Post Game Thread: Red Bulls @ Dynamo 11.09.08 [R]

Discussion in 'Houston Dynamo' started by BayVol, Nov 9, 2008.

  1. htownballer32

    htownballer32 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
    Houston Dynamo
    ouch. can't win them all i guess.

    Personally I'm tired of winning MLS cups all the time. Its time to win something else (CONCACAF anyone?) :)

    and thus starts another long off season. I love you Dynamo! Come on you Spurs!
  2. BayVol

    BayVol Member

    Jun 30, 2002
    Clearwater, FL
    FC Tampa Bay Rowdies
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    baller? funny post....I hear ya.. I want the CCL!
  3. Dynamo Devushka

    Dynamo Devushka New Member

    Aug 22, 2007
    I'm gutted. Frankly there are no excuses, but I believe this lineup going in was a full strength line up. I think it's telling that because of injury during the season we were spoiled that we rarely had the "A" team and still did a kick ass job.

    The fact our "A" team didn't get the job done tells me we need to rethink who get's the starting nod at certain positions. I don't think Davis, Mullan & Barrett are guaranteed first string anymore.

    It was a great run. I don't think I would have taken it as bad if we'd lost next week to RSL, but that's football.

    Next year will be better.
  4. JoshHignos

    JoshHignos New Member

    Nov 12, 2007
    Thanks Kahlva! great game from you guys today
  5. santeroatomico

    santeroatomico New Member

    Feb 16, 2006
    East End Houston
    I was at the game and Richards outmatched Barret.
    All I have to say is thank you Dynamo for a great season and Wade you are still our Captain!!
  6. TX Bill

    TX Bill Member+

    Apr 3, 2006
    Sugar Land TX
    Everton FC
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    United States
    Wade definitely had a tough assignment today and it reminded me of the season opener against NE where Mansally and Nyassi had their way with him.

    To be fair, there aren't a lot of left backs in the league that could deal with the pace Richards brings to the table. NY has a good one in Dane Richards. No doubt about it.
  7. onefineesq

    onefineesq Member+

    Sep 16, 2003
    Laurel, MD
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Actually, that isn't the case. If you want to be in the CL next year, you had better hope for a Columbus win, because a Chicago win eliminates you. As far as I know, the 4 CL teams are: Supporters Shield Winner (Crew), USOC Winner (United), and the 2 MLS Cup Finalists. If Chicago beats the Crew, they are 1 CL team and the winner of the Western Conference Finals is the other. On the other hand if the Crew wins, they will be BOTH the Supporters Shield Winner AND a finalist in MLS Cup. Since they can't hold both spots in the CL, the team with the next highest point total in the regular season gets the final CL spot ......... which would be Houston. So again, Houston should be rooting for a Crew victory.
  8. nbrooks503

    nbrooks503 Previously Held @Dynamo Hostage From 2008-2019

    Jun 1, 2008
    Disgruntled Former STH - Fairweather Bandwaggoner
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    You obviously don't understand what the word fan means.

    These are fans:




    And once again - We in Houston appreciate our (insert "inherited, gifted" or some other sour grapes term here) team, and we appreciate Kai also. Please pass our thanks on to the rest of the the poor folks on your board, who have been unable to get over the fact that the original Quakes have found a new lover who treats them better.
  9. fordfjord

    fordfjord Member

    Mar 4, 2004
    Houston, Texas
    Corinthians Sao Paulo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    No bitterness, no bad feelings. They had a great run (that for all intents and purposes lasted for THREE YEARS!!!) and I am proud of the the Boys in Orange. I just wish I could meet up with them one more time this year as they travel, just to say, "Thanks!", but I guess that is about a near impossibility now.

    Thanks to all you other supporters who also recognize the gem we are blessed with here in Houston - our Houston Dynamo.

    Quem não faiz, toma. Saúde!

  10. FCLouie

    FCLouie Member

    Jan 4, 2006
    Houston, TX
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I have absolutely no idea how I going to calm down now. It was the same, we're going to roll over these guys attitude that got us bit in the Pumas game. Never seemed to make the adjustments they needed as a team to overcome the opponent or the officiating. At leas we had some half way decent shots.

    Scariest thing is, I kind of saw this coming after pregame warm ups. Ching and Kamara were taking shots off crosses into an empty net and were badly missing the frame. Slowing the cross down didn't seem to help, it was getting worse. At one point Ching missed so badly I could tell it was time to laugh it off and go in to put on the jersey, but he kept shoting and kept getting more frustrated with each missed shot.

    Kei was just as bad, but he seemed to get more resigned to missing then angry.

    Once the game started Ching still seemed uptight about it. But at least they both worked their asses off anyway.
  11. FCLouie

    FCLouie Member

    Jan 4, 2006
    Houston, TX
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    If you think Ching's the problem up front, you must be new to the game as well as bigsoccer. Nate Jaqua is a waist of space when he's on the field; Ching has the occasional off game.

    Subbing Jaqua in was the weirdest and worst thing I've seen Dom do in three years with this team. Kamara was the only thing going right in the front and he got pulled? Dom's not going to be able to explain that to my satisfaction without using the phrase "I ********ed up when I pull Kei" or something to that effect.

    I can't see Nate in a Sounders uniform fast enough, but then I'm a well known Jaqua hater since before he got here last year.
  12. Art Vandaley

    Art Vandaley Member

    Feb 22, 2006
    New Hampshire
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    We better protect Kamara.
  13. metroag

    metroag Da Bomb Diggity

    Mar 2, 2006
    La hacienda
    being that he was hobbling after the game-I don't think that helped. Maybe Richards broke his ankles:cool:

    Didn't some a-hole from NY on these boards say something about not letting NY score early and about our guys being tired?

    Davis should have come out way earlier-he was visibly hurt and with Wade back there already we were very vulnerable on that side-all three goals were exploited from that side.

    I am no Dom-but I would have started Zoom Zoom and have him stick to Richards like he was chewing gum-you saw what he could do one on one with him when he did get in there. Essentially I would have tried to negate that whole side and make them attack through DVB-and I think Mullan could have won that battle.

    Cepero had one of the best MLS playoff performances for a keeper, considering that fact that he is second string kid that was forced into this situation two weeks ago-and well ....damn kid, my hat is off (and the magic NY giants hat has lost it's Karma and will be burned) to you

    As for the bandwagoners-yes we had a lot of fans there today-but I hear their point. Houston is bandwagon city as they have demonstrated over the years for every franchise and since soccer is the red headed step child of sports in America I think that comment does warrant some discussion.

    Is this city spoiled with the Orange? Of course I am not talking about any of us here and by wasting our time posting here shows our dedication to follow our club-but what about the fans that get STs because it's a cheap way to entertain the family while supporting a winner? You know there are a lot of them out there. They are the ones the never go when there is a cloud in the sky or if it's a better beach day than a soccer day or spend most of the match entertaining their kids or reading a book.

    Do I think it's something to worry about it?-No, the core of the fan base are soccer fans. Or at least are now soccer fans thanks to being won over during the first two years.

    Is this a source of concern for the stadium? Yes-out of sight out of mind-F the fact that we have won two cups in a row and were considered a dynasty. The city will try to drag it's heels because it has the impression that is not a pressing matter right now.

    Hey-the domestic season is over and three peat quest is done-but I can only speak for myself-I did not think the three peat was possible-not with this league with the cap. Parity is the name of the league and to win the cup once is miraculous, twice in a row is rare, three straight has not happened will never happen as long as the cap stays the way it is. But there is CCL-there is absolutely no reason nor excuse we cannot advance.

    I was little disappointed in the amount of fans that left with over 7 minutes left and those that started dogging our boys. No one tries to shoot 10 feet over the bar. I think they really need our support and I could feel the frustration from those in the crowd.

    Thank you boys for the three year ride-here's to mortgaging the farm to give one more shot next year because after that we are going to have to do some major overhauling.
  14. footyfool

    footyfool Member+

    May 8, 2008
  15. szgg07

    szgg07 Member

    Jul 16, 2008
    Did anybody cancel their LA trip?
  16. txsn

    txsn Member+

    Jan 22, 2008
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    From what the fans??? We should have started Jaqua just like we've always done and if needed brought Kamara off the bench. We needed Jaqua's possession.... Kamara is great a spark off the bench.... but.... we cant pick out players... the whole team was just bad.... I kind wish we would have played another wed night game now... just so our players would feel in sync!!!

    Ohh and the ref sucked BAD!!!! But its hard to complain about that since we played so bad.... As bad as the ref sucked, we still might have lost 1-0 with a good ref....
    Yes, I will be doing so tonight. Maybe its my fault. I will never book early again...
  17. Art Vandaley

    Art Vandaley Member

    Feb 22, 2006
    New Hampshire
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  18. Fiorentina lives!

    May 5, 2004
    I really thought we'd be the 3-0 winners. sh#$!t!!

    Oh well.

    I hope that if I do get a job in Houston and move there, then I'll be there ready to kill my lungs and throat in 09. :p Snare drum in hand too...

    We'll be back. With a stadium I hope.
  19. metroag

    metroag Da Bomb Diggity

    Mar 2, 2006
    La hacienda
    I'll throw this out there-DeRo's header: Cepero with an incredible save or bad poor placement on the shot?
  20. The Prophet

    The Prophet Member

    Sep 9, 2003
    Big P, Texas
    SS Lazio Roma
    I love the dynamo but it's time for changes to the team. Barret must go he has commited to many mistakes this year and he is to slow. Ching is past his time and we should trade him and try to get something before he is not worth anything. we will be back stronger next year.
  21. Dre00

    Dre00 Member

    Oct 12, 2005
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    You know, you can delete posts by trolls. It's kinda what mods are supposed to do. :rolleyes:

    I glanced through the thread so I'll probably repeat but hopefully, I'll add some new thoughts.

    Kamara was dangerous and should not have been subbed off. Ching was playing much worse than Kamara when he made the sub. Holden should have come on right when Davis got injured. Ashe was extremely ineffective after coming on. Dynamo didn't deserve to win but I thought they played well other than the lapse that led to the goal and the tough PK. The chances that NY created in the second half were really only a result of pushing so hard to find a goal to get back into the game. I don't blame the defense for any of those chances or even the goal.

    It seemed to me that we were bossing the game for the start and then let our foot off the gas and that allowed NY to come back into it. After the 2nd goal, NY made no intention to attack and to be honest, on any other day they would have paid for that with a loss. Cepero made some insane saves and the Dynamo blew a host of chances. It just wasn't our day.

    And that happens. It's hard for us to realize it because we've been blessed with so much success but it happens in football. I'm gutted that we lost and a bit in shock but I still won't be convinced that we don't have the best in MLS. There's a lot to be proud of and I'm confident the boys will bounce back. If you start to fell a little blue, just think back to how you felt and where you were in 2006 and 2007 for the MLS Cup victories. That should bring a smile to your face for a moment at least.

    Dale Dynamo...Forever Orange...can't wait for 11/26 and the beginning of the 2009 season.
  22. DirkDynamo

    DirkDynamo Member

    Jan 30, 2008
    Well, I guess we can't win them all. I don't want to get 'mushy', but we're a family here and that's the greatest thing about this whole experience.
  23. OneTerryHurlock

    Aug 24, 2006
    kills me to tell you guys but i told you so.

    Barrett is was and will be a liability just got schooled today.

    whats ten times worse is the fact that

    1. davis stayed on and

    2. ashe in front of holden.

    Dom has privately told stu he should be starting him but he has to be loyal to players who cannot hold his jock let alone be on the field in front of him.

    DK screwed up and i am furious at him for doing so.

    whole squad knew NY would go at WB, but dear old loyal dom stuck by the carthorse.

    this really sucks
  24. metroag

    metroag Da Bomb Diggity

    Mar 2, 2006
    La hacienda
    Well said-except for the Corey part-I would add "on the ball" as I thought he held Richards defensively for the most part, well again for the most part. i am not sure what the heck he was doing with the ball.

    But yours was a great post. I can't believe how much I've agreed with you the past three months. I must have been abducted by aliens on the way home from one of those late night SL matches and brainwashed or something.
  25. The Gribbler

    The Gribbler Member

    Jul 14, 1999
    Cedar Hill, Texas
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    If you've already booked the hotel and bought the game/airline tickets then don't cancel anything. I can tell you that the last 3 MLS Cup weekends have been an extremely enjoyable experience, even when your team is not playing. While LA is a pisshole, I'm sure there's plenty to see and do, or spend a few days in San Diego.

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