I just want to take a minute to publicly thank Morrissey for taking the effort to organize as many DCU expatriots as possible for Saturdays game against SJ. In all there were approx. 12 of us (including Knave, The Nuge, Morrissey, myself and others) grouped together near the south goal, cheering our beloved United to a well earned point. Despite being out numbered 11,000 to 12, our band of hardcore supporters could be heard throughout the stadium. Our efforts were rewarded not only by a outstanding effort by our team but also by a post game wave by RH and a personal visit by Ryan Nelson, who traded his sweat soaked jersey with one of our group. I also want to thank The Nuge and his ex-BSposter friend Mike(who got the jersey from Nelson) for the excellent post game "refreshments". The only thing that would've made the afternnon better would have been for Jamie to FVCKING FINISH!!! If the planets align themselves properly, DC will revisit SJ during the playoffs and hopefully we'll reunited the Left Coast supporters. TS.
I liked him very much with the Smiths, but after he went solo, his stuff just wasn't as good. Anyway, good showing out there in San Jose.
I heard you guys too. It's great everytime a small band of DC supporters get the Dee Cee Yoo Ni Ted chant going the best the locals can come up with is "Sux".
Well done people. Well done. The fact that "Sucks" was their loudest chant of the day is a testament to your quality.
In fact, "Sucks" was really the only truly audible chant they had all day. Way to get stuck in there.
I can imagine him saying "Please, please, please let me get what I want," only to have it answered in the 5th minute! Dave
Had a great time at the match and it took a day to recover my voice! Glad y'all could hear us... and the obligitory sux cheer from the clashquakes fans. Reaffirms my solid belief that DC Utd fans are the best in the league. Thanks again to Morissey for putting together the posse. Nice to have Utd79 join us for post-game grub (away from the dustbowl SJ referred to as a parking lot). Wish we could have gotten the 3 points but with 3 matches against the scum, it's refreshing to see the team perform better and perhaps begin a roll that will put us in SJ for a playoff rematch. (That noise is me knocking on wood.)
Let's hope we can reconvene during the playoffs. And barring that we should try to do this again next year in LA and SJ. And, yes, Morrissey - thanks for putting everything together.
Blasphemy!! --Moz is GOD! Still it just goes to show you we DON'T necessarily "hate it when our friends become successful" My compliments to the "brave ones"... NOW... can we get a chant of "your the one for me FATTY" going at Meola next time we play KC at the RFK?
Well, if there's something you'd like to try, then ask me, ask me, ask me... Bigmouth Strikes Again... Dave
I had the same dream... and I woke up and miraculously we have a chance at the playoffs at the expense of the scum. I'm with Knave, we should reconvene as soon as the boys allow. LA net season is on!
count me in for LA, but I'd much rather get together for the postseason dismantling of the Quakes by DC. TS.
I cannot believe we missed this one! "WE wear BLACK on the outside because BLACK is how we feel on the inside!" --Jesus... forget "Believe" as the season motto... I think we nailed the perfect motto for this season with that one!!
I can't believe that we didn't end up on video. That really sucks. All of that cheering and no TV. Maybe we were swearing too vehemently and they thought better of it. I wish I had a mouthfull of gatorade right now. Damn. Anyway, for those on the West Coast Morrissey (not me) - Greek Theatre, Berkeley Sept 14th. According to some reports, he is closing his set with "There is a light that never goes out" james
More songs: For Richie: Williams, Williams It was...really nothing. For our scoring drought: How Soon is Now? Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want. I Started Something I Can't Finish. I Know It's Over These Things Take Time I know that I'm The most inept At putting it in the net For certain San Jose Fans: Half a Person Unloveable Never Had Noone Ever Some Girls are Bigger than Others Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me Bigmouth Strikes Again And I've got no right to take my place in the human race. Girl Afraid...where do his intentions lay Or does he even have any On the locker room stairs...he spit and stared On the locker room stairs...he spit and stared He'll never make that mistake again. For our 2000 and 2001 (and probably the 2002) seasons: "We wear black on the outside because black is how we feel on the inside." Nowhere Fast "I'd like to drop my trousers to the world." Stop Me if You Think That You've Heard this one Before. Nothing's changed We still will lose Yes we still will lose Only by slightly less Only by slightly less than we used to. To all of Ray's transfer rumors: That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore. For the rest of our season hopes: A Rush and a Push and the Land is Ours!
Jesus I think we are on to something here! Who knew Morrissey could relate so much to DC United... Although I dont think we can apply "there is a light that never goes out" to RFK. Meaning they can't even manage to keep them on for a full 2 hours sometimes