere on the body...
  17. Ringo

    Ringo Member

    Jun 10, 2002
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    your review is of Black Ops?
  18. Toon³

    Toon³ Member

    Dec 27, 2002
    Newcastle United FC
    No sorry, Medal of Honour.
  19. Uppa 90

    Uppa 90 Member

    Jan 16, 2004
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    i am still debating on MoH... I think i may wait and hear some feedback from people i know first before dropping $60 on it...

    COD:BO is already pre-ordered and i am about to put in for the release day off of work...
    NORML repped this.
  20. Dills

    Dills Moderator
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    Random question ...

    Anybody ever play the PC game Tongue of the Fatman?
    NORML repped this.
  21. Mookie141

    Mookie141 Member

    Feb 10, 2008
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    Do you have to be "military minded" to play COD? I've been wanting to try it out but have been afraid that maybe the learning curve may be a bit too steep for me.

    I know it's still going to be a while but I still expect nothing but the best from GTA V.
  22. Reycd

    Reycd Member

    May 6, 2003
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    Nope not at all, if probably doesn't hurt but its not a requirement to have fun, just play the campaign before you get into multi-player, and then forget to play anything else for months.

    I remember the first time I played COD4, I was determined to play through the campaign first and once I hit online, it was a different game, the learning curve was steep and I still suck but it sucked me in, the competition, killing others, getting my first 5, 10, 15, 20 kill streak felt so good.. knifing people. yummy!!
  23. Belgian guy

    Belgian guy Member+

    Club Brugge
    Aug 19, 2002
    Club Brugge KV
    Put Borderlands on hold, it did not really grip me TBF. I've decided to give Dragon Age: Origins another spin instead. Playing through the entire thing again with a human mage.
  24. Chess_Panther

    Chess_Panther Member+

    Apr 29, 2007
    Porto, Portugal
    I've actually gained the War Simulator mind thinking. Being "military minded" = teamwork and it's way more fun in that perspective, to cooperate intra and inter infantry, armour and heli squad (with the commander as well) than jumping around like Rambo. The learning curve in Project Reality is definitely way more complex than COD or any other arcadey FPS and due to that, the community is generally more mature as well.

    However, it doesn't mean it's easy to master weapons, perks, lag timing hits, etc in COD. But I'm sure you'll get the hand of it.
  25. NORML

    NORML Member+

    Aug 9, 2002
    Lake Wobegon, MN
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    If you like Tim Schafer's work Costume Quest is worth a play through. I'm about 2/3 the way through and have been really enjoying the game.

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