surprise Madjer, Deco and the old captain Joao Pinto, not on the list
Frank, they are on the list... you just saw the 1st of 3 pages. On the top of the page click on the link that says Joao Pinto-Juary and also Branco-Ricardo Carvalho. They're all there including Madjer, Deco, Joao Pinto, Jardel, Futre, Domingos, Jorge Costa etc...
I have to agree but for portuguese players Hernani was a step over everybody else like Jose Aguas his a complete player
with all respect to Porto fans, in my opinion here goes my old time Porto team Baia and Barrigana, Joao Pinto Pedroto F Couto Inacio Oliveira Madjer Cubillas Deco Fernando Gomes Hernani
Ok, i'm having terrible memory. Is the Branco that played for Porto, the same Branco who scored that 40 metre BOMBA vs the Netherlands in the 3-2 QF Brazil victory in WC94?
Completamente de acordo Com todo respeito pelo Joao Pinto para mim o melhor DD foi o Festas.Se o Porto tivesse presentemente um meio campo com Oliveira,Madjer, Cubillas e Deco seria imbativel.
I know people are going to get on me about this but seeing as how I'm still reasonably a young guy (23) my pick would have to be Jardel. Yes, even over Deco. He's been the most dominating player i've seen play for Porto in my life time. Go ahead, Insult me all u want
I have to agree, but he had a great team feeding him: Deco, Drulovic and Zahovic at their best, etc... Gomes is up there too and Deco has to be top 3 without a doubt. And let's not forget Futre, Madjer; BOY, did we have some great players and they dominated during their stays w/ Porto, no doubt!
Since i have 22, i only started following FC Porto in 1992, so i am not going to talk about players before that year... from all the players i saw, i would pick Jardel, Vítor Baía, Deco, Zahovic, Paredes, Kostadinov, Domingos, Fernando Couto, Jorge Costa, Aloisio, Ricardo Carvalho, Paulo Ferreira, Maniche, Costinha, Derlei, Nuno Valente and Sérgio Conceição (in no particular order) Edit: damn i can´t forget Drulovic!
I have 55 years old and let me tell you is very dificult to choose betwin Teofillo Cubillas and Madger.Pavao was also great...died too young , i still remember this game Porto-Setubal !