picanha no forno?

Discussion in 'Brazil NSR' started by Century's Best, Feb 11, 2008.

  1. Century's Best

    Century's Best Member+

    Jul 29, 2003
    Suggestions. I need to use my oven to grill meat and I found a store where they sell picanha and other Brazilian-style cuts.

    What cut works best? I want picanha but would contrafile or something else be better?

    I don't want to use a frying pan!
  2. old_carioca_in_nyc

    Jan 26, 2007
    Your oven must be able to roast the meat rotisserie (rotate) - either automatically or manually.

    Answer to your question: All of the above!

    A Brasilian churrasco is best with a lot of different cuts of beef, chicken. bacon, pork, and plenty of Brahma Beer.


    When are you starting the churrasco? I am coming over... LOL
  3. Century's Best

    Century's Best Member+

    Jul 29, 2003
    Mas eu nao tenho aquele tipo de forno (aonde o espeto gira).

    Pode vir meu, mas vc tem q trazer mulher... :D
  4. old_carioca_in_nyc

    Jan 26, 2007
    Tem que saber como colocar as carnes nos molhos antes de grelhar... pimenta, sal, alho, cebola... etc

    As mulheres vao aparecer sem duvida, se eu chegar ai! LOL
  5. Mengão86

    Mengão86 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 16, 2005
    Maryland, RJ/ES/PE
    Flamengo Rio Janeiro
    Nat'l Team:
    CB, vai fazer um churrasco num forno? Você não tem uma grelha que funciona não??

    old_carioca...não esquece trazer umas garrafas de Skol tbm...:D ah e mulheres JOVENS :p
  6. Century's Best

    Century's Best Member+

    Jul 29, 2003
    Se eu tivesse eu nem perguntaria sobre fazer no forno...

    Olha gente achei essas receitas o q vcs acham?



  7. Mengão86

    Mengão86 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 16, 2005
    Maryland, RJ/ES/PE
    Flamengo Rio Janeiro
    Nat'l Team:
  8. Colorado_GAUCHO

    Nov 16, 2004
    Porto Alegre-BRASIL
    Internacional Porto Alegre
    Nat'l Team:
    Me desculpa a honestidade mas churrasco no Brasil somente no Rio Grande o resto e' carne picada ou grelhada... molhos? e temperos?

    a unica coisa que se poe em carne e' sal grosso e se nao for feito na brasa nao e' churrasco, no forno entao e' "assado".

    olha o amadorismo gurizada

    ass: um churrasqueiro de verdade
  9. Mengão86

    Mengão86 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 16, 2005
    Maryland, RJ/ES/PE
    Flamengo Rio Janeiro
    Nat'l Team:
    É assim que eu penso...
  10. old_carioca_in_nyc

    Jan 26, 2007
    Sem sombra de duvida! O verdadeiro churrasco vem do Rio Grande do Sul.

    forget about the carne assada!

    veja isso aqui:


  11. Century's Best

    Century's Best Member+

    Jul 29, 2003
    Ah, eu gosto de fazer churrasco com carvao e tudo, mas infelizmente no momento nao da...
  12. jkkoplin

    jkkoplin New Member

    Aug 19, 2008
    You should just make a churrasco in your back yard. 2 cinder blocks on each side hold up the skewers, you can put hardwood charcoal on the ground in the middle and you're good to go. If you need kit of skewers and everything else, drop me a line, I'm importing them, at jkkoplin@hotmail.com and please tell me where you're getting all of these good cuts of brazilian beef etc.

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