I'll have to do this from memory but it's very close. From an article in the Boston Globe " The US has been more organized and in better condition in the past ...." Why is it that so many can see the problem and yet April remains ? If we had played Gremany the way we played Canada (possession, short pass), we might have pulled this thing out.
Because those who can see it either coach for a foreign team or post regularly on Bigsoccer or they have the name Eric Wynalda. Unfortunately the muckety-mucks at USSF have blinders on. The question should be what will it take for the USSF to finally wake up and notice that there are problems that will eventually lead to an exit from group play if they go unchecked.
Lets get over it and move on, Portugal, French, Argentina were also defeated in the first round last year in JapKor.
Actually, we are moving on. On to the Olympics in 10 months. It is a valid point of discussion. Ape has NOT won a major tournament.
Yep, I'm with you. After a week of pondering and "getting over it" , I believe that its time for a new coach. This wasn't just a one-off bad game. It was a bad game plan - a bad style of play. And, that does not come from young players, old players, fast players, or slow players (directly, anyway). It comes from the coach.
lets think for a few minutes what went wrong that day (we had good deffenders, a lot of ball possesion etc).........., i got it ! our FINISHING !, this problem will easily be solved when Mac Millan and O'Reilly coming back to the line up for Greece plus looks like Millbret is getting back on track
Talk to Coach Pellerud Today (10-18-03) Today there will be an opportunity to talk directly to the Head Coach of the Canadian Women's National Team. Even Pellerud will be the first guest on the "Inside Soccer" internet radio today shortly after 3 PM San Diego time (6 PM ET). USWNT defender Catherine "Please Don't Call me CAT" Reddick is also scheduled to be a guest on "Inside Soccer" during the last hour of today's show shortly after 5 PM PT (8PM ET). Here's the direct link for listening to the "Inside Soccer" show along with the phone numbers if anyone has a question for Coach Pellerud or Catherine Reddick: Inside Soccer Toll Free Number: 888-514-2100 Intl Number: 001-858-268-3068
Pellerud Interview Coach Pellerud gave an excellent interview during the last hour and was on the "Inside Soccer" show for a good 20-25 minutes. If anyone is interested I'll post the link to this segment of the show when it becomes available in a day or two. I just heard that Brian McBride will also be a guest during the 5 PM hour today.
problem connecting I just tried to listen using the link supplied abov, but it brought up Microsoft's Media Player that wanted to take over my computer, etc., etc., etc. Is there any way to listen using an alternative player, such as RealAudios? thanks
Re: problem connecting I'm listening to the interview with Brian McBride right now using the Windows Media Player on a laptop that I am borrowing. I'm not sure about using an alternative player, but I can check on this for you.
Pellerud discussed what he said to the media about the performance of the USWNT during the WC about 9-10 minutes into segment 2 of yesterday's "Inside Soccer" show. Here is the link if anyone is interested in hearing Pellerud's comments along with the rest of his interview: October 18,2003 The interview actually starts about 5-6 minutes into the first segment.
Link to Reddick Interview The link to the interview with Catherine Reddick is already available: October 18,2003 The interview starts about 3-4 minutes into the segment #7. (BTW - no one called her "Cat" once during the interview. )