Does anyone have any decent pics of emily janss and jackie raveia? If so, please contact me at!!
Check the Footy Photo Service I believe we got some good Janss photos at the March 16th scrimmage versus the Courage.
thanks! this site is awesome! i have a question though. On the pics that don't come up since they're older, how do i request for them? more specifially, when i email the photographer, do i tell them just the date and description? date and how far down it is on the page? thanks again!
When I tried to click on one some of the pics from the 2001 season, a page comes up saying to contact the photographer to see the pic in its original size or something to that effect. I was just wondering how I specify which pic I'm interested in
You don't. You enjoy the photos on the web. We put up pages of thumbnails. On the photos within the last year, clicking on a photo will generally give you a larger version of the same. After a while we take the larger shots offline to save storage space.
Oh, okay. Glad I got that straightened out. Don't get me wrong, I still am appreciative of your reference to the site. The pics there were really good. Thank you very much for sharing them with me!