It's that time of year again. Playoff Beards to show your support. We have already clinched a spot so we should start now. I'm am starting mine today. Who's in?
It's that time of year again. Playoff Beards We have already clinched a spot. The boys did their part. Now it's our time to do it. Who's in? Ladies, please don't think you are excluded. No one says you can't join in.
I'll not be participating this season. Presentations and interviews mean that I must be clean shaven.
I am in, but my beard will not actually be a playoff beard. It will be a "I want to be a playoff beard but I am not allowed to join in on the playoff beard" beard.
only if you allow me to. you guys have created this lately. i ask a legitmate question and people like you rey just tear me apart. you forgive michael vick but you can't forgive a die hard Dynamo fan. makes no damn sense.
I'll be in next year, my fiancee, who will then be my wife likes me with a beard (I know, how many guys get a woman who likes that?) as for now, can't work in retail, they'd be unhappy
naw foo! didn't last years bounce from round 1 show you guys that this crap doesn't work! I had a beard in 06,07,08, and until about a month ago said F* it! keep rocking the ratnest ya old farts! it never worked for the Asstros either.
bumping up, since contrary to the OP, ~4 pm CDT Sun. afternoon was the correct time to renounce shaving. As always, I'm in...
I switched over to AT&T cell service last week, of course they screwed up my number. So I go in the next day. I see one of the guys that was there the previous night, although the specific guy that helped me is off. Another girl helps me get my correct number back-I hear the other guy call the guy that originally helped me "dude, remember the guy last night who got the iphone-yah, the Billy Gibbons guy-he's back and he's pissed!" I had to chuckle when I realized he was talking about me. Billy Gibbons? Damn, I take that as a compliment to my playoff beard (although I did start two weeks early). Good to know I don't need hormone replacement yet.
So I awoke in the middle of the night and my chin was burning. Like it was on fire. I jump up and look in the mirror and there is this huge ,maybe 2 or 3 inch spider that embedded it's head in my chin. a few holy @#$@#$ expletives later I am in the car racing to the nearest emergency room, 14 miles away.... The nurse takes a razor and shaves my chin. Not the mustache. Not the side burns. Just the chin.! Man I looked dorky.. not that i don't already mind you, but shi** couldn't that damn spider have bitten my dog instead of my damn chin.. Long and short, as of last night, I am starting over.
damn-on one had that sucks-on the other hand that's a hell of story-you had a spider living in your beard. I found a ladybug in mind the other day, and I thought that was kind of cool, but your story takes the cake.