Looks like S. Africa is suffering from some major power outages. I wonder what FIFA's response will be. The longer they wait to call it off on S. Africa, the more likely that FIFA will have to have the WC in the states as we have the best infrastructure. I feel terrible for S. Africa but it doesn't look like they can pull it off. http://uk.reuters.com/article/worldFootballNews/idUKL251593520080125
I think FIFA is bent on having S. Africa host no matter how ill-prepared they are, or even will be. Face it, it's going to be in S. Africa no matter what. This isn't the WWC.
I agree that FIFA is hell bent on having it there, and it's going to be a huge embarassment for S. Africa and FIFA to call it off. However, the infrastructure wont be there in time and with power outages and the crime and all the other factors, I think FIFA will realize that they'll be even more embarrased if they don't call it off.
The power problem is a serious issue. With however many tens of thousands of more power users visiting than normal, the already obviously fragile grid might not be able to withstand the pressure. I still think FIFA would go ahead anyway. They really are that stupid. Except that it has something to do with the D***** C*****s. Anything that gives that ragtag assemblage of rabble and their plastic-faced owner any positive exposure would immediately disqualify that stadium that shall not be named. At least it should.
Half of me still thinks this WC is going to end up in the US when it's all said and done. If they need a last minute stand-in this country is the obvious choice. The numerous stadiums at the ready, hotels, etc.
FIFA has really dropped the ball on this one. No African country is ready to host the WC, Olympics, or any other major international event. It's sad, but it's just a socio-economic reality.
Exactly. The US is the obvious last minute solution becasue no place else can pull it off with out sufficent time to plan. Once the Cup gets a little bit closer I'm assuming we're going to be hearing a lot more stories like this in the press and causing sponsors to pull back and tourists to stay away, leaving FIFA no choice but to call it off.
While I agree with your assessment of that miserable assemblage of human waste at least the stadium could host the TRUE America's Team!!!!!!!!
If the WC really does go to S. Africa I could see a serious power struggle between the European fedrations and FIFA. I know the FA is constantly at odds with FIFA already about a number of issues and this could really add some ammo to their argument that FIFA doesn't know what its doing.
http://football.guardian.co.uk/breakingnews/feedstory/0,,-7214304,00.html http://africa.reuters.com/business/news/usnBAN349743.html http://www.thoughtleader.co.za/thespike/2008/01/18/vindication-for-the-racists/ Here's a few about potential problems. There seems to be some doubts about whether the stadiums will be ready on time and costs are already over what they were expected to be. Possible labor disputes as well. Also the political climate is extremely volatile right now between factions in the ANC.
what were the conditions last time the US hosted? weren't we a back up host? with 2.5 yrs to go, i do think africa will pull it off.
FIFA gave us the '94 WC in order to compliment the inaguration of MLS. S. Africa could pull it off in 2.5 years if they got their act together, however the political climate in S. Africa is on a downward trend.
It would be a shame for any country to lose the WC.. Especially so late in the game (so to speak). But if it came to the States.... Hell yeah! I'm so going.
If the are going to pull out of South Africa, FIFA will have to make a decision by this summer. The US is the obvious backup choice. Although I would love the WC in the states, I would prefer S. Africa. Losing the hosting privilege would be a giant blow for South Africa and anybody with half of a brain wants them to succeed. FIFA made the wrong decision in selecting South Africa. The country was not ready. Now, FIFA is between a rock and a hard place. Taking the WC away from South Africa will make the entire African continent upset with the governing body. While keeping the Cup in Africa will probably result in a giant financial failure. Knowing Sepp Bladder, I suspect he will award the Cup to the US. The US makes sense on so many levels but more importantly it allows FIFA an out when it comes to awarding the cup to England in 2018. If the US becomes the backup host, they will put on a great show. The infrastructure is vastly improved since the 94 WC. Again, I hope this does not happen. Hopefully, South Africa understands how important hosting the Cup is.
South Africa will be able to host it, you guys are acting like it's Chad. It's a developing country and it has problems, it has some extremely tough challenges ahead of it, but they can do it. To circle it like a vulture is disgusting behavior.
I don't think anyone here is circling like a vulture, just trying analyze some basic political/economic facts and for people here who are planning on going to see the US play in South Africa these are things that need to be considered. 1.) S. Africa's power grid is at edge already, FIFA is planning on having back up generators at all the stadiums, but there's a very good possibility hotels, restaraunts and shops will be without power, and new plants won't be completed until 2011 at the earliest. That's a major problem. 2.) The political situation in S. Africa is getting worse. Factions within the ANC are feuding and there have been numerous political arrests made recently. Hopefully for the sake of the country that will end soon, but there is good chance things could get worse. 3.) S. Africa has the highest crime rate in the world. Accompanied by power outages and political turmoil this could scare away a lot of fans/supporters. 4.) The infrastructure that needs to be built in order for the WC to take place(transportation, stadiums, etc.) is already behind schedule and has already exceeded expected costs; putting a major strain on the country's finances. There's also the possibility of a major labor dispute brewing, if the infrastructure is not done than they can't host the tournament. I know it would make FIFA and S. Africa both look bad by cancelling the tournament but it they go through with it and it's a complete disaster they'll loook even worse.
FIFA's leaders cannot afford to take the World Cup away unless it is absolutely necessary. There are many countries in Africa (I believe the highest number of any continent) and their votes are valuable for winning election to FIFA offices. I believe Blatter himself owes his election largely to African votes. If the preparations are completed well enough, a few problems here or there aren't going to matter. It is unlikely that the Cup will run as well as the 2006 edition did or as well as it could be run in the US, but I suspect it will go fine. If money/profit were the only factor involved, FIFA would simply play the tournament in the US every time. It's possible that political changes could hurt preparations, but I suspect that any government would want the Cup to be a success and would devote its efforts towards accomplishing this.