I'm less than an hour from the Canadian border near Windsor. What are some of the closest cities where I can see Superliga in Ontario. Do I have to go all the way to Toronto to see a match? I'm literally on the border of Ohio and Michigan. Thank you very much for your time and information.
The only place that comes to mind near Windsor with a fairly large Portuguese community is Leamington, as for any bars/pubs couldn't tell you, i've never been there!
My Cousin just moved into a dorm at the U of Windsor. I will ask her once she gets settled. But Yeah in Toronto there are tons of places.
Heck, some of us even have the games at home! A little pricey @ $329 CAD, but if you are an avid supporter, you can't live without it...
Thanks for even thinking about asking her. I did some random google searches for Canadian pubs and nothing came up. I know that is completely wrong.
I'm didn't know Sagres was cerveza..yumm! Got a family? Pasteis de Nata...custard tarts, huh. My wife is excellent at making desserts. This could work...the wheels in my head are turning.
If you don't mind pick me up on the way as I'm going to DEVILS' house on Saturday to watch Boavista vs Benfica.
LOL...this is hilarious. We could start an international footie caravan an alternate viewing locations all along the route from Windsor to Toronto. I do have a medium size SUV that seats 5 with a DVD player so footie highlights can be viewed via the commute.
Besides Zezinho, who else are you hosting? Perhaps there may be some beer in my fridge for you guys afterwards...
Come by for some beers afterwards, if you guys would like. I'll be watching the Nacional x Sporting match at home...
Nacional vs Sportem is before the Boavista Vs SLB. But yeah, sounds like a good idea, keep them cold!!!