Was mentioned on one of the Dutch affiliates of SoccerGaming and now this: http://www.gameswarehouse.com.au/longpage.asp?gameid=8673 (look at the very bottom) It may indeed look like it will take 5 gig of hard disk space to install. Is this a good decision by Konami or not? Paul
DVD instead of PC-CD rom. It will only play in a DVD-ROM drive. I'll edit my original post to reflect that... Paul
Wow, the review makes it hard to resist, so I take it this wont be comming to XBOX and prolly not to PlayStation2??? Winning Eleven 6 is already great and 7 is going to have most of the features that Pro Evo 3 will (are these the same games? I thinks so but not sure) anyway what this and all soccer games need is a dribble button, every once in a while when u run straigt at a defender you can beat him with it, but when you turn him and use it you should be able to nutmeg him or play it around him and leave him well behind.
80.95 Australia currency, so just go to some place like XE.com and see what that translates into your country's moolah Paul
Why won't it come out for XBox or Ps2? Konami said they are anxious to try out Xbox live and Ps2 is the official home of the game.
its alrdy out on ps2 as we7 in asia and pes3 in europe. u can always import or just wait till march when it comes out in the US. x-box...idc
PS2 is it's home, I've had WE7 (which some say is better than PES3) since August, amazing game and better then WE6FE. The PC version is the newcomer not vice versa. Amazingly, the PS2 version of WE7 is on a CD! PES 3 is only on a DVD for the extra European Languages. probably the same for the PC.
You can do all these things, R2 now has lots of skills, and you can knock the ball forward while running with the ball by pressing R2+R1 and any direction. There is also a nutmeg. With the new skills you can drag the ball in different directions to draw defenders and make space like Roberto Carlos and Rivaldo, and do the Zidane 360 spin twist. There are many other new skills too like dummies and flicks.
I'm confused. Are you saying that the PS2 WE7 game due out here in the States will not have the foreign language commentary (which was available on WE6I)? It's not that big of a deal, but I'm curious. Seems they'd include at least Spanish for any US release. Also, any reason why WE7 for the PS2 is on a CD rather than a DVD?
Ok, thats great news, I fancied that PE3 was the same thing as WE7 I have WE6 now for PS2 and it is great, way better than all of the fifa games which I cannot convince many of my friends of. Breaking the Xbox market would be huge, especially in the US... Xbox live has taken over, it is just $50 a year which means virtually every serious gamer will have one. The opportunity to play football online before Fifa does it will make WE7 that much better, but i guess we would already know if you could play online? thepremierleague "You can do all these things, R2 now has lots of skills, and you can knock the ball forward while running with the ball by pressing R2+R1 and any direction. There is also a nutmeg." I assume you speak of WE7/PES3 cuz in WE6 R1 is sprint and R2 does a one foot stepover. I've been trying for weeks to get some move called the both foot feint but I can't does anyone have some insight???
I have a more pressing issue, is it possible that PES 3 will be region specific? Which would suck for me as I have pre-ordered PES 3 from the UK, and the US and the UK obviously don't share the same region.
The actual game fits on a CD, no need for a DVD. WE7 is on a CD. PES3 in Europe is only on a DVD to fit in the extra European commentors. If the USA version has commentary in different languages it will have to be a DVD, if it's just English it will fit on a CD.
Gotcha. I should have figured that out, as DVD movies sometimes have language options. Wait a minute. I thought PES3 and WE7 were the same game. Are they?
They're about 95% similar. There is great debate about which is better, but generally from what I've heard; PES3 headers are now easier to score, maybe too easy. PES3 is a bit faster, maybe too fast. PES3 has a new move where you flick up the ball and can shoot I think, which is pretty cool. PES is said to be a easier to dribble past people and the crossing is easier/more accurate. (I don't like that) Some say PES shooting feels a tiny bit more responsive. PES3 is a bit less jerky as the frequent CD accessing during gameplay which was the biggest complaint of WE7 has been reduced. Basically they are the same, you'll only really notice if you are a hardcore fan. You should try and play both and see which you prefere, although I think WE7 is the slight favourite because it's harder to score, dribble through defences, and it's a bit slower.
Konami is weird they make WE7 then for PES 3 they do some slight tinkering..and then WE7:Final Edition will probably come out inJapan only..very weird. From the PES 3 PC demo, there is a higher chance of screwing up pure sitters due to the ball being on a bounce or the foot its struck with the players opposite foot. I've pre-ordered PES 3 instead of waiting till February for the US PC version