News: Playoffs 2012

Discussion in 'San Jose Earthquakes' started by TyffaneeSue, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. TyffaneeSue

    TyffaneeSue moderator
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    Nov 15, 2003
    San Jose Earthquakes
    If Dave Kaval is sending out letters like the following, maybe it's time to start believing it could be real. Plus we know there is no way we will ever have a chance of making the playoffs unless at least 10 fans insist that there is absolutely no way we will. Let the games begin!

  2. don gagliardi

    don gagliardi Member+

    San Jose Earthquakes
    Feb 28, 2004
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    Just for the fun of it:

    RD84 and QuietType repped this.
  3. sjquakes08

    sjquakes08 Member+

    Jun 16, 2007
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    Here's something to think about: if we finish on top of the league, we host the MLS cup.

    Where would we put it?! I believe the Pac-12 championship game is right around the time of the cup, which could possibly rule Stanford out. A cup in Buck Shaw?
  4. TyffaneeSue

    TyffaneeSue moderator
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    Nov 15, 2003
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    Updated info: tickets $13 and up for STH, who can buy an apparently unlimited number.

    Despite Dave's email, I've got to think they must be required to set aside at least a few seats for supporters of the opposing team? I can imagine being pretty annoyed if we're, heaven forfend, in a game in LA and we're told that no tickets are available because the STH snatched up every single one. Gal fans!
  5. JazzyJ

    JazzyJ BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 25, 2003
    Kind of presumptuous on the part of DK. Hope he hasn't jinxed the team. But I like the planning ahead and the sentiment - fill up Buck Shaw with Quakes fans - great concept!
  6. QuakeAttack

    QuakeAttack Member+

    Apr 10, 2002
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    With the top five teams make the playoffs, we have a 21 point lead over the sixth place team. We will make the playoffs. At the moment, it's just a matter of which place. Also, on paper, we have the most favorable schedule of the top five teams.

    Of course, we have lost to Portaland tied Chivas at home. Baring multiple major injuries, this team has shown no reason that it can't win at least half of the remainder of their games...
  7. KMJvet

    KMJvet BigSoccer Supporter

    May 26, 2001
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    I think this is fine. 47 pts was the projected # to make the playoffs and we've already got it.
  8. snowisfun

    snowisfun Member

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Don't forget Chivas tied for 6th has 3 games in hand so it could be as small as 12 pts assuming they win those 3.
  9. JazzyJ

    JazzyJ BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 25, 2003
    Not only that, but QuakeAttack and KMJvet are also conveniently forgetting that the Quakes could finish 5th, make the playoffs, but not host a game due to the single elimination playoff that the 4 spot hosts. There is only 10 points separating the Quakes from the 5th spot. Don't say I didn't warn y'all.
    snowisfun repped this.
  10. QuakeAttack

    QuakeAttack Member+

    Apr 10, 2002
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    Not convenient, I just didn't do my homework! Actually, there are 11 points separating us and LA and we have a game in hand.

    Frankly, I will blame you if the Quakes ending up in fifth place. :cautious:
  11. QuakeAttack

    QuakeAttack Member+

    Apr 10, 2002
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    What was the score of the last game Chivas played at home? Chivas is a decent defensive team, but they don't score enough to be a threat. Dallas maybe.
  12. JazzyJ

    JazzyJ BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 25, 2003
    Wow, I could have sworn that mlssoccer had LA in 3rd place with 37 points earlier today. I know they did because I was wondering why they would be ahead of the other two teams with 37 points when they had the worst PPG of the three. So I guess they fixed it. Weird. If they are actually playing their 27th game right now (which they are losing at the moment), and they lose, it would be 11 points and 3 games in hand on LA.

    No, jinxes happen when someone claims that the (negative) circumstance could never happen (and it does). It's a tempting of the soccer gods. I'm trying to dampen the negative energy waves heading their way right now with the hope that they won't notice them.
  13. markmcf8

    markmcf8 Member+

    Oct 18, 1999
    Vancouver, WA, USA
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    This is crap.

    Once again, some mindless idiot at MLSsoccer has put the evil, cheating, animal-abusing, re-bribing, smog-breathing, water-stealing galactopustules in third place in the standings table, when clearly, they are in fifth. I often say that the league loves el-lay and wants them to do well every season. Then I get called a conspiracy nut or some such crap. But look at this! It's some jerk in the league office, trying to boost the filth above their actual station in the table!!

    Same deal for MLS's race for the supporter's shield page.

    Happily, we are ten points ahead of those filth, with two games in hand.

    I'm surprised at how poor the Crapids have been this season, and at how good we and the Whitecraps are.

    I'm looking forward to the playoffs, even though I won't get to go to any games.


    - Mark
  14. ThreeApples

    ThreeApples Member+

    Jul 28, 1999
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    It's a dastardly conspiracy to the list the standings in order of points like they always do.
  15. Neuwerld

    Neuwerld Member+

    Oct 15, 2007
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nah, LA really is in 3rd. Standings aren't based on PPG, and the first tie-breaker is goals scored.
    blacksun repped this.
  16. sjquakes08

    sjquakes08 Member+

    Jun 16, 2007
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    United States
    The hell you talkin about man, they follow a formula. Take off yer tin foil hat.
  17. DotMPP

    DotMPP 'Quakes fan in Stumptown

    San Jose Earthquakes
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    Jun 29, 2004
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    Aww, you missed a big chance at an Animal House quote!

    Stork: Well, what the hell we s'posed to do, you moron?
  18. Earthshaker

    Earthshaker BigSoccer Supporter

    Sep 12, 2005
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    If the tin foil hat fits...........
  19. Old Man!

    Old Man! BigSoccer Supporter

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    I think it's the highest ranked team actually playing in the Cup, not the SS winner. We wouldn't be hosting Seattle and New York.
  20. sjquakes08

    sjquakes08 Member+

    Jun 16, 2007
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    United States
    oh, my mistake

    But hey, still could well be an issue ;)
  21. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
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    Even with the loss against Montreal, the Quakes are still the top team in the league. They need to start waking up though because it seems other teams are catching up. If they get Gordon back this week, things might start changing.
  22. Goodsport

    Goodsport Moderator
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  23. QuietType

    QuietType Member+

    Jun 6, 2009
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    So we have 5 games left? These final weeks are going to be torturous!
  24. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
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    Would be cool to see Lenny , Flash & Wondo blowing everyone out all playing together.
  25. 760Epicenter

    760Epicenter Member

    Apr 15, 2008
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    soooo....Stanford just beat USC. could have implications if stanford host the pac 12 championship and SJ make it to the MLS cup final.
    QuietType repped this.

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